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Tuesday, 02 May 2023 09:21

ERSA Monthly E-news - April 2023

30 April 2023 - Nr 4/23

The issue includes:

·     Internal communication

·     ERSA Congress

·     Ongoing Calls on ERSA Sections' Agendas

·     Journal news

·     Vacancies

Dear Members of ERSA, dear Colleagues,

I hope that you're well.

We are happy to communicate that we have taken a step forward in the development of the ERSA Congress programme.

7 keynote Speakers are now confirmed and 2 outstanding Roundtables will be part of this 2023 edition. One roundtable will be managed by the OECD and the other one organised in honour of our late President Roberto Camagni.

The registration will start next week.

With best wishes,

André Torre, ERSA President

Internal Communication

IN MEMORIAM - Roberto Camagni

ERSA Community is deeply saddened by the sudden death of Roberto Camagni, Past President of ERSA, Professor Emeritus of Regional and Urban Economics at Politecnico di Milano, and long-term contributor to Regional science.

Roberto Camagni passed away on 3 April at the age of 76 in Milan.

Roberto has always been very active in our Community. He was one of the founders of the Italian Section of the Regional Science Association International (AISRe), which he chaired between 1989 and 1992. Between 2003 and 2005, Roberto acted as President of the European Regional Science Association. Moreover, for twenty years (1987-2016) Roberto was President of the GREMI- Groupe de Recherche Européen sur les Milieux Innovateurs, In 2010, he received the ERSA Prize and in 2017, he became Fellow of the Regional Science Association International.

We extend our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to Roberto's family and loved ones.

Read more about Roberto's outstanding career from his friend and colleague Roberta Capello


Call for searching for new President and Vice-President of ERSA

We are searching for a new President and Vice- President. Both positions are appointed for a term of five years (2024-2028).

Each candidate can apply either for the President or Vice-president position only. Applications for both positions will be discarded.

All candidatures must be formally put forward by a national section. Applications must be submitted by ERSA national sections exclusively.

Application deadline: 30 June 2023.

read more

2024 RSAI World Congress | Request for Proposals

The RSAI calls for proposals to host a world congress in 2024. Potential hosts are RSAI Supra-Regionals, Sections or Members that have a proven track record of hosting conferences and related events.

Proposals must be submitted from May 1, 2023, and within Thursday, June 1, 2023, 23:59 CET. 



Call for applications | The Peter Nijkamp Research Encouragement Award

Deadline: 31 May 2023


Latest news

1244 submissions have been reviewed by the Scientific Committee, Special Session conveners and LOC Team members.

Registration will start next week. Authors will receive a personal invitation to register.

Stay tuned to the Congress website for updates shortly.

Discover the Preliminary Overview Programme

Sections' Events

With ongoing calls & deadlines

Portuguese Section: 30th APDR Congress

Sustainability Development Challenges of Territories in Contexts of Uncertainties due to External Shocks and Risks

19-21 July 2023 │ Braga, Portugal

Abstract submissions deadline: 15 May 2023


Croatian Section: FEBT Summer School program 2023 in Split, Croatia

Regional Development and Policy - a New Conceptualization and Reality Check

26-30 June 2023 Split, Croatia

Full Paper submission deadline: 10 May 2023


VI Seminar for New Academic Researchers

14-15 September 2023, Barcelona, Spain

Abstract Submission deadline: 15 July 2023


Other Events

With ongoing calls & deadlines



The Sustainable Development Festival

8-24 May 2023 In-person(Italy) & Online

Events during the festival are in line with the Special Session "Ecological Transition That is Increase in Resilience and Renewable Energies, Digitalization, and Integrated Territorial Planning" (S49) at the 62nd ERSA Congress, Alicante

Event supported by ERSA


2023 Rethinking Clusters International Conference

The Paradox Of Sustainability Innovation: Local Or Global?

28 – 29 September 2023, Valencia, Spain

Call for Papers deadline: 1 June 2023


See all scheduled Events 2023

Journal News


Just published in Vol 10, N°1, 2023

Economic impact of hotels and similar establishments in Veszprém District , by Karimov, A., Gyurácz-Németh, P. and Kamann, D.-J. (2023) more

See latest news on REGION publications


Journal of Regional Research -

Investigaciones Regionales

Latest Issue: Issue 55, 1st volume, 2023 is now published. Special Issue: The institutionalization of Protected Natural Areas



Call for papers

Special Issue: Uncovering business and spatial dimensions of industrial districts, clusters and learning regions

Deadline: 15 September



In 2022 the journal has been positioned in the First Quartile (Q1) of Scopus.


Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP) 

Latest issues:

Vol. 15, No. 3, April 2023 Special Issue: Pandemics, People, and Places


Vol. 15, No. 2, April 2023


Papers in Regional Science (PiRS)

Latest issue:

Vol. 102, Issue 2, April 2023



Latest issue: 2023, Vol. 13, No 2.


New publications to share?

Your are member of the ERSA Community and you have recently published a book, grasp this opportunity to inform us about it. We are looking for

· Books published in 2023

· Preferably written in English 

Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


If you want to share an announcement

interesting for our community,

Send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

and we will promote it via our channels

LAST DAY : Data Analyst at JRC, European Commission, Spain. Application deadline: 30 April 2023

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Read 1212 times

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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