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Wednesday, 15 April 2015 09:01

Advanced Training in Economic Analysis and Management: Module 4 – Regional Economics, April 20-24, 2015 – OCP Policy Center, Rabat, Morocco

Advanced Training in Economic Analysis and Management: Module 4 – Regional Economics

April 20-24, 2015 – OCP Policy Center, Rabat, Morocco


Lecturer: Prof. Eduardo Haddad – University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)


Course Outline

This course will introduce students to some of the commonly-used tool kits in regional economics that help understanding and interpreting the complexity of the spatial structure of sub-national economies. Emphasis in the course will be given to the analysis of integrated inter-regional systems. I have selected some of the various available techniques, ranging from spatial data analysis and classical Leontief input-output analysis to inter-regional computable general equilibrium modeling, which constitutes nowadays one of the main research frontiers in regional modeling. In addition to presenting the bases of the selected methods, I will discuss applications for different countries (Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Portugal) related to topics of interest for regional policy makers, including regional economic development, domestic and international trade, transportation infrastructure, exploitation of natural resources, climate change, government transfers, tourism and regional interdependence.



Day 1 (April 20) – Spatial Data

9:15–10:30: Measures of Concentration, Specialization, and Localization

10:30-10h50: Coffee break

10:50-12:15: Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) – Geovisualization Tutorial


14:00-15:30: Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) – Global Spatial Autocorrelation

15:30-15:50: Coffee Break

15:50-17:15: Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) – Local Spatial Autocorrelation


Day 2 (April 21) – Economic Impact Analysis

9:15–10:30: Economic Base Models

10:30-10h50: Coffee break

10:50-12:15: Input-Output Models Text


14:00-15:30: Inter-regional Input-Output Models Text

15:30-15:50: Coffee Break

15:50-17:15: Application: Tourism Multipliers (Azores and Brazil) Paper1 Paper2


Day 3 (April 22) – Economic Impact Analysis

9:15–10:30: CGE Models

10:30-10h50: Coffee break

10:50-12:15: Inter-regional CGE Models Text


14:00-15:30: Application: Climate Change (Brazil and Lebanon) Paper1 Paper2Paper3

15:30-15:50: Coffee Break

15:50-17:15: Application: Natural Resources (Brazil and VALE) Paper


Day 4 (April 23) – Trade and Networks

9:15–10:30: Application: Trade Liberalization (Colombia) Paper

10:30-10h50: Coffee break

10:50-12:15: Application: Domestic Integration (Colombia, Egypt and Lebanon)Paper1 Paper2 Paper3


14:00-15:30: Application: Port Infrastructure (Brazil) / Unexpected Events (Lebanon) Paper1 Paper2

15:30-15:50: Coffee Break

15:50-17:15: Application: Government Transfers as Regional Policies (Brazil)Paper1 Paper2


Day 5 (April 24) – Mobility, Accessibility and Productivity in Inter-regional Systems

9:15–10:30: Application: Intra-Urban Transportation Infrastructure – Passengers (Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area) Paper

10:30-10h50: Coffee break

10:50-12:15: Application: Inter-regional Transportation Infrastructure – Cargo (Minas Gerais, Brazil) Paper


14:30-16:00: Application: Tourism Infrastructure and Mega-Sport Events (Brazil)Paper

16:00-16:15: Coffee Break

16:15-17:30: Application: Network Analysis (Brazil) / Regionalization (Morocco)Paper


All information at: http://www.usp.br/nereus/?p=3812

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