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Repositioning Europe in an era of global
15th -17th September 2010, Europahaus Vienna,
Urban &
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To address these questions the Editors propose the
following broad themes but also welcome papers that cut across or go beyond
those specified:
Global Competitive Pressures and Regional Realignment
Changing Global Divisions of Labour and Regional Development
Financial/Economic Crisis and the Restructuring of Cities and Regions
Surviving/ Living through the Crisis / Uneven Impact of the Recession
European Borders and Boundaries, Inclusion, Exclusion and Identity
Geographical Peripherality and Regional Development
Creativity and Sustainability
Economic and Environmental Sustainability in Cities and Regions
Constructing Creative Cities and Regional Advantage
Gender, Diversity, Difference, Inclusions and Exclusion
Urban Change, Vernacular Cosmopolitanisms and Creative Subcultures
Mobility and Migration
Theories, Methods and Models of Development in an era of transformation
Pleanary Speakers include:
Ron Boschma (Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht)
Mick Dunford (University of Sussex)
Costis Hadjimichalis (Harokopio University)
Merje Kuus (University of British Columbia)
Frank Moulaert (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Andreas Novy (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration)
Speakers from the City Hall in Vienna
Proposals for Papers
A one page abstract should be sent by 31st March 2010 to:
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Further details
Booking forms and further details can be obtained by contacting:
Kathy Wood, Department of
Geography, Durham University, Durham DH1 3LE, UK (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Tel: 00 44
191 334 1926