
Elisabete Martins

PhotoDanielaConstantinDaniela Constantin awarded the Kohno prize!

The committee (made up of Hans Westlund, RSAI president; Yoshiro Higano and Eduardo Haddad, LRPC members; and Lily Kiminami, RSAI Council member) in charge of selecting the recipient of the 2023 Hirotada Kohno award recommended Prof. Daniela Constantin (RRSA) to be the recipient of the award. The motivation provided by the committee reads as follows :

Dr Daniela Constantin, Professor of Regional and Urban Economics and Policy at the Bucharest University of Economic

Studies, Romania, has served the Regional Science community since the early 1990s. She has been the main character behind the establishment and development of the Romanian Section of the RSAI, for which she has served as President for over twenty years. Also, she is the Scientific Director of the Romanian Journal of Regional Science (founded 2007).

Daniela Constantin has been a member of the ERSA Council for more than 20 years, and has over the years had an innumerable number of commissions for ERSA. Currently, she is one of the editors of the “Papers in Regional Science” under Rosella Nicolini’s leadership as well as a member of the editorial boards of “Regional Science Policy and Practice” and “Region”. When the RSAI World Congress was held in Timisoara 2012, Professor Constantin served as Co-President of the Organising Committee.  Thereafter, she has among other things been elected as Councilor-at-Large of the RSAI Council for two consecutive terms (2020-2022 and 2023-2025).

Dr Daniela Constantin’s long-term, selfless involvement at different levels in the Regional Science community makes her a worthy recipient of the Kohno Award.

Andrea Caragliu

Associate Professor of Regional and Urban Economics

Politecnico di Milano, ABC Department

RSAI Executive Director


The Regional Science Academy (TRSA) events during the ERSA conference in August 2023

Dear TRSA members, dear RSAI friends and others:

We hope you have enjoyed a most satisfying holiday season. Next week the ERSA conference will be held in Alicante. We expect a great event. On the occasion of ERSA, The Regional Science Academy (TRSA) has organized various special events:

  1. ABC (Advanced Brainstorm Carrefour) on ‘New Spatial Coronametric Analyses in Regional Science,’ scheduled for Tuesday, August 29, 2023, from 09:30 to 17:30.

Final ABC programme:

  1. Memorial session on Roberto Camagni, followed by an informal get-together ​​​annex reception, to be held on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, from 18:00 to 19:15. 

          Join Zoom Meeting:         

          Meeting ID: 817 1384 5081

          Passcode: 418227

Final memorial session programme: TBA very soon!

  1. Special Academic Session (SAS) S78 on ‘The Geography of Happiness: The Urban Paradox in Well-being, Satisfaction, and Love,’ to be held on Thursday, August 31, 2023, starting at 09:00 and concluding at 18:00.

Final SAS -  S78  programme

  1. Special Academic Session (SAS) S79 on ‘Is the New Economic Geography (NEG) still Alive and Well in 2023? Smart Algorithmic Places and Artificial Intelligent Systems,”’ taking place on Friday, September 1, 2023, from 09:00 to 16:15

​​​The latter session includes two great events:

  • · Great Minds in Regional Sciencesession on the legacy of Ake Andersson, by Bjorn Harsman and Folke Snickars, from 12:25 to 13:15.
  • · ​Keynote speakers & Roundtable Discussionon: 

Is the New Economic Geography (NEG) still Alive and Well in 2023?”, from 14:00 to 16:15, featuring esteemed speakers like Nobel laureate Professor Paul Krugman, Edward Glaeser, Carlos Moreno, and many other distinguished scholars!          

Final SAS -  S79 programme:


Please inform us if you would like to join us (online/onsite) via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We hope to welcome you all, either physically or online (see full programmes:

Cordially yours,


Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science

Special Issue: Assessment of small-town development for inclusive, higher, and sustainable economic growth

Urbanization is a necessary component of economic growth. However, to maximize its benefits, urban management is crucial. In industrialized nations, urban expansion is polycentric and less concentrated, which is helpful in this regard. According to data from the 2018 Revision of World Urbanization Prospects, of the 30 major urban agglomerations, India is home to four while Europe has one. Compared to 25% in India and 20% globally, just 9% of the European population reside in cities with a population of over 5 million. Indian urbanization is mainly concentrated in and around the large cities: 47 million-plus cities in India accommodated about 40% of the total urban population in 2011. Because of this, the dominance of large cities in developing nations has baselessly neglected a significant number of small towns, which are crucial for reducing poverty, promoting regional equality, fostering the growth of a town's surrounding rural areas, relieving pressure on large cities, and promoting non-farming activities for sustainable urbanization and achieving higher economic development. The emergence of small towns draws a sizable number of people from rural regions into the city, where they will be employed to the best ability to increase and sustain economic growth. Furthermore, the development of small towns needs to be given much more priority to accomplish Sustainable Development Goal 11 (United Nations Development Program, 2015). 

Cover Image

Papers in Regional Science
Volume 102, Issue 4

Pages: 675-900

August 2023


Free Access

Issue Information

Pages: 675-676 | First Published: 23 August 2023


Place‐based subsidies and employment growth in rural America: Evidence from the broadband initiatives programme

Anil Rupasingha, John Pender, Ryan Williams, Joshua Goldstein, Devika Nair

Pages: 677-708 | First Published: 01 June 2023

Open Access

The evolution of the Kuznets curve in Canada

Sébastien Breau, Annie Lee

Pages: 709-735 | First Published: 01 May 2023

Open Access

Analysing public debt in the Mexican states: Spatial convergence, regional drivers and policy recommendations

Mihaela Simionescu, Javier Cifuentes-Faura

Pages: 737-760 | First Published: 29 June 2023

Open Access

Mental health assimilation of rural–urban migrants in developing countries: Evidence from Indonesia's four cities

Rus'an Nasrudin, Budy P. Resosudarmo

Pages: 761-790 | First Published: 11 July 2023

Innovation dynamics and club convergence in innovation activity in China: A temporal perspective

Eduardo Jimenez-Moro, Panagiotis Piperopoulos, Mario Kafouros, Alan Au Kai Ming

Pages: 791-816 | First Published: 05 July 2023

Open Access

Regional development trap in Turkey: Can relatedness find a way out?

İbrahim Tuğrul Çınar

Pages: 817-850 | First Published: 30 May 2023

Open Access

Examination of related diversification in laggard regions

Kyriakos Drivas, Claire Economidou, Ioannis Kaplanis, Maria Theano Tagaraki

Pages: 851-869 | First Published: 17 July 2023

Open Access

Putting MARS into space. Non‐linearities and spatial effects in hedonic models

Fernando López, Konstatin Kholodilin

Pages: 871-896 | First Published: 25 May 2023


How the world really works: The science behind how we got here and where we are going. By Vaclav Smil, Penguin. 2022.

Yu (Marco) Nie

Pages: 897-900 | First Published: 30 June 2023


Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP)

Call for Papers Special Issue: Geography of discontent and beyond: extreme voting, protestations, riots and violence, and their spatial content

Guest editors

André Torre (University Paris-Saclay) and Sébastien Bourdin (EM Normandie Business School)

Research on the geography of discontent has become increasingly important in recent years, focusing on populations dissatisfied with their day-to-day life, who express their discontent through extreme or dissident votes (Rodríguez-Pose, 2018; McCann, 2018). However, voting is not the only expression of discontent, which can manifest in various ways and can often be more direct or even brutal, especially through street protests.

Protest movements, such as the Yellow Vests in France (Bourdin & Torre, 2023) or anti-austerity protests in Greece (Artelaris & Tsirbas, 2018), have taken a significant place in the contemporary global political landscape. These movements, which arise at the local, national and international levels, reflect deep political discontent, often rooted in economic, social and spatial disparities (Brenner et al., 2010; Eva et al., 2022). The recent riots in France may also be related to this family of movements of protestation.

Research in political geography has shown that these movements are often linked to the perception of socio-spatial injustice (Soja, 2009). With this in mind, economic and social disparities at the local and regional levels are becoming focal points of tension (Rodríguez-Pose, 2018). These movements can be understood as responses to socio-economic and political exclusion, alongside spatial marginalization (Marcuse, 2009).

In addition to economic and social disparities, other parameters may explain the genesis of discontent. Decentralization, for example, has often strengthened some regions at the expense of others. This trend has often resulted in increased metropolisation, characterized by disproportionate investment in large urban centres, abandoning many peripheral territories (Torre & Bourdin, 2023). This process can exacerbate regional inequalities and contribute to a sense of abandonment among people in deprived areas, fueling discontent and protest (Bourdin & Tai, 2022). In addition, the quality of institutions - at national, regional and local levels - is another major factor in dissatisfaction. Weak or ineffective institutions can create resentment among the population, generating political tensions that can manifest themselves in the street (Rodríguez-Pose, 2020). Studies have shown that when citizens perceive their institutions to be corrupt, ineffective or indifferent to their needs, they are more likely to participate in protest movements (Rothstein & Teorell, 2008).

Thus, protest movements often serve as revelators of regional inequalities, highlighting gaps in local and regional public policies (Pike et al., 2017). They challenge traditional territorial governance frameworks and highlight the need for more inclusive approaches to regional and territorial development, addressing issues of conflict and local opposition (Torre, 2023).

In this context, we are seeking researches that explore protest movements, going beyond the now well-documented analyses of protest by voting for extreme parties. Topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to:

  • • The analysis of issues related to extreme voting behaviors, considering their socio-spatial aspects and an exploration of perceived or actual factors of exclusion. How can we go further than the major examples recently analysed?
  • • Geographic analysis of protest movements: How do spatial characteristics, regional socio-economic factors, urban planning, transport and mobility influence the birth, development and impact of these movements?
  • • Regional inequalities and their role in political disenchantment and discontent: How do regional economic, social and environmental inequalities fuel these protest movements?
  • • The role of regional and local policies in the emergence of protest movements: How much responsibility do regional public policies play in the emergence of these movements?
  • • Forms and methods of protest: How different forms of protest (street demonstrations, occupation of specific places, traditional media such as television, press or radio, mobilization on social networks) influence the dynamics and impact of protest movements? What role do these different forms play in the construction of a collective identity and in the elaboration of spatial protest strategies?
  • • Regional consequences of protest movements: How do these movements affect local economies, regional development, social structures, the environment and public policies?
  • • Policy strategies to mitigate disenchantment and political discontent: What policies and practices have been effective in addressing these issues at the local and regional level? What lessons can be learned for the future?

Deadline for submission of full papers: 31st January 2024

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(Some waivers will be displayed for the best papers whose authors are not able to pay APCs)


Artelaris, P., & Tsirbas, Y. (2018). Anti-austerity voting in an era of economic crisis: Regional evidence from the 2015 referendum in Greece. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 36(4), 589-608.

Bourdin, S., & Tai, J. (2022). Abstentionist voting–between disengagement and protestation in neglected areas: A spatial analysis of the Paris metropolis. International Regional Science Review, 45(3), 263-292.

Bourdin, S., & Torre, A. (2023). Geography of contestation: A study on the Yellow Vest movement and the rise of populism in France. Journal of Regional Science, 63(1), 214-235.

Brenner, N., Peck, J., & Theodore, N. (2010). Variegated neoliberalization: geographies, modalities, pathways. Global Networks, 10(2), 182-222.

Eva, M., Cehan, A., Corodescu-Roșca, E., & Bourdin, S. (2022). Spatial patterns of regional inequalities: Empirical evidence from a large panel of countries. Applied Geography, 140, 102638.

McCann, P. (2018). The trade, geography and regional implications of Brexit. Papers in Regional Science, 97, 3-8.

Pike, A., Rodríguez-Pose, A., & Tomaney, J. (2017). Local and regional development. Routledge.

Rodríguez-Pose, A. (2018). The revenge of the places that don’t matter (and what to do about it). Cambridge journal of regions, economy and society, 11(1), 189-209.

Rodríguez‐Pose, A. (2020). Institutions and the fortunes of territories. Regional Science Policy & Practice, 12(3), 371-386.

Soja, E. (2009). The city and spatial justice. Justice spatiale/Spatial justice, 1(1), 1-5.

Torre, A. (2023). Contribution to the theory of territorial development: a territorial innovations approach. Regional Studies, 1-16.

Torre, A., & Bourdin, S. (2023). The French territorial reform of the regions: Objectives, risks and challenges for some forgotten territories. International Journal of Public Administration, 46(11), 761-772.

Monday, 07 August 2023 08:33

ERSA2023 Agenda is out!

Programme Overview

ERSA2023 Agenda


ERSA2023 Programme is out!

2 Days' Sessions


28-29 August

3 Days' Sessions


30 August - 1 September

What's on the Agenda

> 7 Keynote Lectures

> 3 Outstanding Roundtables 

> 100 Special Sessions, 134 General Themes' Sessions

> 14 Young Scientists' Sessions and Epainos Paper election

> Over 950 Presentations from 52 countries around the world

>> Keynote Lectures HIGHLIGHT *HYBRID

>>> Keynote lectures read more

And more proven scholars including Roberta Capello, Peter Nijkamp, Alessandra Faggian, Paul Krugman (online), Edward Glaeser (online), and many others ...

>> 3 outstanding Roundtables *HYBRID

Roundtable I

Territory matters. The legacy of Roberto Camagni

Roundtable II by OECD

Shrinking smartly and sustainably

Roundtable III by UNICE-REM

Housing affordability, energy efficiency and Health, Policy Challenges: The applicable regulations in cities and region

>>> Roundtables read more

>> Other Highlighted Sessions include

·     Joint Meeting with Editors (Alicante- HYBRID)

·     Special Session ERC Funding Programme by the European Commission (Alicante-S74)

·     Special Session Alicante-S51 Cátedra Transformación ME- MIT Panel: Energy efficiency, social sustainability and buildings (Alicante-S51)

·     ABC Programme by TRSA "New Spatial Coronametric Analyses In Regional Science" (Alicante- ABC)

·     And many other Sessions of high interest!

Not yet registered?

Join us as an Attendee: ERSA Congress is open to anyone interested in attending.

·     ERSA Annual congress is the largest event of regional scientists and practitioners from across the globe!

·     ERSA Congress is a unique platform to share, network, and learn.

·     Benefits of attending include access to the recording of all HYBRID Sessions and Online Parallel Sessions (Replay after the event)


Be part of it! Register now

Follow the event and start networking with fellow participants from around the world on twitter #ersa2023

To Keep up-to-date with all events on the agenda, visit our upcoming events page on our website.

27 July 2023

Professor Attila Varga is awarded the ERSA European Prize in Regional Science 2023

The ERSA and the Jury of the ERSA Prize Committee are pleased to announce that this year’s prize recognizes Attila Varga (Professor of Applied Economics, University of Pecs, Hungary) for his outstanding contribution in regional science.

His scientific production counts important contributions published in renowned academic journals including a seminal contribution on on “Local geographic spillovers between university research and high technology innovations” (jointly with L. Anselin and Z. Acs) published in Journal of Urban Economics (1997).

Attila's recent publications include: “Economic impact modeling of smart specialization policy: Which industries should prioritization target?” (with N. Szabó and T. Sebestyén) published in Papers in Regional Science (2020); “Estimating the economic impacts of knowledge network and entrepreneurship development in smart specialization policy”. (with T. Sebestyén, N. Szabó, and L. Szerb) in Regional Studies (2020); and “Knowledge networks in regional development: an agent-based model and its application”. (with T. Sebestyén) in Regional Studies (2020).

As for editorial positions, Attila has been member of the editorial board of REGION (ERSA Journal) since 2013 and Regional Statistics since 2012. He was also editor of Regional Studies (2007- 2013).

Among recent prestigious recognitions, Attila recieved the ‘Teacher of the Year Award, MSc Enterprise Development and Entrepreneurship‘, Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Pécs (2019), and the ‘Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences‘, Akadémiai Díj (2018).  

As for his contribution to RSAI-ERSA Community, Attila Varga’s contribution is remarkable in many ways: he is Founding member and member of the board of the Hungarian Regional Science Association (2003 – present). He was also member of the European Regional Science Association Council (ERSAC) (2003 – 2019) and he was, last year, among the organizers of the 2022 ERSA Congress in Pé

Download Full Press release PDF

Award Ceremony

The award Ceremony will take place on Friday 1st September 2023 during the Closing Session of the 62nd ERSA Congress at Alicante #ERSAprize #ersa2023,

Share the ERSA Prize news with us!

#ersa2021 #ersaprize

Friday, 07 July 2023 08:34

In Memoriam: János Rechnitzer

janosProfessor János Rechnitzer, a defining figure of Hungarian regional science, has died. His funeral will take place today in Győr.

János Rechnitzer was the president of the Hungarian Regional Science Society twice, for a total of 8 years. He was also the chairman of the Regional Scientific Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He is one of the founding professors of the István Széchenyi University in Győr.

He did a lot for the recognition, promotion and organization of regional science in Hungary. For 15 years, he was the editor-in-chief of Tér és Társadalom, the leading journal of Hungarian regional science. In the doctoral school in Győr that he led, 150 researchers obtained PhD degrees.

Balázs Forman

John Von Neumann University, Kecskemét

rbf00617 fotopaulProf. Paul Elhorst, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, is awarded the 2023 edition of the Jean Paelinck award!

The Jean Paelinck committee, made up of Geoffrey Hewings (Chair), Isabelle Thomas, Janet Kohlase, Juan Cuadrado-Roura, and Kieran Donaghy, provided the following motivation:

Paul Elhorst is Professor of Spatial Econometrics at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, Fellow of the Spatial Econometrics Association and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Spatial Economic Analysis. During his 40 years academic career he has maintained an active research and publication schedule, a career that demonstrates his commitment to research and scholarship in regional science methods. In the 1990s his research activities focused on regional labor market analysis and then shifted increasingly to spatial econometric methods (theory and applications), with applications in a diversity of research areas such as economic growth, research productivity, regional tax competition, military spending, foreign direct investment and transport economics.
Paul is known for his innovative work on spatial panel models. He has made a host of contributions to spatial panel data models highlighted in his 2014 book Spatial Econometrics: From Cross-Sectional Data to Spatial Panels. Aside from its major themes, including static and dynamic spatial panel data models, this book bridges the gap between theoretical spatial econometricians and practitioners, contains a host of useful observations and illustrations, and provides Matlab routines with which researchers can run on their own empirical problems. The more than 2,000 Google citations this book has received clearly demonstrate the international impact of his research in enhancing the use of regional science methods to understand and interpret the spatial structure of economies.  

Andrea Caragliu
Associate Professor of Regional and Urban Economics
Politecnico di Milano, ABC Department
RSAI Executive Director

Monday, 03 July 2023 12:53

ERSA Monthly E-news - June 2023

3 July 2023 - Nr 6/23

The issue includes:

·     Internal communication

·     ERSA Congress

·     Ongoing Calls on ERSA Sections' Agendas

·     Journal news

·     Publications

·     Vacancies

Less than two months to go until the ERSA2023 Congress starts.

Dear Members of ERSA, dear Colleagues,

Regional Science don’t stop during the summer.

This week Agenda includes two Summer Schools (Croatian Section, AISRe), and two Conferences (ASRDLF, GFR).

I am writing to you from La Réunion where ASRDLF is concluding today its 59th Congress. A very rich event where there was great enthusiasm for the quality of the programme and exchange between participants. And most of all the election of a new President.

July is also a busy agenda for our community: ERSA Summer School in Iasi is about to start as well as the RSAI-Bis annual Conference, to be followed by APDR Congress.

Last but not least, our efforts continue to design the best attractive programme for our Annual Congress. In addition to our keynote Lectures and Roundtables, we will propose very outstanding Sessions with hot or innovative topics. During 5 days, the Congress will gather hundreds of Presenters from worldwide including proven scholars, young scientists but also practitioners and key policy makers. 

I wish you a nice summer and look forward to meet you during ERSA Congress, in Alicante or online.

With best wishes,

André Torre, ERSA President

Still time to register!

Don't miss this chance to be part of the biggest event for regional scientists worlwide.

Register and come on board with already over 800 participants registered.

Reminder: Accepted Presenting authors registration deadline: 10 July

Not yet registered?

Be part of IT!


Internal Communication

Abdelillah Hamdouch: New ASRDLF President Elected


We are delighted to communicate that Abdelillah Hamdouch (University of Tours, France) has been elected as the new President of French Section of the RSAI-ERSA, at La Réunion during the 59th ASRDLF Colloquium .

Abdelillah Hamdouch is Full Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at Polytechnic School, University of Tours. He will start his mandate on 1st September of this year.

We wish Abdelillah Hamdouch and all new board members a fruitful term!

Sections' Events

News, ongoing calls & deadlines

>>> July Agendas

36th ERSA Summer School

The Digital Future of Smart Regions

3-7 July 2023, Iași, Romania


More on the Programme here

British & Irish Section: 49th Annual RSAIBIS Conference

4-6 July 2023, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

More on the Programme here

30th APDR Congress

Sustainability Development Challenges of Territories in Contexts of Uncertainties due to External Shocks and Risks

19-21 July 2023, Braga, Portugal

More on the Programme here

>>> Calls ongoing

VI Seminar for New Academic Researchers

14-15 September 2023, Barcelona, Spain

Abstract Submission deadline: 15 July 2023


Hungarian Section: 21st Annual Meeting

2-3 November 2023, Pécs, Hungary

Registration start: 1 September 2023


2023 Call for applications for the Outstanding Young Scientist Award

Submission deadline: 30 September 2023

more (in Hungarian)

See all scheduled Events 2023

Journal News

Romanian Journal of Regional Science 

Issue Vol.17, No.1, Summer, June 2023


Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine (RERU)/Regional Economics and Urban Review

Issue June 2023, No. 2023/3

Territory(ies) and Digital

Coordinated by Cyrille Genre-Granpierre,

Claude Lacour

Editor: Armand Colin 


Review of Regional Research (RRR) 

Call for papers

Call for Special Issue: The changing role of universities in the context of regional sustainability transformations

Deadline: 15 July 2023


Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP) 

Call for papers

Call for Special Issue: Regional disparities, social welfare and economic development in Latin America

Deadline: 15 December 2023


Journal of Regional Research -

Investigaciones Regionales

Call for papers

Special Issue: Spatial Networks and Interactions of Economic Systems at the Point Level: In Memory of Professor Jesús Mur

Full Paper Deadline: 20 September 2023


ERSA-RSAI Members Publish

European Narratives on Remote Working and Coworking During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A Multidisciplinary Perspective


Mina Akhavan, Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft), The Netherlands

Marco Hölzel, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany 

Divya Leducq, University of Lille, France

About the book

·     Offers a multidisciplinary and comprehensive perspective regarding the immediate and long-term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on coworking spaces in the European Region

·     Seeks a twofold aim: (i) to contribute to the fast-growing literature on coworking space and their effects at different scales; (ii) to present a multidisciplinary perspective about the effects of the yet-lasting Corona-pandemic effects on the patterns of remote working and consequently on coworking spaces, as the most diffused form of new working spaces.

Springer Cham 2023

read more

Pandemic and the City


Mehmet Güney Celbiş, Yeditepe University,Turkey

Karima Kourtit, Open University in the Netherlands, The Netherlands

Peter Nijkamp, Open University in the Netherlands, The Netherlands

About the book

·     Features a collection of novel and original contributions to the study of urban sustainability from a human health perspective in the light of the current corona pandemic and the challenge of cities to offer inclusive, appealing, and healthy infrastructures.

·     Analyzes the impact of the corona pandemic on contemporary cities, and how these cities respond to the challenges.

·     Featuring also case studies on various cities and regions, it addresses four interconnected research challenges and themes.

Springer Cham 2023

read more

New publications to share?

Your are member of the ERSA Community and you have recently published a book, grasp this opportunity to inform us about it. We are looking for

· Books published in 2023

· Preferably written in English 

Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


·     PhD position in Sustainable Development and Climate Change at Università di Pavia. Application deadline: 17 July 2023

read more

If you want to share an announcement interesting for our community, Send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will promote it via our channels

To Keep up-to-date with all events on the agenda, visit our upcoming events page on our website.

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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