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Wednesday, 04 November 2015 11:53

ESPON News “A world without borders - Refugees, cooperation and territories” Seminar in Luxembourg - Updates

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    ESPON Seminar

    “A world without borders

    Refugees, cooperation and territories”

    in Luxembourg City, 8 and 9 December 2015


    Join the ESPON Seminar and hear from key note speakers on the territorial aspects of refugee migration, the cross-border cooperation, the monitoring for macro-regions as well as on the implementation of the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme.


    Confirmed speakers Include:

    • Frank Vansteenkiste, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, LU
    • Sandra Di Biaggio, ESPON EGTC
    • Daniel Rauhut, NIBR
    • Mart Grisel, EUKN
    • Romana Mynarikova, Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, DE
    • Arni Narain, Department for Communities and Local Government, UK
    • Beatrice Taulegne, Committee of Regions
    • Peter Mehlbye, ESPON EGTC
    • Marianne Guérois, UMS RIATE
    • Jean Peyrony, Transfrontier Operational Mission
    • Nathalie Verschelde, EC DG Regional and Urban Policy
    • Jean-Claude Sinner, Ministry for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, LU
    • Teodora Brandmüller, Eurostat
    • Andrea Mairate, EC DG Regional and Urban Policy
    • Talis Linkaits, Baltic Sea Region
    • Roland Arbter, Danube Region
    • Andreja Petković, Adriatic and Ionian Macro Region
    • Tobias Chilla, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg
    • Thiemo Eser, Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Development, LU
    • Daniel de Groot, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, NL


    The event is organised in cooperation with the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the EU within the framework of the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme.


    See the full programme here.


    Registration by Tuesday 1 December 2015 at 15h00 online here.

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