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Nomination Process
- The Nomination should be made by RSAI Council, the Councils/Boards of NARSC, ERSA and PRSCO, and the Councils/Boards of all affiliated RSAI Sections
- A nomination of a candidate for consideration for the Award must be made in writing by the President and/or Secretary and/or Executive Officer of an official body within RSAI - that is, the RSAI itself; NARSC, ERSA, PRSCO; or a Section of RSAI.
- A written nomination of a candidate for consideration for the Award must include a detailed statement of the nature of the service contribution a candidate has made to RSAI. It must explain how and why that service contribution of the nominee meets the goal of the Award. It should contain testimonials from at least three persons who have held high office and/or currently hold high office in the organization within RSAI that is making the nomination. It must be demonstrated that the long and outstanding service of the nominee extends beyond the local Section of RSAI in the case where a Section of RSAI is initiating the nomination.
- Nominations for the Award must be sent until October 12 of 2015 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Stan Czamanski Prize
The Stan Czamanski Prize is awarded by the Regional Science Association International in memory of Professor Stan Czamanski, an early recipient of a Ph.D. in regional science (1963), a member of the University of Pennsylvania regional science faculty (1963-1966), a member of the regional science faculty of Cornell University (1966-1988), and a past-president of the Regional Science Association (1975-1976).
Rules of the competition
Applications are to be submitted by October 02 of 2015 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. To be eligible, the dissertation proposal must have been defended and approved during the past 12 months.
Each applicant will submit the following:
Philosophy and Research Approach of Professor Stan Czamanski
In his Introduction to Regional Science (Prentice-Hall, 1975, p. 2), Walter Isard wrote:
“In brief, regional science as a discipline concerns the careful and patient study of social problems with regional or spatial dimensions, employing diverse combinations of analytical and empirical research.”
Professor Czamanski’s research exemplified the analysis of social and economic problems with regional and spatial dimensions. In doing so, he chose judiciously the right combination of analytical and empirical research methods from his tool box to address the specific issue at hand.
Dissertation proposals submitted for the Stan Czamanski Prize will be judged with regard to how the student proposes to bring an appropriate combination of analytical and empirical methods to bear on a social and economic problem with spatial or regional dimensions, and how this combination of methods is expected to deliver greater insights into the problem in question.
Parliament session, sala do senado, day 28 of August 2015 in Lisbon, with the participation of European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Creţu.
Dear colleagues,
The Annual Meeting of the European Public Choice Society will be held from March 30th to April 2nd, 2016 at the University of Freiburg in Germany.
I attach the call for papers.
Further information can be found at the EPCS webpage: http://www.epcs-home.org/
Best regards,
Axel Dreher
Papers in Regional Science
Volume 94, Issue 3 Pages i - ii, 443 - 675, August 2015
The latest issue of Papers in Regional Science is available on Wiley Online Library
Issue InformationIssue Information (pages i–ii) ARTICLESAgglomeration economies in classical music (pages 443–468) Who with whom: Co-operation activities in a cluster region (pages 469–497) Industry–research co-operation within and across regional boundaries. What does innovation policy add? (pages 499–524) The two faces of R&D and human capital: Evidence from Western European regions (pages 525–551) Geographical knowledge search, internal R&D intensity and product innovation of clustering firms in Zhejiang, China (pages 553–572) Parents' education, school-age children and household location in American cities (pages 573–595) Urban growth, transportation and the spatial dimension of the labour market: A note (pages 597–605) Ports and the local embedding of commodity flows (pages 607–627) spMorph: An exploratory space-time analysis tool for describing processes of spatial redistribution (pages 629–651) The impact of government funding of poverty reduction programmes (pages 653–675) |
For over 100 years the UIA has been working to promote and facilitate the work of international associations. We look forward to welcoming you at our Round Table this year.
3rd UIA Associations Round Table Asia-Pacific on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 September in Bangkok at the Centara Grand at CentralWorld.
We´ll discuss:
- the pioneering role of international associations
- creating a good structure and governance for associations
- encouraging corporate activism for an inclusive society
- establishing a consistent visual identity for associations
- engaging, educating, and motivating volunteer workers in a competitve world
- communicating clearly and effectively
with input from
- United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
- Associations Forum
- Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS)
- Singapore Business Federation
- Union of International Associations (UIA)
- and all the participating associations
You will find the full programme on http://www.uia.org/roundtable/asia-pacific-2015
The registration fee for association representatives is 2,500 THB. Thanks to the support of our partners at Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau, we are able to offer a high-level
educational programme for a low fee. All other elements of the programme are complimentary. Delegates are responsible for their own travel and accommodation arrangements and expenses. (Thai Airways is offering special fares.)
To register for the Round Table, please go to roundtable.uia.org and log in: your username is D1288 and your password is LBIKVUTG.
Two delegates can register with this username and password. If you would like to send more delegates, please contact us.
Looking forward to meeting you there,
Nancy Carfrae
Coordinator, UIA Associations Round Table
PS. Thanks to a partnership agreement, Round Table delegates can also attend Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings Asia (IT&CMA) on 30 September and 1 October. IT&CMA
will pay travel and accommodation costs for associations with "hosted buyer" status. For conditions and applications for "hosted buyer" status, please go to http://www.itcma.com/article.php?article_id=3115#hosting
AEIT International Annual Conference 2015
A Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Area
In collaboration with AEIT Sezione di Napoli, AEIT Sezione di Benevento, IEEE Italy Section
Naples, Italy - October 14-16, 2015
Basilica San Giovanni Maggiore, Rampe San Giovanni Maggiore
AEIT, association promoting activities which can contribute to the development and spread of culture and technology in areas of increasing importance, such as electrotechnical engineering, electronics, informatics, automation, telecommunications, organizes a conference to seek opportunities that will be determined by the socio-economic policies and technical issues relating to the Mediterranean countries.
In this area the population, unevenly located in developed countries and continuously growing, will not have access to services and energy to match their expectations and their needs. The difficulties raised by the territorial energy balances will be increasingly evident: balances in which the different forms of energy will have size and use dependent on costs, security, development, technology. Territory which will tend to evolve more and more different than in the past and cities that will change to become places of consumption of energy, services, trade. In fact, in Europe, as elsewhere in the world, people will concentrate in "mega-cities" in need to create not only relations within them, but also strong and secure connections with the outside.
In this context, the smart-cities will inevitably lead to the prerequisites for large investments in telecommunications and network infrastructure not only in Europe but also in Africa, where it will also determine the convenience of producing "sustainable energy" in a planned and coordinated way with the same Europe. It will be inevitable the implementation of a policy in the Mediterranean able to create a more balanced socio-economic development and a growth of electrical, electronics, informatics, automation, telecommunications technologies.
That's why AEIT, in line with the cultural objectives that pursues, intends to address topics usually of its interest and expertise, but in the prospect of a new policy in the Mediterranean Area.
The conference, in addition to the issues of economic and social interest treated by authoritative representatives of institutions and companies, will also carry out the traditional technical sessions (oral and poster) and an "Exhibition" for companies.
The conference will be held simultaneously with the 29th edition of the event FUTURO REMOTO, which will have the theme "The Borders" and will be held in Piazza Plebiscito.
Round tables, speeches and memories will take advantage of the contributions of Institutions, Enterprises and Professional Associations and will be parted into the following thematic areas:
The Mediterranean
The European Supergrid
The Metropolitan City and the Mega City
The Research in the European Perspective
Energy Efficiency
Transportation, Distribution, Utilization of Energy
Renewable Energy Sources
Energy Storage
Smart Grids
Urban and Extra-Urban Transports
Forensic Aspects
Electronics, Microelectronics and Components
Motors and Electric Drives
Electrical Generators
Electromagnetics and Electromagnetic Compatibility
Education and Scientific and Technical Communication
Dependability and Safety
POSTEDEADLINE Papers Submission
Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts on the indicated topics.
Contributions can also be written in Italian or English language.
Authors shall submit an EXTENDED ABSTRACT (3 pages-twocolumn format) by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., using the template no later than
August, 24th 2015
Authors will be notified of their post deadline contribution acceptance by
September, 10th 2015
FULL PAPER (6 pages - two-column format - using the template) shall be submitted by
September, 30th 2015
All papers will be reviewed.
All papers written in English language are going to be considered for publication in IEEE Xplore®. Papers have to be compliant with the following criteria:
Authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor which is under review for another publication or conference.
The contributions shall be written in ENGLISH.
The contributions shall be 6 pages in A4 format (including abstract, tables, figures and references).
The contributions shall be prepared in electronic format using the template
A copyright and consent form, properly filled and signed, must be submitted
AEIT Ufficio Centrale
Via M. Macchi 32 - 20124 Milano, Italy
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web Site: http://www.aeit.it/man/CA2015/ENG
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.