
Elisabete Martins

Dear RSAI members,

we hope this email finds you well.

We are writing you to follow up to the first CfP for the 14th edition of the World Congress of the RSAI in Kecskemét, Hungary, from Apr. 8 through 11, 2024. As anticipated, the submission portal for both regular papers and organized sessions is now officially open. You may find it at the link 

(and also referenced on the congress website here:

The deadline for submitting both papers and special sessions is Nov. 30, 2023. Decisions concerning the acceptance of papers and sessions will be announced by mid December, 2023. Once accepted, presenters will be able to register on the same platform used for submitting your abstracts. You will find all information related to the congress:

Thank you in advance for your attention,

We look forward to seeing you next year in Kecskemét!

Hans Westlund
Professor of Urban and Regional Studies
KTH Stockholm
RSAI President
Andrea Caragliu
Associate Professor of Regional and Urban Economics
Politecnico di Milano, ABC Department
RSAI Executive Director


Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP)

Call for Papers Special Issue: Exploring Urban Shrinkage: Implications, Responses, and Strategies for Sustainable Growth

Guest editors

Jian Wang (SILC Business School, Shanghai University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ying Long - School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Xueliang Zhang - School of Urban and regional science, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Xuepeng Qian - Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Sophia University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Urban shrinkage, a concurrent manifestation of population decline and economic recession, significantly impacts urban economic performance and sustainable development. Initially prevalent in Western Europe post the era of remarkable post-war urban growth, many cities, such as those in the Ruhr basin, northern England, and Wallonia, began to experience shrinkage during the 1970s and 1980s. However, urban shrinkage is not confined to the developed western territories. It has emerged as a universal phenomenon, accompanying the ongoing process of global urbanization. Numerous large cities in Eastern Asia, for instance, are grappling with population decline. Thus, urban shrinkage warrants extensive attention from urban scholars as it continues to become a prevailing issue across a growing number of global cities.

The objective of this Special Issue is to delve deeper into the realm of urban shrinkage, aiming to properly define it, understand its impacts on local growth, regional development, governance, and sustainable development. Moreover, this issue aims to explore potential responses and remedies to counter the shrinkage pattern and to glean cross-cutting insights from investigating the nature of urban shrinkage.

This Special Issue invites contributions that advance our comprehension of the conceptualization, driving forces, consequences, and responses surrounding urban shrinkage. We welcome research articles characterized by, but not limited to, the following themes:

  • Reconceptualizing and Identifying Urban Shrinkage
  • Utilizing Refined, Granular Data to Analyze Shrinking Landscapes
  • Spatial Heterogeneity and Temporal Dynamics in Urban Shrinkage
  • Sustainable Transition of Resource-Based Cities and Revitalization
  • Uncovering Driving Factors of Urban Shrinkage
  • Regional Economic Dynamics Amidst Urban Shrinkage
  • Interlinkages between Urban Shrinkage and Sustainable Development
  • Green Urban Planning Strategies for Shrinking Cities
  • Urban Decline: Government Policies and Interventions

We encourage submissions that offer innovative insights, interdisciplinary approaches, and actionable solutions to the challenges posed by urban shrinkage. By fostering a diverse dialogue, we aim to propel forward the global discourse on fostering resilience and sustainable growth in the face of urban shrinkage.

Manuscript submission information:

All submissions must be original and may not be under review elsewhere. All manuscripts will be submitted via the Regional Science Policy & Practice online submission system ( Authors should indicate in the cover letter that the paper is submitted for consideration for publication in this special issue “Exploring Urban Shrinkage: Implications, Responses, and Strategies for Sustainable Growth”, otherwise, your submission will be handled as a regular manuscript.

  • Submissions open until December 31, 2024.


Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP)

Call for Papers Special Issue: The Economic Impacts of Public Health Spillovers

Guest editors

Konstantinos Eleftheriou - University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Peter Nijkamp - Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, the Netherlands

Konstantinos Christopoulos - University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Human health has important place-based characteristics. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has again articulated in the research arena the importance of the geography of public health and its consequent economic effects. While the scientific field of medical (health) geography (see for a comprehensive overview Earickson, 2009) has grown fast in recent years, the channels through which public health outcomes are transmitted and the corresponding economic consequences have not been thoroughly examined. Specifically, the spillover effects of public health outcomes are usually either examined in isolation from their economic effects or prominent attention is given to the economic aspects, whereas the interrelation of health outcomes at the spatial level are sometimes ignored.

Aims and scope

In an attempt to bridge this gap, the aim of this special issue of RSPP is to study the economic implications of public health by incorporating its spillover effects at the supra-regional, regional and sub-regional level.

There are several micro and macro pathways through which neighboring regions can affect local health (a thorough review on how the spillover effects on health outcomes are manifested at the micro-level can be found in Benjamin-Chung et al. 2017). These include but are not limited to:

  • Environmental pathways, such as water and air pollution;
  • Infectious diseases as a result of climate change or tourism activity or any other spatial interaction mechanism;
  • Micro level behavioral risks from lifestyle spillovers;
  • Urban walkability or cyclability and green space;
  • Criminal activity including smuggling of illegal substances and weapons;
  • Other social or anthropological factors that may create public health spillovers;
  • Changes in healthcare resources or medical technology.

An indicative but not restrictive example on how candidate-authors could approach the topic of this special issue is the study by Atasoy et al. (2017) in which the regional spillover effects of the adoption of electronic health records on healthcare costs are examined.


Healthcare costs do not challenge only the sustainability of health systems but fiscal sustainability as well (see, for example, Christopoulos and Eleftheriou, 2020). In order to develop effective regional polices that contain negative and increase positive health externalities, one has to identify and quantify the economic impacts of health spillovers. This process may also aid in the mitigation of regional health disparities. Contributions to this special issue should serve the policy and practice aims of the journal.

Keywords: economic impact; health geography; public health; spillovers


Atasoy, H., Chen, P.-y., Ganju, K. (2017), The Spillover Effects of Health IT Investments on Regional Healthcare Costs, Management Science 64(6), 2515-2534.

Benjamin-Chung, J. and others (2017), Spillover Effects on Health Outcomes in Low- and Middle-income Countries: A Systematic Review, International Journal of Epidemiology 46(4), 1251-1276.

Christopoulos, K. and Eleftheriou, K. (2020), The Fiscal Impact of Health Care Expenditure: Evidence from the OECD Countries, Economic Analysis and Policy 67, 195-202.

Earickson, R. (2009), Medical Geography, In: Kitchin, R., Thrift, N. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Elsevier, 9-20.

Manuscript submission information:

All submissions must be original and may not be under review elsewhere. All manuscripts will be submitted via the Regional Science Policy & Practice online submission system ( Authors should indicate in the cover letter that the paper is submitted for consideration for publication in this special issue “The Economic Impacts of Public Health Spillovers”, otherwise, your submission will be handled as a regular manuscript.

  • Submissions open until December 31, 2024.

3 October 2023

#ERSA2024 Congress Call

for Special Session Proposals

is OPEN!

The next ERSA Congress is coming to

Terceira Island, Portugal and Online

from 26 to 30 August 2024.

#ERSA2024 central topic "Regional Science Dialogues for Peace and Sustainable Development" aims to foster the dialogue between researchers for a better understanding of human interaction within space and improvement of regional policies

We look forward to receiving your proposals!

Tomaz Ponce Dentinho

Chair of the Local Organising Committee

André Torre

ERSA President

Contribute #ERSA2024 !


Special Sessions greatly contribute to the

success of our Crongress


With your topic, don't miss this chance to be part of this new promising edition!

ERSA Annual Congress platform is the biggest event

for regional scientists worldwide.


Deadline for Proposals: 4 December 2023

Submit your proposal now 

Follow us and join the conversation


Facebook Twitter  Instagram  

Friday, 29 September 2023 10:22

RSAI World Congress - First CFP

Dear RSAI members, 

We are particularly glad to invite you all to join the global regional science community for the 14th edition of the World Congress of the RSAI in Kecskemét, Hungary, from Apr. 8 through 11, 2024. The congress' main theme is "Sustainable regional economic growth: global challenges and new regional development trajectories

The conference is jointly organized by the RSAI and the Hungarian section of ERSA (MRTT), and hosted by John Von Neumann University, courtesy of the LOC, chaired by Prof. József Kárpáti and Prof. Balázs Forman. 

The meeting is open to the world-wide regional science community and aims to bring together the key elements of multidisciplinary regional science research and to provide a scientific platform for presenting and discussing research at the frontiers of spatial sciences.  

Topics such as agglomeration economies, urban-rural relations, migration, spatial and resources allocation, border effects, urbanization, sustainable cities, mobility, land use, environmental quality, disaster management, energy transition, cultural heritage, poverty, segregation, spatial modelling are some of the important issues covered in the 2024 RSAI World Congress. In addition, we welcome special sessions on a number of other topics. 

The congress will host countless exciting events, including special sessions and semi-plenary policy sessions. Also, we have four confirmed keynote speakers: Prof. Özge Öner (Cambridge University, UK; ERSA), Prof. Eduardo Haddad, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; LARSA); Prof. Hee-Jung Jun, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea; PRSCO; and Prof. Sarah A. Low (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA; NARSC). 

If you are interested in organizing one or more special sessions at the World Congress, please do get in touch with the Program Chair, Andrea Caragliu (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and the congress secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) as soon as possible. 

The submission portal will open on Oct. 15 and the deadline for submitting both papers and special sessions is Nov. 30, 2023. Decisions concerning the acceptance of papers and sessions will be announced by mid December, 2023. Once accepted, presenters will be able to register on the same platform used for submitting your abstracts. You will find all information related to the congress, and the link to the submission platform, at the congress website:

Thank you in advance for your attention,

We look forward to seeing you in Kecskemét!

Hans Westlund
Professor of Urban and Regional Studies
KTH Stockholm
RSAI President
Andrea Caragliu
Associate Professor of Regional and Urban Economics
Politecnico di Milano, ABC Department
RSAI Executive Director
Friday, 29 September 2023 10:15

ERSA Monthly E-news - September 2023

29 September 2023 - Nr 8/23

The issue includes:

·     ERSA at #EURegionsWeek

·     Ongoing Calls on ERSA Sections' Agendas

·     Journal news

·     Publications

·     Vacancies

Dear Members of ERSA, dear Colleagues,

After our Congress, ERSA has another important appointment: The #EURegionsWeek that will be held in Brussels from 9-11 October.

ERSA will actively participate with an outstanding University Programme (10-11 October) in which our well-known colleagues including Jouke van Dijk, Simona Cafieri, Yannis Psycharis, Stephan Brunow, Alina Schoenberg are involved as session organisers and/or speakers.

I will also be there with Dimitris Ballas (in charge of the programme for ERSA).

In addition to the University Sessions, EURegionsWeek offers many other high-level sessions for regional scientist with an interest in cohension policy, not to mention the valuable networking contacts that can be made with EU representatives.

So if you your agenda is free, I can only advise you to join us in Brussels and register to our sessions.

Last but not least, the Call for Special Sessions for #ERSA2024 Congress will start on the 3rd of October. Stay tuned to your email box.

With best wishes,

André Torre, ERSA President



21st European Week of Regions and Cities

Thriving Regions, Stronger Europe

9-12 October 2023, Brussels (Belgium)

The University Programme will be held on 10 & 11 October and includes 6 outstanding Sessions including topics around #climate #labourMarket, #braindrain, #leftbehindplaces, #remotework,...

EURegionsWeek is an unmissable event for Academics, researchers, postgraduate students and practitioners in the field of European cohesion policy.

Registration is free but mandatory.

Deadline: 30 September 2023

Partners of the University Programme:


More on the University Programme

Recently posted video from #ERSA2023 Congress

Keynote lecture on "Global Value Chains, Foreign Investment and Regional Development" by Riccardo Crescenzi during the ERSA2023 Congress

Keynote lecture on "Spatial patterns and economic impacts of short-term rentals" by Julie Le Gallo during the ERSA2023 Congress


CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSIONS will start on 3 October Stay tuned!

Preliminary Info already available on

#ERSA2024 Congress website.

Sections' Events

News, ongoing calls & deadlines

ERSA Polish Section: Annual Meeting 2023

In Pursuit of New Avenues for Regional Science

13 October 2023, University of Warsaw, Poland

Submission deadline: 6 October 2023


British and Irish Section: 2023 Early Career Colloquium

9-10 November 2023 │ Online

Submission deadline: 17 October 2023


14th RRSA International Conference

Unlocking Regional Potentials Through Cohesion Policy – Opportunities and Challenges

23-24 November 2023, Bucharest, Romania

Submission deadline: 15 October 2023


Other Event

Geography of Innovation Winter School

15-19 January 2024 2024, Pavia, Italy

Applications open: 1 October 2023     

Applications deadline: 15 November 2023   

Organised by Università di Pavia and Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi


See all upcoming Events

Journal News

Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research

Issue no. 56, the second volume corresponding to 2023 has been published. Number 57 will be released soon.

Call for special issue on Uncovering business and spatial dimensions of industrial districts, clusters and learning regions

New deadline: 10 November 2023

read more

Recently published



"Understanding peripherality in a multidimensional geographical, socioeconomic, and institutional context: Evidence from Greece"

By Dimitrios Tsiotas, Vassilis Tselios

read more

Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP) 

Call for papers

Call for Special Issue:  Special Issue on Geography of discontent and beyond: extreme voting, protestations, riots and violence, and their spatial content

Guest editors: André Torre, Sébastien Bourdin

Deadline: 31 January 2024


Ongoing Journals' calls more

Other News

2023 International Award on Local/Territorial Development

This event is supported by ERSA

Application deadline: 15 October 2023


Journal of Rural and Community Development (JRCD)

Special Issue on The development of rural and peripheral territories confronted with metropolization dynamics: Which levers of resilience, social cohesion and well-being?

Full papers submission deadline: 30 November 2023


ERSA-RSAI Members Publish

Harnessing Global Value Chains for regional development

How to upgrade through regional policy, FDI and trade


Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK

Oliver Harman, University of Oxford & London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK

About the book

·     Comprises a comprehensive description and explanation of why they matter for regional development and policy.

·     Focuses on how sub-national regions can leverage them for innovation and upgrading, or “levelling up”.

Routledge 2023

read more

New publications to share?

Your are member of the ERSA Community and you have recently published a book, grasp this opportunity to inform us about it. We are looking for

· Books published in 2023

· Preferably written in English 

Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


·     A full-time academic in Human Geography, UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Application deadline: Monday, 13 November at noon (UTC+1 Time Zone)

read more

If you want to share an announcement interesting for our community,

Send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will promote it via our channels

Friday, 29 September 2023 08:26

NARSC Nominations | Awards | Conference

NARSC September 2023 Update

Nominations for NARSC

The North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) is seeking nominations for the following positions:

President: The President will be elected for a one-year term (starting January 1 following election). The President should be a distinguished regional scientist or other distinguished scholar. The President’s principal duty is to deliver the Presidential Address at the Meetings. The President also serves on the Honors Committee, as an additional voting Councilor during the term of office as
President, and performs other duties as needed by the organization.

Councilor-at-large (non-student, two positions): Councilors-at-large will be voting members of the NASRC Council. These are elected positions, with a three-year term. The Council and its members are responsible for accepting new member organizations, electing officers, matters involving the Annual North American Meetings of the RSAI, etc.

For more information about these positions, please refer to the NARSC Constitution: or contact the Nominations Committee chair, Ting Zhang (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

We encourage nominations of individuals from all the different disciplines represented in NARSC and from underrepresented groups in NARSC. Self-nominations are welcomed and encouraged for the Councilor-at-large and student representative positions. 

For all positions, nominators should confirm that the nominee is (i) an active NARSC member, (ii) will be present at the 70th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, November 15-18, 2023, in San Diego, California, and (iii) willing to serve if appointed. Please send your nomination(s), along with a brief description of the nominee(s) (no more than 250 words), to Ting Zhang (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by October 15, 2022. 

Voting for these positions will take place online prior to the Annual Meeting. Results of the elections will be announced via email prior to the Annual Meeting, at the Annual Council Meeting, and in the December issue of the NARSC Newsletter.

NARSC Awards

The Honors Committee of the North American Regional Science Council is soliciting nominations for the following awards to be given at this year's annual meeting: 

1.  Isard Award for Scholarly Achievement in Regional Science 

The Walter Isard Award for Scholarly Achievement is named in honor of Professor Walter Isard, father of Regional Science, founder of the Regional Science Association, and a leading scholar in the worldwide Regional Science community. Established in 1994, the award pays tribute to North American regional scientists who have made significant theoretical and methodological contributions to the field of Regional Science throughout their careers. The list of past winners of the Isard Award can be found here.   

2.  Boyce Award for Distinguished Service to Regional Science 

This award honors Professor David Boyce, a prominent figure in Regional Science who promoted the Regional Science Association for a number of years and was instrumental in its long-term success. The award acknowledges the service contributions that North American members have made to Regional Science organizations. The list of past winners of the Boyce Award can be found here.  

3.  Hewings Award for Outstanding Achievement by a "Junior" Faculty 

This award is named in honor of Professor Geoffrey J.D. Hewings who over the years introduced numerous graduate students to Regional Science and mentored them as young scholars. The award recognizes distinguished contributions to Regional Science research by North American scholars who have recently completed doctoral studies (within ten years of receiving a Ph.D.). The list of past winners of the Hewings Award can be found here

4. Roger R. Stough Outstanding Mentor Award 

This award is named in honor of Professor Roger R. Stough. In addition to being a renowned scholar and contributor to the development of Regional Science, Roger was an outstanding mentor to dozens of graduate students and junior faculty members. This award recognizes regional scientists who have been exceptional mentors to students, junior faculty members and underrepresented populations and communities over a lifelong career. The list of past winners of the Stough Award can be found here.  

Please send your nomination(s) by October 6 to Bruce Newbold (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Volume 15, Issue 7

Special Issue:Pathbreaking trajectories: Socio‐economic and Institutional de‐peripheralization of marginal Areas

Pages: 1399-1665

September 2023

Issue Edited by: Luca Storti, Giulia Urso, Neil Reid

Volume 15, Issue 6

Special Issue:Sustainable Regional Development in Sub‐Saharan Africa


August 2023

Samuel Amponsah Odei 


Issue Information


Sustainable regional development in sub-Saharan Africa

Samuel Amponsah Odei


Revisiting the determinants of food security: Does regular remittance inflow play a role in Ghanaian households? A disaggregated analysis

Kwame Adjei-Mantey,  Millicent O. Awuku,  Ruby V. Kodom

The asymmetric effect of fiscal policy on private consumption and private investment over a business cycle: Evidence from Sub-Saharan African countries

Gabriel Temesgen Woldu

Reverse Causal Nexus between Pro-Poor Policies and Income Inequality in Kenya

Isaiah Juma Maket,  Izabella Szakálné Kano,  Zsófia Boglárka Vas

Exploring the geographical variations and influencing factors of poverty in Nigeria

Richard Adeleke,  Opeyemi Alabede,  Michael Joel,  Emmanuel Ashibuogwu

People with disability and access to financial services: Evidence from Ghana

James Atta Peprah,  Eric Atsu Avorkpo,  Evans Kulu

Finding a home away from home: Housing choices of itinerant immigrant retailers in the Wa municipality, Ghana

Ibrahim Abu Abdulai,  Ibrahim Yakubu,  Amos Dangbie Dordah

Multi-stakeholder involvement in urban market infrastructure renewals in the Aboabo and Central markets of the Tamale Metropolitan District in Ghana: An application of the stakeholder theory

Yakubu A. Zakaria,  Mary Asumpta Agamba,  Mordze-Ekpampo Ibrahim Musah

The role of COVID-19 in worsening the debt sustainability in developing economies – The case of Ghana and Kenya

Senanu Kwasi Klutse,  Judit Sági,  Gábor Dávid Kiss

Competitive agricultural input markets in Ethiopia: Theoretical promises versus reality

Zewdie Habte Shikur

A partial least squares analysis of gender inequality, occupational segregation, and economic growth: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

Wycliffe Obwori Alwago

Geographical patterns of warehousing facilities in the Cape functional region, South Africa

Brian Fisher-Holloway,  Masilonyane Mokhele

Regional convergence and catching up process in Africa: A tale of three clubs

Aomar Ibourk,  Zakaria Elouaourti

Inequality and the impact of growth on poverty in sub-Saharan Africa: A GMM estimator in a dynamic panel threshold model

Anis Ochi


The institutional foundation of economic development. By Shiping Tang, Princeton University Press. 2022. ISBN: 9780691235561 (hardback); ISBN: 9780691235578 (paperback); ISBN: 9780691235585 (eBook)

Luca Storti


XIVth International Conference of the Romanian Regional Science Association


23 - 24 November 2023 │ Bucharest, Romania


Details at

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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