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Monday, 15 April 2024 10:32

2024 APDR Congress | Deadline extension for abstract submission

The call for abstracts has been a great success!

Nevertheless, we are receiving several requests for extending the abstract submission. Therefore, we are happy to announce that the 2024 APDR Congress organizing committee has officially decided to extend the deadline to April 29!

Please submit your abstracts through the Submission System.

Abstracts are accepted in the following languages: Portuguese, English or Spanish. The papers can be presented in one of these three languages.

Stay tuned for further updates!

More information available at http://www.apdr.pt/congresso/2024.


The Organizing Committee and the Board of APDR 31st APDR Congress


Call for Papers

The APDR invites regional scientists, economists, sociologists, geographers, urban planners, policy makers, and researchers of related disciplines to participate in the 31st APDR Congress with the theme "Regional Innovation Ecosystems and Sustainable Development" that will be held from 26th to 28th of June, 2024, at Polytechnic University of Leiria (School of Technology and Management), Leiria, Portugal.

In an era defined by dynamic global challenges, regional innovation ecosystems characterized by a strong collaboration between regional actors, both within and across regions, play a pivotal role in fostering sustainable development. As regions navigate the complex interplay between technological advancements, economic resilience, and environmental and digital transition, this congress provides a platform to discuss the diverse strategies employed across different regions to catalyze open and collaborative innovation, as a means to realize the full potential of the new opportunities available at the global level and to enhance societal well-being and sustainable development.

The call for papers are open and your participation is very welcome!

Special Sessions:

SS01 - Territorial intelligence, key to a sustainable future? New challenges and prospects for regional development and growth: data, methods and solutions
Simona Cafieri
SS02 - Public Policy, Neuroeconomics and Behavioral Economics
Michelle Moraes , Orlando Gomes (Chair), Paulo Fagandini, António Morgado and João Vasco Gama
SS03 - Traditional Products and Development of Regions of Origin
Maria Inês Faria (Chair), Fernando Nunes Teixeira, Thiago Meneghel Rodrigues and Cristina Keiko Yamaguchi
SS04 - Media, “News Deserts” and Sustainable Regional Development
Pedro Jerónimo (Chair), Giovanni Ramos, and Luísa Torre
SS05 - New Trends in Telework: Reshaping Work, Business, and Society
Paulo Morgado (Chair) and Eduarda Marques da Costa
SS06 - Advancing Sustainability in the Agri-Food Chain: Bridging Research and Practice
Ana Marta-Costa (Chair) and Maria Raquel Lucas
SS07 - Contribution of European Universities to Inter-Regional Development
Pedro Assunção (Chair) and Ileana Dufranc
SS08 - Ruralities and Regional Dynamics in the Legal Amazon: Interdisciplinary Approaches
Cleiton Silva Ferreira Milagres (Chair) and Renata Rauta Petarly

SS09 – Cooperation Academia – Public Policy Institutions

Luís Cruz

Regular Sessions:

RS01 – Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems

RS02 – Territorial Sustainability Strategies

RS03 – Natural environment, resources and rural development

RS04 – Demographic Challenges, Migrations and Integration

RS05 – Education, Skills, Labour Markets and Regional Development

RS06 – Regions and Global Value Chains

RS07 – Energy transition and Regional Development

RS08 – Digital Transition and Smart Cities

RS09 – Social innovation, integration, poverty and exclusion

RS10 – Territorial Cohesion and asymmetries

RS11 – Governance, Leadership and Regional Development

RS12 – Regional resilience and crises

RS13 – Tourism, culture, sports and sustainable development

RS14 – Territorial Responsible Marketing

RS15 – Quantitative and qualitative methods in regional science

Deadline for Abstracts submissions: April 29, 2024 (NEW DATE). Authors should submit their abstracts through online submission system by following the link https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/APDR2024

All information at the congress website: http://www.apdr.pt/congresso/2024.

Looking forward to meeting you in Leiria, Portugal!

The Organizing Committee and the Board of APDR

31st APDR Congress

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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