Dear Ms,
Dear Sir,
COST Action TU1001 on Public Private Partnerships in Transport: Trends & Theory (P3T3) will share and discuss findings and activities with the academic community, as well as policy-makers and practitioners in its final conference bringing together all interested parties on 8 and 9 October 2014 in Brussels. The action was initiated in January 2011 to address the theoretical basis for PPPs in the transport sector considering (i) the decision-making process; (ii) the assessment and monitoring of PPP performance; and (iii) the implications of the external environment with respect to efficiency. The national and modal perspective was also addressed, thus forming a matrix for the consolidation of knowledge. There are no attendance fees. View the final program online. Register here before 1 October!
Department of Transport and Regional Economics
Faculty of Applied Economics
University of Antwerp
City Campus (CST)
Prinsstraat 13 – 2000 Antwerp
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P +32 3 265 40 44