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Tuesday, 12 March 2019 14:15

REMINDER | Call for Abstracts | 26th APDR Congress, 4-5 July 2019, Aveiro, Portugal

Call for Abstracts

It is our pleasure to announce the 26th APDR Congress, to be held at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, from July 4 to July 5, 2019.

Theme of the Conference:

Evidence-based territorial policymaking: formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy

Keynote Speakers


António Figueiredo

FEP e Quaternaire


Artur da Rosa Pires

Universidade de Aveiro


Elisabete Silva

University of Cambridge


João Ferrão



João L. Marques

Universidade de Aveiro


Taps Maiti

University of Michigan

 The call for abstracts are open and your participation is very welcome!

Special Sessions

SS01 | Portugal Post-2020: The Construction of Expectations – Challenges to the Territorialisation of Public Policies

SS02 | Children as City Experts. Contributions for Social Theory and Urban Planning

SS03 | Planning for better territorial innovation policies in Less Developed Regions in Europe

SS04 | Selling ‘rural food’ in urban contexts: a way of establishing and reinforcing new rural-urban connections?

SS05 | Envolvimento regional das instituições de ensino superior: todas diferentes, todas iguais?

SS06 | Role and effects of the Entrepreneurial University in regional development

SS07 | Choreographies of Power in Metropolitan Territories

SS08 | Fostering innovation on sea economy development

SS09 | Modeling and Planning Solutions for territorial policymaking

SS10 | Geoparques Mundiais da UNESCO: estratégias de desenvolvimento territorial para o Séc. XXI

SS11 | Water-wise Spatial Planning. Challenges for Regions

SS12 | Políticas de Saúde e Ordenamento do Território

SS13 | Trajectories and life cycles: transition(s) to/in ageing

SS14 | Integração, Coordenação e Geotecnologia como Instrumentos de Elaboração, Execução e Gestão de Políticas Públicas de Redução de Riscos de Desastres Hídricos nos Territórios

SS15 | Política governamental, desenvolvimento regional e dinâmica socioeconômica contemporânea

SS16 | Tourism and creative cities

SS17 | O design como agente para o desenvolvimento territorial e a territorialização

SS18 | Digital Economy and Digital Talent:  challenges in the alignment of technologies and regional capabilities

SS19 | Data Sourcing and Citizen Participation: plugging territorial development with individual data and engagement

SS20 | RIE - Regional Innovation Ecosystems – Policies and Implementation Strategies

SS21 | Energy and Environmental data analysis: indicators and implications

SS22 | Cultural and creative tourism in urban and rural territories and community roles

SS23 | Innovation, innovation policy and rural development

SS24 | Data and tools for advanced territorial analysis

SS25 | Decision support systems (DSS) to model urban transformation


Regular Sessions

RS01 - (Big) Data for regional science

RS02 - Agglomeration, clustering, and networking

RS03 - Climate change mitigation and adaptation

RS04 - Decision Support Systems

RS05 - Education and health

RS06 - Energy and environmental economics

RS07 - Financing of economic growth

RS08 - Geographic Information Systems and location modelling

RS09 - Governance and public policy

RS10 - Housing, rehabilitation and real estate

RS11 - Information and communication technology in regional sciences

RS12 - Infrastructure, transportation and accessibility

RS13 - Innovation, entrepreneurship and regional development

RS14 - Low density regions and development

RS15 - Models and methods in regional science

RS16 - Natural environment, resources and rural development

RS17 - Population, migration and labour markets

RS18 - Qualitative analysis in regional science

RS19 - Quality of life, wellbeing and happiness

RS20 - Regional and local development policies

RS21 - Regional resilience and crisis

RS22 - Services, tourism and culture

RS23 - Social innovation, integration, poverty and exclusion

RS24 - Spatial econometrics

RS25 - Sports and regional development

RS26 - Systems and General Interest Services: education, health

RS27 - Territorial Cohesion and asymmetries

RS28 - Theory in regional science

Deadline for Abstracts submissions: April 16, 2019. Abstracts should be submitted electronically, using the platform available on the Conference website: https://events.digitalpapers.org/apdr2019  

All information at the congress website: http://www.apdr.pt/congresso/2019  

Looking forward to meeting you in Aveiro!

The Organizing Committee and the Board of APDR

26th APDR Congress

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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