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Friday, 07 June 2019 12:37

WRSA-PRSCO : Hawaii 2020 Call for Papers + Spring/Summer 2019 Newslette

Dear WRSA Members and Friends,

It's already time to start planning for the next WRSA Annual Meeting--our 59th! 

The 59th Annual Meeting of the WRSA will be held jointly with the 26th Pacific Conference (PRSCO) of the RSAI in Waikiki, Hawaii.

Our joint meeting will be held at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikiki, Hawaii, March 18-21. The meeting will open on Wednesday, March 18, with our traditional plenary and welcoming reception. Three full days of sessions follow. See the website or attached Call for Papers for additional meeting information. 

To submit a paper for program consideration or to register for the meeting, go to www.wrsaonline.org and use the "Login/Register" link to access/create your account and upload your paper and pay your meeting fees. Reminder: You no longer email me your paper and NARSC no longer handles our payments!

The Spring/Summer 2019 Newsletter is also attached and contains everything you'll need to start planning for Hawaii. For those wanting the information now, here are the key details:

Paper Submission: Papers should be uploaded to the WRSA website by November 15, although as in past years the "deadline" will be extended until mid-December. Full papers (draft format acceptable) for WRSA participants as well as short abstracts for PRSCO participants will be accepted for this year's joint conference. Program review committee will review and invitations will be sent to the accepted papers of abstracts. Draft papers are sufficient for the November deadline, so long as we have a complete version in hand by the end of January 2020.

Hotel Reservations: Our negotiated room rate at the Hilton is $229/night (plus taxes). Full details and a reservation link are posted on our website (link here). The “OPTIONAL” resort charge of $20 per night will include basic guest internet access (up to 2 devices), Hawaiian cultural activities, and outdoor morning exercise classes. The hotel has agreed to honor our special room rate three days prior to and following our meeting (Mar 18th through Mar 21st), based on availability. Guest parking is available with the extra charges. Please note: after February 21, 2020, the hotel will no longer honor our special room rate! Be sure to book early!

Tiebout Prize: Advisors and PhD students alike are reminded that November 15 is the hard deadline for submissions for the 34th Annual Tiebout Prize in Regional Science. See attached flyer or the WRSA website for full details. Papers co-authored with faculty advisors are acceptable, however the primary author must meet the Tiebout student requirements and the bulk of the substantive work and contribution of the paper must have come from the student. REQUIRED: Submitted pdfs of the paper must include a letter from the faculty advisor confirming that these requirements have been met.

Student Conference Assistants: WRSA is seeking several students to assist with meeting registration in Pasadena. In exchange for 8-10 hours of volunteering at the registration desk, students will receive a complete rebate of their preregistration fees (worth $150, to be processed as a refund following the meeting) and potentailly discounted staff rooms at the conference hotel. Contact me via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you're interested.

Session Chairs and Paper Discussants: Planning to come to Hawaii and won’t be presenting a paper? We are always VERY happy to assign you session chair or paper discussant duties, if you’re willing. Just drop us an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to let us know your preferences and availability constraints.

Please feel free to contact me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with any questions. 

And please do circulate/post the attached Call for Papers! 

Let your colleagues know what a great meeting WRSA is...The Way Academic Life Should Be...

All the best,

Jaewon Lim

Program Chair, 2020 Annual Meeting

Executive Director, WRSA

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About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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