The International Input-Output Association ( announces that the 21st International Input-Output Conference will be held on July 9-12, 2013, in Kitakyushu, Japan.
The goal of the conference is to promote and stimulate the worldwide exchange of ideas among economists and between them and government officials, policy makers, engineers, national accountants and managers with interests in input-output analysis and related methods. In particular, the theme of conference is set as ‘Toward New Horizons of Innovation, Environment, and Trade” to highlight the current affairs of research activities and the hosting city’s history and planning.
Attached herewith please find the call for paper for IIOA2013. For more information, please visit the conference page on the IIOA website at:
Best regards,
Yasuhide Okuyama, PhD
Co-Chair of the Local Organizing Committee for IIOA2013