The Southern Regional Science Association is sponsoring the 2018 University of Florida Water Symposium, hosted by the UF Water Institute. This year, the Symposium will include a Special Session/Panel Session on Water and Regional Science, sponsored by the Southern Regional Science Association (SRSA) and organized by Christa Court (University of Florida).
Water and Regional Science at 2018 UF Water Institute Symposium
The 6th biennial University of Florida Water Institute Symposium, held in Gainesville, FL on February 6-7, 2018, will bring together individuals from a broad range of disciplines and organizations to explore water issues from multiple perspectives. The Symposium, titled "Sustainable Water Resources: Complex Challenges, Integrated Solutions - Shaping our Water Future", will focus on current water use, conservation, restoration, and adaptation efforts and challenges while envisioning ways of sustaining our water systems. Innovative science, technology, cultural, policy, and management solutions will be explored through presentations, poster sessions and panels in the following areas:
* Drivers of social, hydrologic, ecologic, and economic change
* Impacts to coastal, surface water, spring, and aquifer systems
* Tradeoffs among use, conservation, restoration, and adaptation
* Solutions through science, technology, cultural, policy, and management approaches
This year, the Symposium will include a Special Session/Panel Session on Water and Regional Science, sponsored by the Southern Regional Science Association (SRSA) and organized by Christa Court. Economic prosperity, quality of life, and the environment are all inextricably linked by water. Availability, quality, and use of water are regional by nature and though interregional trade in water is possible, regional variations in natural and historical resource allocations will continue to play roles in regional development and will likely become more important over time. Absent improvements in water management and efficiency improvements related to water use, additional stress on water resources might lead to reduced economic development potential (even the possibility of negative growth), poorer quality of life, and environmental hazards across regions within the U.S. and around the world. The interdisciplinary field of regional science – with its focus on the important roles of local and regional processes to socioeconomic performance and sustainability, its explicit treatment of spatial relationships, and its increasing attention devoted to modeling the linkages between the human system and the environment – is ideally suited to contribute high quality, policy relevant research on water.
One session within the Symposium will include an introductory presentation that will introduce the field of regional science and its potential for contributions to water-related research to Symposium participants, select regional science research presentations, and a briefing on plans for a special issue on water within SRSA’s official journal, the Review of Regional Studies. All additional accepted regional science presentations will be interwoven throughout other interdisciplinary sessions according to the research topic area. During abstract submission, potential SRSA participants will be asked to identify “SRSA Submission” at the beginning of their abstract so that accepted abstracts can be easily identified by Symposium participants. Student poster submissions are also encouraged and will be eligible for the three “Best Poster” awards and a prize of $1,000.
Dates of Interest:
* Call for abstracts
August 18, 2017
* Abstract submission deadline
October 12, 2017
* Online registration opens
November 10, 2017
* Early registration deadline
January 7, 2018
* 6th Biennial Water Symposium
February 6-7, 2018
RSAI members that are interested in this opportunity are encouraged to contact Christa Court at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for additional information.
2nd Call for Abstracts and Keynote Speaker Announced
This is a friendly reminder to submit an abstract for the 6th University of Florida Water Institute Symposiumthat will be held February 6-7, 2018 at the J. Wayne Reitz Union, on the University of Florida Campus. Please see the call for abstracts below and on-line for details. The deadline for abstract submission is October 12, 2017.
The UF Water Institute is pleased to announce that Sandra Postel, Director of the Independent Global Water Policy Project will be the Keynote Speakerat the Symposium. Sandra Postel lectures, writes and consults on global water issues. In 2010 she was appointed Freshwater Fellow of the National Geographic Society. Sandra’s new book, Replenish: The Virtuous Cycle of Water and Prosperity, will be released in October 2017.
The 6th University of Florida Water Institute Symposium
February 6-7, 2018
J. Wayne Reitz Union, University of Florida Campus, Gainesville Florida
We encourage you to submit an abstract for the 6th UF Water Institute Symposium which will focus on current water use, conservation, restoration and adaptation efforts and challenges, as well as envisioning new ways of sustaining our water systems.
Presentations are sought that focus on new research, education, policy and technology developments in the following interdisciplinary areas:
- Drivers
- Impacts to coastal, surface water, spring and aquifer systems
- Tradeoffs among use, conservation, restoration and adaptation
- Solutions through science, technology, cultural, policy and management approaches
To review detailed topics within each of these areas please see Call for Abstracts on the Symposium web site.
Student poster authors are eligible to compete for "Best Poster" awards based on the quality of the abstract, poster and discussion. Three poster winners will receive prizes of $1000 each to be used as funding to support future participation at a national conference.
Abstracts should not exceed 300 words, and must be submitted electronically using the on-line submission form no later than October 12, 2017. Authors will indicate their preferred topic area and format (oral/poster) but final decisions will be made by the program committee. Authors will be notified by email regarding acceptance and format of their presentation by November 10, 2017. Accepted abstracts will be published online.
There is no charge for submitting an abstract. Conference registration will open November 10, 2017. Conference registration fees are detailed below:
Conference Registration Fees | ||
Early | Late | |
Registration Type | (11/10/17 - 01/07/18) | ( 01/07/18 - 01/19/18) |
One Day Only | $125 | $175 |
Regular (Both Days) | $200 | $250 |
Student (Both Days) | $75 | $125 |