
Elisabete Martins

Thursday, 09 February 2023 09:33

Doctorales ASRDLF 2023, 26 et 27 janvier 2023

Les Doctorales 2023 ASRDLF auront lieu à Tours, les 26 et 27 janvier 2023.
Elles sont organisées par l’UMR7324 CITERES (Équipe DATE) à l’université de Tours.

Comme vous le savez, ces journées s’adressent aux doctorant(e)s et aux chercheur(e)s qui travaillent sur les problématiques territoriales et régionales de sciences humaines et sociales (aménagement, économie, urbanisme, géographie, gestion, histoire, droit, sciences politiques, sociologie, etc.).

Elles sont un temps d’échanges et de débats privilégiés entre jeunes chercheurs et chercheurs confirmés. Elles se déroulent sous la forme d’ateliers thématiques ou méthodologiques au cours desquels, les doctorants présentent leurs travaux de thèse devant plusieurs enseignants-chercheurs, chercheurs confirmés et autres jeunes chercheurs afin de partager les regards, d’enrichir les expériences et de récolter des conseils sur leur travail.

"The 1st International Conference on
Sustainable Regional Development in Central Asia"
(Ryskulov Readings - 2023)
Dear Colleagues!

This year, on May 11 and 12, Narxoz University , together with The Regional Science Association International , is holding an international conference on sustainable development in Central Asia "The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Regional Development in Central Asia" (Ryskulov Readings - 2023).

RSAI is the publisher of the Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP) - Q2 journal in the Scopus database. According to our agreement, all abstracts approved for presentation by the scientific committee of the conference will be considered by the editors of the journal for publication in the format of an article absolutely free of charge. All other papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

The conference is also dedicated to a significant date - the 60th anniversary of Narxoz University. The university, established in 1963, has trained more than 140,000 graduates for the economy of Kazakhstan, and in 2023 Narxoz draws a jubilee line under its past and reveals grandiose plans for the future.

The main theme of 18th PRSCO Summer Institute is Economic and Social Transformation Amidst the Multi-Pronged Global Crisis and it will be held in Siam Reap, Cambodia, on 13-14 June 2023. The Institute aims, among others, to encourage more discussion on current policies and programs in promoting regional economic development in Cambodia and the region, particularly Myanmar and Laos, and to encourage more research and innovation on this topic. The summer will also provide opportunities for researchers all over the world, particularly those in the Asia-Pacific region, to present their ideas on the topics of regional development, regional planning, industrial development, trade, institution, public finance and other related issues, including the environment.

The Institute is hosted and organized by the Asian Vision Institute, in collaboration with the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO). The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Phnom Penh aiming to promote inclusive, adapting and sustainable societies in Asia.”

Cities and territories in the developing world facing the challenges of ecological and digital transitions. A South-North perspective

28-29 April 2023 | Hammamet-Tunisia


The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and the Faculty of Economics and Management of Sfax (University of Sfax) are organising the first international conference on sustainable regional development in cities and territories in the developing world. The conference aims to bring together leading scientists, researchers and academics to exchange and share their expertise and knowledge on all aspects of sustainable development at the scale of cities and territories. It also serves as an interdisciplinary platform to discuss existing trends and challenges and responses adapted to the context of developing countries.

Call for papers

At the dawn of the 21st century, cities are at the forefront of the development race. They are home to more than half of the world's population. While urbanisation is a widespread phenomenon, it is in the developing world that cities are growing most rapidly[1] and sometimes abruptly. It is estimated that by 2030, around 5 billion people will be living in cities, over 80% of them in developing countries. Such urban dynamics can only produce strong interactions with the major changes affecting the world today, particularly with regard to environmental and social transitions. These interactions bring with them new challenges for socio-economic development policies and territorial planning, which are called upon to be renewed in depth in both the North and the South, regardless of the specific situations that may be encountered on either side[2].
Given that urbanisation goes hand in hand with economic growth[3], it is legitimate to ask whether or not this urban transformation offers the countries of the South a new development opportunity and the promise of a better quality of life. In reality, it can be assumed that this will depend on how the South conceives, governs and manages its cities and territories. 
In the South, the particularly rapid growth of cities - which is accompanied by a massive flow of goods, people and information, both tangible and intangible - poses major challenges related to global health, economic, social, ecological and climate issues, especially for city dwellers who live mainly in informal settlements and for people who have migrated from rural areas.
The growth of cities is not just a demographic phenomenon. It is also a fundamental transformation in the nature and scale of economic production, social structures, patterns of interaction and land use, city-nature relationships[4], etc. Such a transformation has profound impacts on resource, capacity and governance requirements. The densification of cities increases the need for complex systems for water and energy supply, natural environment protection, health, safety, waste management and related infrastructure.
In response to these environmental and societal challenges, cities and territories must reinvent themselves to seize the opportunities that arise. These challenges are expressed in terms of economic development, well-being[5] and social and institutional change. As a result, new narratives and new specific and contextualised solutions are being expressed in both the North and the South. New ways are emerging to define 'imagined' cities that are more functional, more attractive, more inclusive, more cooperative, more respectful of their environment, less selective and less enclave. The question then arises as to how to reconcile the functioning of an "ordinary" economy (capable of meeting basic social and local needs) with the rise of an "extraordinary" economy (technological, innovative, competitive, etc.).
Thinking about sustainability in the cities and territories of developing countries implies broadening our field of investigation and reflection. It is a question of trying to produce development models and alternatives adapted to the socio-economic and environmental epistemology of the cities of the South by relying on their potentialities and their resilience capacities. Fortunatly, the economic literature and public policies on innovation have abandoned a restricted vision centred on the technical dimension alone, which is well suited to the countries of the North. Considering innovation and the policies dedicated to it under a broader prism is a promising path for the sustainable development of cities and territories in the South. Whether technological, organisational, societal or institutional, in the North as in the South[6], innovation becomes the major element that 'forges the territory', fuels local socio-economic development and makes it possible to overcome traditional disciplinary modes, which produce massive nuisances and individual and collective malaise. This suggests - as Pugh (2013)[7], Barthel and Monkid (2011)[8] and many others point out - that, against the tide of supposed global convergence, the countries of the South need to invent their own sustainable development systems while drawing on the models, policies and tools of the pioneering sustainability cities.
The aim of this conference is to understand the trends that affect the strong urbanisation of cities in the developing world and to identify the appropriate responses to invent the sustainable city of tomorrow. The various dimensions of transition (economic, social, ecological, digital, institutional, spatial, cultural) will be studied through the prism of innovation in order to understand how it can reorient territorial development trajectories in a context of increased uncertainty and acute inter-territorial competition[9]. While the primary objective of this conference is to better understand the challenges of urban transition in the South, it is also expected that contributions will address the dynamics of transition in the cities of the North and the responses to global challenges (environmental, climatic and societal) that are being made there.
This general theme can be approached from many angles, including but not limited to :
  1. Ecological and digital transitions, innovations and the city of the future
  2. Entrepreneurship and sustainable urban development
  3. Sustainable transport and logistics
  4. Local policies, social economy and social innovation 
  5. Institutional innovations and urban governance
  6. Transformation of city-nature relations
  7. Industrial and territorial ecology
  8. Finance and regional development
  9. Climate change and resilience
  10. Migration and development of cities in the South
  11. Econometric and spatial modelling and city growth
  12. Health, education, food security and urban growth
Writing guidelines
Authors are asked to provide the following:
  1. Contact details of the author(s) (surname, first name, title, affiliation, e-mail).
  2. The title of the proposal
  3.  An 800 word abstract describing the purpose of the paper, the context, the method used and the expected results.
  4. A list of 5 key words
  5. Ten or so bibliographical references
 Paper proposals should be submitted by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

[1] Pugh C (2013), Sustainable Cities in Developing Countries. London, Routledge
[2] Lejardins X (2021), l’aménagement du territoire. Armand Collin.
[3] Banque mondiale (2008)
[4] Carrière et al. (2021), Faire nature en ville. L’Harmattan.
[5] Bourdeau-Lepage (2022), Révéler les aspirations des citadins pour des villes amènes. L’outil Tell_Me, in Urbanisme du bien-être. Des initiatives à partager.
[6] wd Barthel P-A et Zaki L (2011), Expérimenter la ville durable au sud de la Méditerranée. Chercheurs et professionnels en dialogue, Coll. Villes et Territoires, Edition de l’Aube, La Tour-d’Aigues.
[7] Pugh C (2013), Sustainable Cities in Developing Countries. London, Routledge
[8] Barthel P.A et Monqid S. (2011), Introduction. Cairo and sustainability: a provocative issue? Égypte/Monde arabe, 8/2011, document 8, Online since 01 September 2012.
[9]   Hamdouch A., Depret M.-H. et Tanguy C. (Eds.), Mondialisation et résilience des territoires. Trajectoires, dynamiques d’acteurs et expériences, Presses de l’Université du Québec, Québec, 2012, 292 p.

The Call for Application is OPEN!

36th ERSA Summer School

The Digital Future of Smart Cities

3 to 7 July 2023 I Iasi (Romania)

The ERSA Summer School is jointly organised with

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași - Centre for European Studies (UAIC - CES) and in partnership with the

Romanian Regional Science Association (RRSA)

Preliminary List of Keynote Lecturers

Alexandru Banica (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania) - Stanislav Ivanov (Varna University of Management, Bulgaria) - Nicos Komninos (URENIO Research, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) - Daniela-Luminita Constantin (Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania and Romanian Regional Science Association) - André Torre (University Paris-Saclay, France, ERSA )

5 Speakers SMS2023

Who should apply

We welcome applications from young researchers looking for state-of-the art knowledge from proven scholars in the field of the School, and interested in exchanging on the challenges related to digitalization, smart development

 smart city and other related topics

read more

Important: Places are limited to 25 Participants

> Submit your Application

Deadline: 24 March 2023

Follow us and join the conversation on #ERSASummerSchool

Tuesday, 07 February 2023 20:14

RSPP Special Issue Award

RSPP Special Issue Award

For the Best Special Issue Editors in Regional Science Policy and Practice

RSPP Special Issue Award aims to stimulate the quality of an enlarged editorial team focused in the edition of Special Issues.

RSPP Special Issue Award prizes the special issues with more than seven papers, published two years before based on their citations per paper and the judgement of a jury composed by three Fellows, the President and the Immediate Past President.

Winners 2024

Following the rules of the RSPP Special Issue Award the recipients of the RSPP Special Issue Award in 2024 based on the special published in 2022 and approved by the Jury composed by by Hans Westlund, Eduardo Haddad, David Plane, Bruce Newbold, Philip McCann and Neil Reid are:


karimaPeterNijkLouafi Bouzouina, Karima Kourtit and Peter Nijkamp for the Special Issue 1 “Covid-19, Transport and Mobility” with 11 papers and 73 Cite Score citations (ratio 6,60) in August 2024. 

Winners 2023

Following the rules of the RSPP Special Issue Award the recipients of the RSPP Special Issue Award in 2023 based on the special published in 2021 and approved by the Jury composed by Hans Westlund, Eduardo Haddad, Gordon Mulligan, David Plane and Phillip McCann are:

Neil Reid 1

1st Place

Neil Reid for the Special Issues on “Effects and Policies of Covid-19” with 8 papers and 44 Cite Score citations (ratio 5,50) in September 2023. 

2nd Place

Eveline S. van Leeuwen and Solmaria Halleck Vega for the Special Issue “Voting and the rise of populism: Spatial perspectives and applications across Europe” with 10 papers and 50 Cite Score Citations (ratio 5,00) in September 2023.

116 postiglione

3rd Place

Paolo Postiglione for the Special Issue “New directions for regional analysis: Methods and applications” with 11 papers and 49 Cite Scores citations (ratio 4,45) in September 2023.

1. Goal

The Award recognizes annually the RSPP Special Issue, published two years before that, having obtained high citations per article, clearly demonstrated the use of advanced replicable methods, rooted in the regional science and with effective evidences for policy makers on emerging topics related to human interaction within space.

2. The Award

2.1 The award recognizes and honours editors of RSPP special issues that manage to select, with a rigorous blind review process, a set of complementary and original contributions on emerging topics of human interaction within space. The editor in chief cannot receive the award.

2.2 The Prize is annual and awards the best Special Issue with more than seven papers, published two years before on Regional Science Policy and Practice.

2.3 The Award selects one Special Issue per year and, exceptionally, two that will divide the award equally.

2.4 The Award involves the payment of 750 €, one plaque and certificates for the editors of the Special Issue.

3. Jury and Process for Recommending the Award

3.1 In September of each year, the Editor in Chief of Regional Science Policy and Practice ranks the Special Issues of two years before according to the total number of citations per number of papers of the Special Issue.

3.2 The Editor-in Chief of Regional Science Policy and Practice send the ranks of the Special Issues for appraisal to the jury composed by three Fellows, the President of RSAI and the immediate past President of RSAI;

3.3 The Editor-in-Chief of Regional Science Policy and Practice will inform the Executive Director of RSAI of the decision of the Jury, and the Executive Director of RSAI will inform the recipient(s) of the Award.

3.4 The Awardee(s) will be invited to attend one of the Supra-Regional (NARSC, LACRSA, ERSA, PRSCO) meetings or the RSAI World Congress to receive the Award.

3.5 The first RSPP Special Issue Award will be granted based on the Special Issues published in 2021.

The Call for Application is OPEN!

36th ERSA Summer School

The Digital Future of Smart Cities

3 to 7 July 2023 I Iasi (Romania)

The ERSA Summer School is jointly organised with

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași - Centre for European Studies (UAIC - CES) and in partnership with the

Romanian Regional Science Association (RRSA)

Preliminary List of Keynote Lecturers

Alexandru Banica (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania) - Stanislav Ivanov (Varna University of Management, Bulgaria) - Nicos Komninos (URENIO Research, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) - Daniela-Luminita Constantin (Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania and Romanian Regional Science Association) - André Torre (University Paris-Saclay, France, ERSA )

5 Speakers SMS2023

Who should apply

We welcome applications from young researchers looking for state-of-the art knowledge from proven scholars in the field of the School, and interested in exchanging on the challenges related to digitalization, smart development

 smart city and other related topics

read more

Important: Places are limited to 25 Participants

> Submit your Application

Deadline: 24 March 2023

Follow us and join the conversation on #ERSASummerSchool

2023 SRSA Meeting - Savannah, Georgia

Call for Papers

Join us for the 62nd Annual Meeting of the
Southern Regional Science Association
at the Marriot Savannah Riverfront Hotel

March 30 – April 1, 2023

Submit Individual Abstractsby February 15th and Organized Sessions by February 7th at

For conference rates, book your hotel by February 28, 2023

Book your group rate for Southern Regional Science Association 62nd Annual Meeting

Upcoming Deadlines

Early Bird Registration Discount: February 21st

Additional information can be found at

2023 SRSA Conference Website

Southern Regional Science Association

Please share with others who might wish to attend.

Click here to sign up for SRSA News


We are pleased to inform you that a new issue of the Regional Statistics has been released and now it’s avaiable online.



Balázs István Tóth: Territorial capital in the European Union: Measuring the territorial endowments of the EU-28 NUTS 2 regions over the 2010s

Mohammad Kashour: Interlinkages between human development, residential energy consumption, and energy efficiency for the EU-27 Member States, 2010–2018

Aaron D. Nazarian – Steven L. Fullerton – Thomas M. Fullerton, Jr.: Yield spreads and business cycle downturn predictability across Texas, 1991–2018

Olga Anatol'yevna Chernova – Danil Sergeyevich Gridnev: Resilience of Russian regions in the face of COVID-19

Szabolcs Nagy – Sergey U. Chernikov – Ekaterina Degtereva: The impact of the pharmaceutical industry on the innovation performance of European countries

Betsabé Pérez Garrido – Viktoriia Semenova – Szabolcs Szilárd Sebrek: Exploring the profile of innovative enterprises in high-tech manufacturing sectors: The case of the regions of Madrid and Catalonia in 2016

Aliaksei Zhurauliou – Jordan Palomino – Olena Gulevych – László Vasa: Comparative analysis of labour markets in Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, and Estonia: Institutional approach, 1995–2020

Petra Kinga Kézai – János Rechnitzer: Performance of enterprises in cultural and creative industries in large Hungarian cities between 2008 and 2018

Join us to our social networking sites:

Wednesday, 01 February 2023 07:31

ERSA Monthly E-news - January 2023

31 January 2023 - Nr 1/23

The issue includes:

  • #ERSA2023 Call for abstracts
  • Ongoing Calls on ERSA Sections' Agendas
  • Journal news
  • Members publish
  • Vacancies

Dear Members of ERSA, dear Colleagues,

First of all, on behalf of ERSA, I would like to welcome and congratulate the New President of APDR: João Carlos Correia Leitão.

We are happy to share with you the very interesting events' agenda for the coming months, starting with our landmark Congress coming to Alicante & online next August .

The Call for abstracts and papers is ongoing. With over 70 Special Session proposals, we can already be confident that together with the LOC and AECR, we will design a very promising event. Join us for the #ERSA2023 edition to exchange and network with peers from around the world.

Our summer school in IASI, in July, is very promising. We invite PhD students to prepare themselves for the call for application, and stay tuned to our website for full information shortly.

Last but not least, the ongoing opportunities coming from our sections is very interesting, with many events added recently. Don't miss out the current calls and wide choice of topics.

We wish you a good reading.

With best wishes

André Torre, ERSA President

Internal Communication

APDR: New President Elected

We are pleased to announce the election of João Carlos Correia Leitão (University of Beira Interior) as President of APDR, the Portuguese Section of ERSA-RSAI. 

We wish João Leitão and the entire new board a successful term!

Read more


The Call for Abstracts & Papers is ongoing!

Deadline: 28 February 2023

Submit your abstract/paper here!

36th ERSA Summer School

The Digital Future of Smart Regions

3-7 July 2023, Iasi, Romania

You are a PhD student or early-career researcher, eager to learn more on digital issues from prominent professors in the field, then this event is tailor-made for you.

Stay tuned to ERSA Website for more info in the coming days.

Sections' Events

With ongoing calls & deadlines

Italian Section: XLIV Annual Scientific Conference

Europe and the Mediterranean between transitions and conflicts. Opportunities and risks for regions and territories

6-8 September 2023 Naples, Italy

Organised Session deadline: 31 January 2023

Paper/Poster deadline: 28 February 2023


Exdended Deadline

British & Irish Section: 49th Annual RSAI-BIS Conference

4-6 July 2023 │ Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK Submission extended deadline: 10 February 2023


French-speaking Section: 59th ASRDLF Colloquium

Peripheral territories and outermost regions in the face of major crises. The return of distance

28-30 June 2023 │ Reunion, France

Submission deadline: 15 February 2023


Extended Deadline

Slovak Section: 11th Winter Seminar

15-18 March 2023 Donovaly, Slovakia

Submission extended deadline: 15 February 2023


Croatian Section: 14th International Conference

Design for the Next Generation

17-19 May 2023 Bol, Island Brač, Croatia

Full Paper submission deadline: 6 March 2023


New Call

Turkish Section: 22nd National Regional Science and Planning Congress

8-10 June 2023 Samsun, Turkey

Abstract Submission deadline: 15 March 2023


11th Seminar of Spatial Econometric Jean Paelinck (In memoriam of Jesús Mur)

Networks and spatial interaction of economic systems at a point level: theory and empirical issues

20-21 April 2023, Cartagena, Spain

Abstracts submission deadline: 17 March 2023


New Call

Italian Section: 4th AISRe Summer School

Resilience of territories and firms: theories, measures and applications

27-30 June 2023 Palermo, Italy

Application deadline: 24 March 2023


VI Seminar for New Academic Researchers

14-15 September 2023, Barcelona, Spain

Abstract Submission deadline: 15 July 2023


Other' Events

With ongoing calls & deadlines

Still time to register!

H2020 Untangled Workshop

Old and New Inequalities In Disruptive Times

1 February 2023, Politecnico di Milano, Italy│Hybrid

Keynote Speaker: George Petrakos, University of Thessaly

Registration is free.


Giorgio Rota Conference

May 2023, Turin, Italy

Call For XI Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award

Subject: Urban economies as complex systems

Paper submission deadline: 19 March 2023


3rd European Rural Geographies Conference

Rural Geographies in Transition

26-29 June 2023, Groningen, The Netherlands

Submission extended deadline: 14 February 2023


See all scheduled Events 2023

Journal News

Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP)

Special Issue on Climate Economics

Submission deadline: 15 November 2023 more

Journal of Regional Research -

Investigaciones Regionales

Issue 54, 3rd volume, 2022 is now published.

In 2022, the flagship journal of the Spanish Association of Regional Science has been positioned in the First Quartile (Q1) of Scopus, and for the incoming 2023 will receive a Journal Impact Factor in the Web of Science Core Collection of Clarivate.


AISRe e-book

Launched in 2014, the Series hosts multidisciplinary and monographic contributions on topical issues that are methodologically rigorous but with an informative slant.


ERSA-RSAI Members Publish

Three Decades of Polish Socio-Economic Transformations

Geographical Perspectives


Paweł Churski,Tomasz Kaczmarek, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, Poland 

About the book

·     Analyses and discusses the systematisation of Polish socio-economic transformations of the last three decades using selected examples of the most important changes

·     Aims to present the course and effects, in particular territorial, of Poland’s socio-economic transformation in the years 1990–2020.

Springer Cham, 2022

Read more

Forthcoming Publication

Research Handbook on Transnational Diaspora Entrepreneurship


Rolf Sternberg, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany, Maria Elo, University of Southern Denmark, Jonathan Levie, J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, University of Galway, Ireland, José Ernesto Amorós, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico

About the book

·     Provides insights into entrepreneurship across a range of country contexts, migration corridors and national policies to provide a collection of conceptual, empirical and policy-focused findings addressing transnational diaspora entrepreneurship

·     Illustrates the phenomenon, considering what it is, how it works and how it is regulated

·     Conceptual and methodological developments are presented from multiple perspectives, embedding unique country- and- context-based empirical research.

Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023

Read more

Knowledge Management for Regional Policymaking


Robert Laurini, Knowledge Systems Institute, USA and University of Lyon, France

Peter Nijkamp, Karima Kourtit, Open University in the Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands, Louafi Bouzouina, LEAT, France

About the book

·     Focuses the attention on new avenues in regional information and knowledge management, while we will zoom in particularly on the potential promises and hurdles of digital technology

·     The present study seeks to present a selection of state-of-the-art contributions on advanced – often digitally-oriented – regional information and knowledge management foundations, principles and practices written by several experts in the field of spatial informatics

Springer Cham, 2023

Read more

See all recent publications

New publications to share?

Your are member of the ERSA Community and you have recently published a book, grasp this opportunity to inform us about it. We are looking for

· Books published in 2023

· Preferably written in English 

Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


·     Research Internship at OECD. Application deadline: 05 February 2023

·     PhD Position at WUR. Application deadline: 13 February 2023

·     ESRC PhD Studentship at Aston University. Application deadline: 26 February 2023

read more on current vacancies

If you want to share an announcement interesting for our community,

Send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will promote it via our channels

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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