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Monday, 07 March 2011 18:15

ECCS'11 reminder / & / Call for papers - Segregation and crime


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

this is to remind you that that the call for abstracts for talks and posters for the ECCS'11 Vienna (Sep 12-16, 2011) is open, until April 1st, 2011. Early registration (reduced fees) is possible until April 30th, 2011. Please follow the instructions at http://www.eccs2011.eu

Further, we are happy to announce the list of satellite meetings, which will take place on Sep 14 and 15, 2011, see: http://www.eccs2011.eu/satellites/

All the best,
For the organizers
Stefan Thurner (Conference Chair)
Karl Sigmund (Program Chair)


European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS'11), Vienna, September 12-16, 2011

Satellite meeting "Urban social dynamics: segregation and criminality"

This one-day workshop aims at bringing together researchers from different disciplines and backgrounds on topics of major interest for the analysis and understanding of urban economics and social dynamics. The focus will be mainly on social segregation and on criminality. Both topics have some aspects touching upon the issue of the emergence of social norms. Empirical as well as theoretical approaches (mathematical models and agent-based approaches) will be presented. Methodological aspects will also be discussed. Social scientists will present open issues in their field for which a complex system approach might be relevant.
This workshop is one of the events of ECCS'11 to be held in Vienna between the 12 and the 16 of September, 2011, and is open to any registered participant of the main conference,ECCS'11.

For this satellite meeting, there will be invited talks and contributed talks, the later being selected by an interdisciplinary scientific committee (see the home page of the satellite meeting, http://www.lps.ens.fr/~risc/eccs2011/). Researchers interested in contributing to the workshop should submit by mail an abstract of one page, including: name, first name, affiliation, homepage, email address; names and affiliations of co-authors; title of the talk; abstract; references with links to relevant papers of the authors on the web, whenever available.

Some specific topics of interest (non-exclusive list):
- Spatial segregation: income, ethnic, religious segregations; the interplay between spatial, economic and social factors; Schelling type models and other agent-based approaches;
- Criminality: Social capital and crime or other civic problems like riots; Explaining the international crime drop (since mid 1990's) and Why it did not happen in some countries; Policy making: reducing crime making use of mathematical modeling and agent-based approaches.
- Both domains: Collective dynamics, Emergence of social norms. Interplay between criminal behavior and socio-economic factors.

Methods of interest: any method or approach, e. g.: empirical approaches, collecting and analyzing data; modeling with partial differential equations (PDE), epidemic models, statistical physics models, agent-based models, game theoretic approaches...

Submissions should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject: « Segregation and crime at ECCS11 » before noon, Friday April 1st, 2011.

Remind that all the participants including speakers have to be registered to the main conference, for which the deadline for early registration is April 30 (see the website of the main conference, http://eccs2011.eu/). We will give the list of accepted papers (together with a waiting list) no later than the last week of April. Selected authors will have to confirm their participation before June 1st.

Authors of accepted contributions will be offered the possibility to send a full paper for publication after the conference. Original contributions will be encouraged but reviews of published works will also be allowed. In all cases the papers will be peer reviewed. Practical modalities will be detailed later on the workshop web page.

The organizers,
Mirta B. Gordon, LIG, CNRS, Grenoble
Jean-Pierre Nadal, LPS, Ecole Normale Supérieure, and CAMS, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
Andromachi Tseloni, School of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent  University, Nottingham
Annick Vignes, ERMES, Univ. Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, Paris

ECCS’11 satellite meeting “Urban social dynamics: segregation and criminality”
Web page: http://www.lps.ens.fr/~risc/eccs2011/

Contact and submissions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject: « Segregation and crime at ECCS11 »

Support: This event is part of the project “Urban Collective Dynamics: Individual and Spatial Heterogeneities” (DyXi) supported by the Program SYSCOMM of the French National Research Agency, the ANR (grant ANR-08-SYSC-008).Logistic: CAMS (Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales, associated with the EHESS and the CNRS, Paris).Webpage hosted by the LPS (Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, ENS, Paris). Both the CAMS
and the LPS are members of the DyXi project.

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