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Call for Papers | 14th Geoffrey J.D. Hewings Regional Economics Workshop | Vienna, October 2-3, 2023

Call for Papers

14th Geoffrey J.D. Hewings Regional Economics Workshop

Keynote: Prof. Dr. Ron Boschma | Vienna, October 2 - 3, 2023

The Austrian Institute of  Economic  Research  (WIFO)  is  very  pleased  to  announce  the 14th international workshop in honor of Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Professor of Economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and member of WIFO's Scientific Board.

Prof. Hewings has published numerous scientific contributions in economics, economic geog- raphy, urban and regional planning, input-output analysis and other fields. He is famous for being a scholar always eager to share his knowledge and give profound and positive advice to younger researchers.

Any empirical contribution within the field of regional economics is welcome. The topics of interest include questions related to:

  • regional specialization, structural change, and knowledge diffusion
  • regional location analyses, spatial location choice, and location concepts
  • geographical impact of economic policy measures
  • regional labor markets
  • regional tourism
  • regional planning

We are proud to announce that we have been able to attract Professor Dr. Ron Boschma as keynote speaker. The title of his talk will be:

“Opportunities spaces of European regions: the role of regional capabilities and inter-regional linkages”

Ron Boschma is a reputable expert in the fields of Regional Economics and Economic Geog- raphy and Professor at the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at the Fac- ulty of Geosciences, Utrecht University. He is also affiliated as Professor at the University of Sta- vanger, Norway. From 2013 to 2015 he was Director of the Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy at Lund University. He has widely published in interna- tional journals on evolutionary economic geography, the spatial evolution of industries, re- gional systems of innovation, the structure and evolution of networks, agglomeration external- ities and regional growth and diversification. In an interdisciplinary context, he is engaged in the programs “Institutions for Open Societies” and “Pathways to Sustainability”. He has been member of the Research, Innovation and Science Experts (RISE) High-Level Advisory Body to European Commissioner Carlos Moedas 2015-2016 and is Board member of the International Regional Studies Association. From 2018-2020 he was member of the Scientific Advisory Group of DG Regional and Urban Policy, from 2018 to 2025 Ron Boschma is nominated as a member of the Commissie Sectorplan Social Sciences and Humanities in the Netherlands (National Ad- visory Group to the Minister of Education, Culture and Science).

The workshop aims at bringing together researchers from various fields of economics working mainly at the regional level to discuss ideas and exchange knowledge. Moreover, it should be emphasized that the workshop should also attract contributions characterized as "work in pro- gress" and those from young researchers. Submissions should include an extended abstract (minimum of 300 words) or a full paper.

The workshop will be held at WIFO in Vienna. There are no fees for participants of the workshop. All papers presented may be published in the WIFO Working Paper series. Abstracts of papers and/or full papers intended for presentation should be prepared in PDF-format and be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Deadline for submission of abstracts: July 30, 2023

Notification of acceptance: August 11, 2023

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