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Tuesday, 26 March 2019 08:31

Call for papers: Urban & Territorial Themes (NESPUTT 2019) 21-22 of November 2019 in Milan/Italy

Deadline for the submission of abstracts is 30 June 2019.

New Economic & Statistical Perspectives on Urban & Territorial Themes (NESPUTT 2019)

The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Economics, Psychology and Social Sciences (CISEPS) and the Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS) at the University of Milan-Bicocca in collaboration with the Regional Economic Modelling Team (REMO) of the European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) are organizing an international workshop entitled New Economic & Statistical Perspectives on Urban and Territorial Themes (NESPUTT), which will take place in Milan on the 21st and 22nd of November 2019. 

The workshop aims at fostering an interdisciplinary debate involving economists, statisticians, modellers and other social scientists towards a better understanding of contemporary regions and cities, viewed as complex socio-economic systems. The NESPUTT Workshop encourages contributions about new theoretical/methodological approaches and applied research from regional economics, behavioral economics, environmental economics, experimental economics, statistics and other quantitative disciplines. 

The following list illustrates, but does not exhaust, possible topics applied to regional and urban themes:

  • Behavioral economics
  • Digital transformation
  • Environmental economics
  • Experimental economics
  • Inequality
  • Innovation and competitiveness
  • Migration
  • Nudging
  • Regional divide
  • Regional economic adjustment and development
  • Small areas
  • Social exclusion
  • Social mobility
  • Spatial modelling/statistics/econometric

Submissions of papers based on the application of behavioral, experimental and computational economics approaches to urban studies are also welcome. Special sessions devoted to particularly innovative approaches may be organized.

Participation of interested researchers and policy makers from all countries is welcome.

Proceedings: The NESPUTT2019 workshop will publish an electronic “Papers and Proceedings” edition with ISBN highlighting selected short papers (maximum 4 pages) from the meeting. You must indicate that your paper is to be included in the proceedings.

Location of the conference: University of Milan-Bicocca, Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1, Milan.

Scientific Committee: Riccardo Borgoni (UnimiB), Andrea Caragliu (PoliMi), Andrea Conte (European Commission JRC), André De Palma (ENS Paris Saclays), Giacomo Degli Antoni (University of Parma), Marco Faillo (University of Trento), Patrizio Lecca (European Commission, JRC), Alessandra Michelangeli (UnimiB), Nathalie Picard (University of Cergy-Pontoise).

Organizing Committee: Riccardo Borgoni (UnimiB), Antonella Carcagnì (UnimiB); Andrea Gilardi (UnimiB), Alessandra Michelangeli (UnimiB).

The link to the abstract submission site is https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nesputt2019

Important dates:

  • 30 June 2019 – Deadline for abstract submission.
  • 20 July 2019 – Acceptance notification.
  • 20 September 2019 – Deadline for early registration.
  • 30 October 2019 – Standard registration deadline.
  • 21-22 November 2019 – Workshop at University of Milan-Bicocca.

Further information will be available from April 2019 on the workshop website http://www.nesputt2019.unimib.it/

Should you have any questions, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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