Other Publications


The Virtual Center for Supernetworks

The Virtual Center for Supernetworks at the Isenberg School of Management, under the directorship of Anna Nagurney, the John F. Smith Memorial Professor, is an interdisciplinary center established to:

  • stimulate activities related to supernetworks
  • explore applications of supernetworks
  • bring together faculty, students, and those in industry and government for education and collaboration
  • expand the knowledge base of network research
  • disseminate information concerning networks and their roles in today's Information Age and Network Economy.

Mission: The mission of the Virtual Center for Supernetworks is to foster the study and application of supernetworks and to serve as a resource to academia, industry, and government on networks ranging from transportation, logistical, and telecommunication networks to economic, environmental, financial, and social networks.

The applications of Supernetworks include: transportation, logistics, critical infrastructure, telecommunications, electronic commerce, supply chain management, environment, economics, finance, and decision-making.

Funding for the Center has been provided by: The National Science Foundation The AT&T Foundation The John F. Smith Memorial Fund of the University of Massachusetts.

CHI Research, Inc.

CHI Research, Inc. announces the availability of its Regional Tech-Line Patent Profiles covering technology trends through 2001 for US metropolitan areas (available now), US states, and countries (both scheduled to be released during April). They provide technology indicators based on US patents granted in the last ten years to inventors residing in those regions.

Researchers can compare regions by technological strength and impact, and identify technology hot spots, areas where the technology base is growing fast or with a shrinking commitment to technology, technologies where regional companies are innovating quickly, and the contribution that science makes to technological development in a city, state, or country.

Indicators include number of patents, growth in patenting, technology distribution, patent impact (Current Impact Index [CII]), technological strength, speed of innovation (Technology Cycle Time [TCT]), importance to subsequent technology (cites received per patent), linkage to science, and science strength. 

CHI Research is an internationally recognized research consultancy specializing in the development and analysis of technology and science indicators. CHI's indicators are used by corporate and public clients throughout the world. For more information about Regional Tech-Line, custom data extractions, or CHI and its services and products contact: e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone: (856)546-0600, or fax: (856)546-9633. Address: CHI Research Inc., 10 White Horse Pike, Haddon Heights, NJ 08035

Interventions vs. Market Approaches

We are pleased to present the third issue of PLANNING & MARKETS, a wholly electronic, fully refereed journal published on the World Wide Web. Go to: http://www-pam.usc.edu/

PLANNING & MARKETS is devoted to the study of planned interventions in social and economic processes versus market approaches. Dramatic advances in communications technologies have speeded information exchange almost everywhere. Refereed research in the social sciences and related policy fields are no exception.

Planning & Markets is the first academic journal in its field to be edited, refereed, and published exclusively using the Internet and World Wide Web. 

Last years premier issue of PLANNING & MARKETS is archived and accessible at the same address.

Email subscriptions to PLANNING & MARKETS are free. Web visitors can subscribe directly from the PLANNING & MARKETS Web site. 

For more information, please contact one of the Co-editors: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Jim MooreThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

RePEc Working Papers Database

RePEc stands for Research Papers in Economics, and is a vast collection of working papers, articles and software components contributed by over 80 archives. Among them are the NBER, the CEPR, all US Federal Reserve Banks, EconWPA, and many other academic and professional institutions. Currently, about 57000 working papers, 10000 articles and 300 software components are classified. Over 14000 items are available online in full text. 

This tremendous database is accessible for free through several services. Two of them are IDEAS and NEP. IDEAS allows users to browse through all paper descriptions by series or JEL classification, search by keywords and access the available full texts.

At NEP, you may subscribe to email reports with abstracts and download details of all new additions to RePEc. There are over 40 field-specific mailing lists to choose from. Click here for other services using subsets of the database are also available and are described.

You are invited to explore these free services. If your institution does not yet contribute to RePEc, we also invite you to participate. Click here for details. Contributions are also free. Journals are welcome to join, too.

The Web Book of Regional Science

Web Book of Regional Science is a peer-reviewed and edited on-line collection of learning materials developed for upper-division undergraduates and graduate students taking courses related to regional science. Contributions are typically shorter than a book but longer than a journal article. An on-line pop-up glossary allows the reader to see terms defined without leaving the text. Hot links allow readers to view related resources while studying The Web Book of Regional Science. A diverse set of contributions makes it easy for instructors to pick a subset of materials that best fits their students. Contributions fall into two major categories: policy/practice and theoretical/empirical. To propose a contribution, contact, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., director of the Regional Research InstituteWest Virginia University.


EconData.Net is a Web site with links to over 125 on-line sources of regional socioeconomic data. Although the Web offers a substantial, and ever-increasing, amount of economic data on-line, it has been difficult to know what data are available and how to find them. To aid development practitioners and researchers in their search for on-line data, EconData.Net provides links to over 125 public, university, and private sources of regional socioeconomic data. Access to on-line data is provided to the various series profiled in the User's Guide as well as many others. Over the next few months, the site's listings will be further expanded and its format given a new look. EconData.Net is funded by the Economic Development Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Direct questions or comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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