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Monday, 03 September 2018 11:54

AESOP Newsletter 08/2018 - August 31

AESOP Lecture Series / Lecture 13

Published at: 30 August 2018

AESOP Lecture Series / Lecture 13

Simin Davoudi

New Frontiers for Spatial Planning in Times of Uncertainty: Dealing with Climate Change and Environmental Risks 

1st November 2018,

POLIS University of Tirana, Albania

New Research Position at HafenCity University Hamburg - EU-funded Project AREA 21

Published at: 24 August 2018

The Institute for Urban Planning and Regional Development of HafenCity University Hamburg invites applications for an open research position in the project “AREA 21 - Baltic Smart City Areas for the 21st Century”.

AREA 21 is an international cooperation project funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020. It seeks to model energy efficient urban areas of the future, adopting collaborative stakeholder engagement processes in the strategic planning and implementation of energy solutions.

The deadline for applications is 31 August 2018.

2019 Urban Affairs Conference

Published at: 15 August 2018

General Call for Participation

49th Annual Conference of the Urban Affairs Association

April 24 – 27, 2019 | Los Angeles, California, USA | Luskin Conference Center

MOOC "Introduction to Land Management"

Published at: 22 August 2018

Gain insights into the complex nature of land management and learn about terms, tasks and challenges related to our land.

Technical University of Munich (TUM) offers a MOOC that will introduce you to the basics of land management.

Doctoral student in architecture within "solar urban districts"

Published at: 16 August 2018

We are looking for a doctoral student to work in the field of urban planning at Luleå University of Technology in Luleå. The doctoral student will work on the concept of “solar urban districts”.

Application deadline 2018-09-06

Three professor posts at TU Delft

Published at: 13 August 2018

The Department of Urbanism at TU Delft has three vacancies for full professor.

  • Professor Delta Urbanism (closing 7 September).
  • Professor Regional Design and Planning (closing 7 September).
  • Professor / Associate Professor Urban Design: Theory and Methods. Note that this post may recruit at associate professor level with progression to full professor. Closing 8 September).

Follow this link to learn more about the vacancies.

Professor of Regional Design and Planning, TU Delft

Published at: 3 August 2018

The Professor of Regional Design and Planning will maintain and strengthen the high reputation of TU Delft in research and teaching on ‘integrated urbanism’ particularly at the metropolitan scale. Regional design and planning is a wide field within which the Professor will concentrate on the use of the designerly approach of ‘envisioning’, employing spatial representations and mapping. In particular, the Professor will contribute to developing regional and metropolitan designs and to disseminating knowledge on regional design and planning methodology, on regional design and planning oriented methods of analysis, and on how regional design and planning can steer the political agenda of metropolitan regions.

Application Deadline 7 September 2018

Professor/Associate Professor of Urban Design Theory and Methods, TU Delft

Published at: 3 August 2018

The professor/associate professor of Urban Design Theory and Methods will build on a strong track record of research, education and outreach in urban design within urbanism. The professor/associate professor will lead the academic work of the urban design section. This will entail management of the urban design staff, coaching and team building, acting as principal investigator for external funding bids and providing support on publication across the whole spectrum of media. She or he will ensure continuity in the investigation of existing research and education themes that are successful, but we also welcome an injection of new ideas and topics that reflect current challenges in urban design for both research and education. The professor/associate professor will bring an international and cross-cultural perspective to bear on the subject.

Application Deadline 8 September 2018

Professor of Delta Urbanism, TU Delft

Published at: 3 August 2018

The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft invites applications for the post of Professor of Delta Urbanism. This is a new position in a field where the University has built a strong reputation, particularly through the work of former Professor Han Meyer in the Department of Urbanism, with support from the inter-faculty initiative Deltas, Infrastructures and Mobility. The post offers a unique opportunity for an outstanding candidate to develop research and education that addresses the urgent challenge to create more sustainable, and resilient deltas respecting the critical relations between urbanization, flood defence, water management, agriculture and ecosystems.

Application Deadline 7 September 2018

Prof. Paulo Pinho
AESOP Secretary General

University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering,
Dept. Civil Engineering, Division of Spatial and Environmental Planning
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype: AESOP.SG, Website:www.aesop-planning.eu

Content is copyright of AESOP, 2018. All rights reserved
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