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Friday, 04 May 2018 10:24


The Scientific Programme Committee of the 2018 Conference, jointly organised by Statistics Poland (GUS), the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) Standing Committee of Regional and Urban Statistics (SCORUS) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), has selected the three themes below for the GUS – SCORUS Conference “NEW SCALE – NEW NEEDS – NEW STATISTICS”, to be hosted by GUS in Warsaw, Poland in June 6-8, 2018. Under each of these themes, sessions will be organised which can each accommodate several papers and presentations. You are invited to submit proposals for papers for these themes.

We live in era of dynamic changes occurring in various fields of social and economic activity. In these circumstances the role of statistics is to understand new phenomena, to identify information needs in dialogue with users, as well as to adapt statistical production process in order to provide most relevant, timely and geographically detailed statistics.

Statistics Poland celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2018. Our history makes us think about future vision of regional and urban statistics. We hope that SCORUS 2018 will be the platform for sharing knowledge and inspiring ideas.


Submission of Abstracts 14 May, 2018
Registration 23 May, 2018

Please send your abstracts to the following email address:

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Themes Topics


This session is dedicated to discussing changes of the scale with particular focus on:




natural environment

Session topics might include issues related to:

New Places and Territories – How we should define a spatial unit?  How to classify space along the urban-rural continuum? How we define functional geographies like labour market areas?

Networks, flows and relationships – What kind of networks and flows can we observe? What is the potential of mobile phone data and other unconventional data? How can we observe cross border flows?

Coordination– Which strategies can be used for thematic and geographical standardisation between the administrative levels (national  and local)?  How can we coordinate the production of spatial  and administrative data?

Growth and Development – Which trend can we observe? Is it growth or development? What are the current trends in urbanisation? What are the new determinants of development at the local level and what is their scale?


This session will focus on discussing new concepts and directions for development in the context of modern space management and the resulting information needs.

Session topics might include issues related to:

Dialogue and Participation – Quadruple Helix – How we can get to know needs of users? What are the forms of dialogue between government, society, business and science?

Policies – What are the challenges for statistics related to national, regional and local policies? How can we measure impact and result in different contexts?

Territorial Capital – growth of local potential:

new aspects of economy and social cooperation.

new forms of flows (capital, goods, etc.).

Dissemination, communication  and knowledge Transfer - How to disseminate and transfer information for different groups of data users and share knowledge?


This session will be a statistics respond for rapidly changing information needs, using modern methods and forms.

Session topics might include issues related to:

Innovative Methods and Tools – What are the new methods and tools used in spatial analysis? What are the opportunities to improve statistical knowledge at small geographical level?

Data Sources – How to produce urban and regional statistics from mass and diverse sets (Big Data) using advanced processing tools and technologies?  How to use administrative data?


For more information please consult the websites:



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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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