
Elisabete Martins

The Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management (PGM) of the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente is responsible for developing the decision, planning and policy capacity of people, organizations and systems that are involved in the field of geo-information management for multi-level governance of urban regions, primarily for and in countries that are technologically and/or economically less developed. Planning for urban systems, organization and people increasingly involves taking into account climate change. New analysis and support tools are needed to guide policy and planning in urban environments that face large climate impacts, differences of impacts across social groups and uncertainty in the decision processes towards more sustainable urban development and adaptation.


Job specification

  • You contribute to educational activities including development, preparation and execution of courses and education modules related to the field of expertise, development of new educational products (e.g. e-learning), evaluation of educational activities, and supervision of MSc students. The specific focus is on modelling (dynamic) land use transport interactions, accessibility and spatial interaction modelling, and transport network analysis using GIS.
  • You contribute to the acquisition and execution of project services.
  • You contribute to the work of international academic partnership networks, as well as to general administrative duties as may be required by the Department.
  • You support the Professor in the development, acquisition and execution of research, including research planning and implementation, acquisition of external and internal research funds, coordination and supervision of PhD candidates, and dissemination of findings via academic papers and other publications.


Your Profile

  • PhD, in English, on dynamic land use modelling, accessibility modelling, transport planning, geo-information science or a similar topic, preferable focused on quantitative aspects of planning and integrated assessment
  • Didactic skills and experience in teaching at academic level, including supervision of thesis candidates
  • Project proposal and project management skills
  • Preferably experience in developing countries
  • Communication skills in cooperating and negotiating with external partners
  • Affinity with a multi-cultural, post-graduate education environment
  • Willingness and ability to undertake international travel
  • Proven research and practical experience in the field of land use/transport modelling, cellular automata and/or agent based modelling, preferably including software programming skills, as shown by peer reviewed publications and/or participation in relevant international networks


Additional information about this position can be obtained from Prof.Dr. M.F.A.M. (Martin) van Maarseveen, Professor Management of Urban-Regional Dynamics (phone +31 53 4874 394) or Ir. M.J.G. Brussel (phone +31 53 4874 497).


Please submit your application through htttp:// before 1 March 2015.


You are invited to visit our homepage:


Our offer

We offer an inspiring and challenging international environment. The successful candidate will be employed for a period of three years, with a possible extension up to a maximum of six years. Salary and conditions will be in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) of the Dutch Universities. Gross monthly salary depends on experience and qualifications and ranges from € 2476,- to € 4551,- exclusive of allowances in accordance with job profile Assistant Professor level 2 (UD2), under the University System in Job Classification (UJC).


The Organisation

The University of Twente. We stand for life sciences and technology. High tech and human touch. Education and research that matter. New technology which drives change, innovation and progress in society. The University of Twente is the only campus university in the Netherlands; divided over six faculties we provide more than fifty educational programmes. The University of Twente has a strong focus on personal development and talented researchers are given scope for carrying out pioneering research.


The Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente provides international postgraduate education, research and project services in the field of geo-information science and earth observation using remote sensing and GIS. The aim of ITC's activities is the international exchange of knowledge, focusing on capacity building and institutional development in developing countries and emerging economies.

The 2015 AESOP PhD workshop is going to be organised by SPECTRA Centre of Excellence of the EU and Institute of Management of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava in association with the AESOP Young Academics and will be held from Monday 6th to Saturday 11th July 2015 in Congress Centre Academia, Stara Lesna.  PHD workshop is part of the annual AESOP Congress that will be held from 13 to 17 July in Prague.


The topic of the workshop is corresponding with the topic of the Annual AESOP Congress 2015 „Fuzzy Responsibility - Multi-actors Decision Making under Uncertainty and Global Changes”, in particular focused on:

  • Spatio-structural, temporal, functional and conceptual dimensions of softness and fuzziness in spatial development
  • Growing uncertainty in decision making
  • Multi actors decision making
  • Governance as a cultural phenomenon (diverse)
  • Perspective  for fuzzy soft polycentric  governance for soft and fuzzy spaces


Doctoral candidates are invited to share their ideas and experiences during the PhD workshop. The workshop will be structured from intensive study modules in small groups together with plenary sessions and presentations from academic mentors from the team collaborating with the team of Nobel Prize winner Elinor Ostrom.


Active participation of PhD students, including presentations of their research issues related to the theses, is required, as the workshop is going to be organised in the form of in-depth workshops in small groups, tutors interventions focused on current challenges in thematic orientation of the workshop, optimisation of research methodology including experiments and other research methods, data gathering and analyses techniques. A field trip on Saturday will be the part of the workshop on July 11th.


The student who attended an AESOP PhD workshop in the past would not be eligible to attend for the second time.

Visit PhD Workshop website to uplaod the application form!

Tuesday, 10 February 2015 11:22

EURA Conference 2015 - CALL FOR PAPERS





Sibiu, Romania, 17-20 September 2015



The deadline for submission of abstracts is March 31st 2015. Please submit abstracts of approximately 300 words online at

Authors will be notified of the committee’s decision in April 2015.


See the full call at:

The Mid-Continent Regional Science Association will host its 46th annual conference May 27- 29, 2015 in St. Louis, Missouri. This is to announce the call for regular papers and sessions and to encourage students to participate in the M. Jarvin Emerson Student Paper Competition.


Information can be found at the MCRSA Website:


The MCRSA meeting will offer a stimulating mix of academics and practitioners focusing on applied problems. And, the conference remains a great buy among professional and academic association meetings. Early registrants will enjoy a reduced meeting registration fee of $275. In addition, a special reduced fee for students will once again be in effect. The full student registration fee is $110.


You can either download a conference registration form from the MCRSA Website, or register and pay online at the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) website Click on the User Area link and sign in or register. Once into the User Area, click on the Register link and select MCRSA 2015 to make your purchases.

The meeting will take place at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch hotel in St. Louis. We’re getting a great rate ($149/night). Participants should contact the hotel directly at 1-314-655-1234 and indicate participation in the MCRSA conference, or use the reservations link on the MCRSA Website.


All persons wishing to submit an abstract or session proposal for the MCRSA conference are encouraged to do so electronically via e-mail to John Leatherman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by April 1, 2015.


The meeting also offers students the opportunity to participate in MCRSA’s M. Jarvin Emerson Memorial Student Paper Competition. Strongly encourage your students to enter the paper competition.  It’s a great learning experience and the odds of recognition are favorable for good work.  A cash award of $1,000 is offered and the winning entry is published in the Association’s journal, The Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy. Additional details can be found at the MCRSA Web site.


The MCRSA consists of an interdisciplinary membership from academics and other public and private organizations. The MCRSA is interested in using the tools of regional science to help solve applied problems in rural and urban areas at the local, state and national levels.


Feel free to contact me if you have questions about participating in the MCRSA’s 46th Annual Conference. Please share this information with others who may have interest.


John Leatherman, 785-532-4492, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

John Leatherman
Office of Local Government
Department of Agricultural Economics
331G Waters Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506

URban freight and BEhavior change 

October 1st - 2nd  2015, Rome, Italy
Conference organized by Department of Political Sciences and Centre for Research on the Economics of Institutions, University of Roma Tre


We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the URBE - URban freight and BEhavior change Conference to be held in Rome, Italy, October 1st-2nd, 2015. Researchers, practitioners, politicians and public authorities are invited to use the conference as a platform for knowledge-exchange and transfer.

The conference is endorsed by: 1) Center of Excellence for Sustainable Urban Freight Systems, 2) WCTRS’ Freight Modelling (SIGB5), 3) Italian Society of Transport Economics and Logistics.


Aims and scope

URBE aims at identifying the behavioral game changers capable of modifying the present trends and pro-actively responding to the sustainability challenges urban freight distribution poses to modern cities given the role it plays in  linking production, logistics and society.


The conference, taking a trans-disciplinary approach, focuses on the various alternatives capable of stimulating stakeholders’ behavioral change and engagement for a sustainable urban freight distribution. In more detail, the main topics relate to the behavioral pros and cons of: stakeholder involvement methodologies, advanced modeling techniques, innovative organizational structures, policy appraisal and evaluation techniques.


Please find below a non-exhaustive list of possible subjects to be addressed.


Stakeholder involvement methodologies
• Gamifi​cation
• Living laboratory techniques
• Co-creation initiatives and processes
• Stakeholder engagement…

Advanced modeling techniques
• Agent based models 
• Choice modelling
• Game theoretic approaches
• Applied stakeholder interaction modelling 
• Land use and transport interactions 
• Network analysis & operations research
• Gaming and simulation…

Policy appraisal and evaluation techniques
• Cost-benefit analysis
• Multi-criteria analysis
• Case studies…

Innovative organizational structures
• New business models
• Multi-level governance
• Sharing arrangements…

Areas of concern and possible solutions
• Behavior oriented policies
• Cooperation and sharing opportunities
• Passenger and freight interactions…


We are now inviting submissions for conference presentations. Extended abstracts (max. 2 pages, please follow the instructions on the website) should contain all relevant information to allow the peer review process, giving an overview of: (1) main objectives and motivations, (2) topics covered and methodology, (3) results obtained/expected and conclusions.


The deadline for abstract submission is April 1st, 2015. Abstracts should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and will be assessed by the scientific committee within a double-blind-review.


Journal special issues
The intention is to organize special issues of selected papers in appropriate journals depending upon a critical mass of good papers.



  • 01 April, 2015 – Submission of extended abstracts
  • 01 May, 2015 – Notification of abstract status
  • 01 July, 2015 – Early registration deadline
  • 01 September, 2015 – Submission of full papers and registration deadline for Authors
  • 01-02 October, 2015 – Conference in Rome, Italy
Chandra Bhat
The University of Texas at Austin – USA
Michael Browne
University of Westminster - United Kingdom
Ennio Cascetta
Federico II University of Naples – Italy
Laetitia Dablanc
IFSTTAR – France
Romeo Danielis
University of Trieste – Italy
Gerard de Jong
University of Leeds - United Kingdom
Francesco Filippi
Sapienza University of Rome - Italy​
Hanno Friedrich
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – Germany
Rodrigo Garrido
Diego Portales University - Chile
Valerio Gatta (local organizer)
Roma Tre University – Italy
Stephane Hess
University of Leeds - United Kingdom
Josè Holguìn-Veras
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – USA
Gernot Liedtke
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – Germany
Cathy Macharis
Free University of Brussels – Belgium
Edoardo Marcucci (local organizer)
Roma Tre University – Italy
Vittorio Marzano
Federico II University of Naples – Italy
Alan McKinnon
Kühne Logistics University - Germany
Sandra Melo
Instituto Superior Tecnico of Lisbon – Portugal
Agostino Nuzzolo
Tor Vergata University – Italy
Matthew Roorda
University of Toronto – Canada
Francesco Russo
Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria – Italy
Amanda Stathopoulos
Northwestern University – USA
Eiichi Taniguchi
Kyoto University – Japan
Lóránt Tavasszy
Delft University of Technology – Netherlands
Eva Valeri
European Commission, JRC, Seville – Spain
Thierry Vanelslander
University of Antwerp – Belgium
Xiaokun Wang
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – USA
Johan Woxenius
University of Gothenburg – Sweden


We look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you on October 1-2, 2015 in Rome, Italy



Local Organizing Committee

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Workshop 2015 – Ageing and the Economy

Special invitation/Call for papers:

An Urban and Regional Economics Workshop on: Ageing and the Economy 

28-29 May 2015, Jönköping – SWEDEN

Within a not too distant future many national and regional economies will be impacted by the continuous ageing of the population in many developed countries. If older people express demands that are different compared to the general population and their share of final demand increase it will impact the economy. If location and travel decisions are different these changes will have a geographical dimension that need to be studied. Therefore we send out an invitation to a workshop designed to address such issues.

The Workshop aims at bringing together researchers interested in studying the effects of ageing on the economy.

We welcome submissions related (but not limited) to:

  • housing prices and related issues
  • location decisions of individuals and firms
  • migration (within and between countries)
  • older-age entrepreneurship
  • region-wide and economy-wide effects
  • effects on retail and other consumer services

You are welcome to suggest a topic you feel would be fitting to the theme of the workshop. We welcome both theoretical and empirical contributions.

Workshop details:

The workshop will take place May 28-29 2015 in Jönköping-Sweden, and is organized by CEnSE (Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics) at Jönköping International Business School, SWEDEN and CESIS (Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies) at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. (Collaborating partner: Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (REAL) at the University of Illinois, USA.)

  • All papers will be assigned to a discussant and all presenters/participants are expected to serve as discussants. We aim to encourage constructive discussions in an interactive setting and there will be no parallel sessions. Therefore, the size of the workshop will be limited.
  • The organizers of the workshop will arrange an outlet in the form of a special issue in an international journal in the field of urban and regional economics.

The workshop is free. Accommodation and meals will also be covered by the organizers. Travel costs, however, will have to be covered by the participants.

Deadlines and information:
Extended abstract submission deadline: March 15, 2015.
(Draft) Paper submission deadline: May 1, 2015.
Please submit contributions to: Katarina Blåman, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Organization committee:
Özge Öner, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) and CEnSE
Esteban López, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (REAL), University of Illinois
Mikaela Backman, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., CEnSE
Johan Klaesson, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., CEnSE

Call for Papers

22nd APDR Workshop | 24 April 2014 | Ponte de Lima, Portugal


The Portuguese Association for Regional Development started a new cycle of workshops aimed at bringing together scientists that consider family as an institution with several and important interactions with economic and social development. This theme seems to have been dismissed by regional development scientists, even though it appears the family dimension is clearly relevant in educational processes and in dynamic migration, in transport systems, in social security systems and welfare services provision, in corporate sustainability and entrepreneurship, and in many other dimensions that influence the development of people and places.


The 20th APDR workshop (April 2014) was dedicated to this theme - Family and Development – and it was a first step in the direction of a more intense and rich debate about family and regional development. It is well known by demographers and sociologists that families may be quite different across Europe and across different regions of a single country. Evidence from diverse transition to adulthood patterns (age and dynamics of leaving home, forming independent households, living alone, forming unions and/or marrying, having a first child) is quite expressive about this. These differences, as others concerning ownership and family structures, are the result of different historical conditions and paths of change, as well of different strategies contemporary families adopt in order to cope with economic and sociopolitical contexts and dynamics.


On the other hand, family bonds are quite important in some corporate branches and/or in some territories and regions. The informal networks and the complex articulation between family and business strategies and management have been studied for years, with particular relevance in southern economies, such as Portugal, Spain and Italy. It is relevant to deepen our knowledge about these long lasting articulations, about their benefits as well as their undesirable effects, and about the way family and economy evolve in different places.

We are now willing to bring together, one more time, different scientific perspectives on the theme Family and Regional Development, with a particular attention being given to the Southern Europe. It is necessary to understand better family dynamics and diversity, how these affect social and economic processes at a regional scale, and to profound our knowledge about how family business imply the consideration of specific concepts and methodologies in order to provide a better understanding of this phenomenon, so important in our economies.


*Plenary session*

The Keynote Lecture will be delivered by David Sven Reher (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)



1. Family, education and development of people and places

2. Economies of scale and agglomeration of family models

3. Labour Market, Migration and Family

4. Spatial and temporal evolution of family businesses

5. Family, social security and welfare



Until March 1st, 2015- Submission of abstracts

Until April 15th 2013 - Submission of full paper

Until April 15th 2013 – Registration

April 24th 2013 - Workshop 


We count on you. Send us your contribution!

21st APDR Congress joint with 55th ERSA Congress


The CALL for Abstracts and Papers is now OPEN


We are happy to announce that the Call for abstracts and Papers is now open.


The ERSA Congress is an exceptional platform for all authors making research in the field of regional science, and whether you are senior or junior researcher:


See the profile of ERSA Participants 2014


Key benefits include:

- Numerous Networking Opportunities

- Precious Feedback from colleagues around the world

- Enriching your knowledge at different levels


Deadline to submit: 2 March 2015


Please note the review of abstracts (and) papers will be made all at the same time. The upload of the paper is not always required.


For more details on the call for submissions click here


Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the World's largest gathering of Regional Science researchers!


General Themes and Special Sessions' Topics

Discover the wide range of themes and Topics for submitting to this 2015 edition

- 24 General Themes  - The review will be made by the Scientific Committee.

- 28 Special Session Topics - Freshly approved by the Local Organising Committee.
The Review will be made by Special Session Organisers. 

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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