Call for Abstracts
It is our pleasure to announce the 24th APDR Congress, to be held at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, from July 6 to July 7, 2017.
Theme of the Conference:
Intellectual Capital and Regional Development: New landscapes and challenges for space planning
The 24th APDR Congress has the following central theme: Intellectual Capital and Regional Development: New landscapes and challenges for space planning. After 23 years, the APDR’s Annual Congress returns to the University of Beira Interior, for positioning intellectual capital and regional development as a key theme for public policies and the agenda of the collaborative community of politicians, entrepreneurs, researchers and citizens interested in promoting endogenous growth, combined with the institutions, systems and new functional and integrative type designs, for promoting symbiosis among economic, social and political agents, in the joint task of (re) designing a new competitive space, at the regional level. In this context, the central theme chosen is of major importance, since it is urgent to expand the ongoing debate on the importance of identifying, monitoring and managing the different components of regional-based intellectual capital, in order to stimulate a structural change in the scope of in- novation and development regimes, funded on endogenous growth factors.
The 24th APDR Congress aims to address different questions, namely: What are the regional development models applicable in peripheral and low population density economies? How can intellectual capital promote regional development? Are higher education institutions a vehicle that pro- motes quality of life and innovation at the level of cities? Can services contribute to sustainable regions? How to plan regional space from a perspective of entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystems? How to finance regional planning and development? What transport networks should the trans-European regions have? What should be the new productive specializations in the regions? Can sport be a motor for regional development? The Congress will include a Policy Forum, Plenary Sessions, Special Sessions, Conferences and Round Tables, Workshops and Parallel Sessions. The Parallel Sessions will include: (i) communications submitted to Regular Sessions (RS) proposed by the organization; And (ii) communications submitted to Special Sessions (SS), proposed by participants as well as discussion topics included in Workshops proposed by the participants.
The communications presented at the 24th APDR Congress may be published in the Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais (RPER), even though a first version has already been included in the minutes of the Congress. Thus, interested authors should submit their manuscripts, even if revised in relation to the texts presented at the congress. There is no deadline for this submission. The texts must be formatted according to the RPER publication standards: The decision of acceptance will follow the standard of habitual exigency, being based on independent external evaluation (peer-reviewing).
The call for papers and Special Session Proposals is open and your participation is very welcome!
Special Sessions
SS01 - Entrepreneurship in sustainable and creative territories
SS02 - Asymmetries in metropolitan areas: measuring, correcting, rethinking
SS03 - Cultura e desenvolvimento regional: As contribuições da arte, do folclore e de outras manifestações artísticas para o progresso regional
SS04 - Mega-events legacy on hosting cities
SS05 - Segurança e desenvolvimento regional: Correlações económicas, culturais e políticas com progresso regional
SS06 - Creative tourism in small cities and rural areas
SS07 - Territorial innovation models, smart specialisation and public policies
SS08 - Support of higher education institutions to regions’ intellectual capital: Is it true?
SS09 - Wicked problems and integrated governance
SS10 - Entrepreneurship, gender, and regional development
SS11 - Knowledge cities: Updating the state of the art
SS12 - Desenvolvimento Regional e Governação Integrada em Territórios de Baixa Densidade
SS13 - Social entrepreneurship, social innovation and regional development
SS14 - Air Transport and Regional Development
Regular Sessions:
RS01 – Models for Regional Development
RS02 – Regional and Local Development Policies
RS03 – Regional Intellectual Capital
RS04 – Financing of Economic Growth
RS05 – Regional Innovation Systems, Clusters and Ecosystems
RS06 – Regional and Local Public Finance
RS07 – Sectoral Policies and Regional Dynamics
RS08 – Infrastructure, Transportation Networks and Regional Development
RS09 – Labour Markets and Development
RS10 – Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
RS11 – Quality of Life and City Planning
RS12 – Services, Tourism and Sustainable Regions
RS13 – Education, Innovation and Territory
RS14 – Rural Development and Agrarian Economy
RS15 – Regional and Urban Planning and Regional Development
RS16 – Sports and Regional Development
RS17 – Low Density Regions and Development
Deadline for Abstracts submissions: April 28th, 2017. Abstracts should be submitted electronically, using the platform available on the Conference website:
All information at the congress website:
Looking forward to meeting you in Covilhã!
The Organizing Committee and the Board of APDR
24th APDR Congress