Upcoming Events

Tuesday, 24 October 2023 09:15

WRSA: Fall 2023 Newsletter + Reminder for "2024 Annual Meeting" in Monterey, CA

Dear WRSA Members and Friends,

The Fall 2023 Newsletter is attached and contains everything you'll need to start planning our 63rd Annual Meeting in Monterey, California from Feb 11th, 2024 to Feb 14th, 2024. For those who want the information now, here are the key details:

Paper Submission: Papers should be submitted to the WRSA website by the extended due date, November 30. Only full papers (draft format acceptable) will be accepted. The program review committee will review and invitations will be sent to the accepted papers. Draft papers are sufficient for the November deadline, so long as we have a complete version in hand by January 15th 2024. 

Hotel Reservations: Our negotiated daily room rate is $229 plus applicable taxes and a waived resort fee ($33 of the resort fee is waived for our group). Some perks of the hotel stay include free self and valet parking, complimentary standard wireless wifi in guestrooms, and access to the 24-hour Fitness Center. The hotel is honoring our special room rate three days prior to and three days following our meetings (Feb 8th through Feb 17th), based on availability. The room reservation can be made via this link, or by calling 831-372-1234 and asking for the Western Regional Science Association 2024 group rate (Group code: G-WR24). 

Please note: After January 10, 2024, or as soon as our block fills, the hotel will no longer honor our special room rate! Be sure to book early!

Student Conference Assistants: WRSA is seeking several students to assist with meeting registration. In exchange for 8-10 hours of volunteering at the registration desk, students will receive a full refund of their registration fees (worth $150, to be processed following the meeting) and potentially discounted staff rooms at the conference hotel. Student volunteers should stay at the conference hotel during the WRSA annual conference. Email me at wrsa@unlv.edu if you're interested.

Session Chairs and Paper Discussants: Planning to come to Monterey but won’t be presenting a paper? We are always VERY happy to assign you a session chair or paper discussant duties if you’re willing. Just email me at wrsa@unlv.edu to let me know of your preferences and availability.

Please feel free to contact me at wrsa@unlv.edu with any questions. 

And please do circulate/post the attached Call for Papers! 

Let your colleagues know what a great meeting WRSA is...

The Way Academic Life Should Be...

All the best,

Jaewon Lim

Program Chair, 2024 Annual Meeting

Executive Director, WRSA

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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