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Tuesday, 14 September 2021 13:19

ERSA Congress 2021 - Post-Event Review

 in a nutshell


Attendees & Presenters




Session topics


Paper presentations


Keynote Speakers


Young Scientists Sessions




Countries in Europe and beyond


ERSA Awardees


#ERSA2021 Highlights

Day 1
The opening Session started with the keynote lecture by Daniela Jacob "Time to act!", and was followed by the afternoon lecture by Tom Brökel "Did you see the news? Linking local news and regional development"

Day 2
Started with the keynote Lecture by Cesar A. Hidalgo "A decade of Economic Complexity!"; In the afternoon there was the Roundtable ERSA-JRC Part I "Smart territories in time of COVID" and II "Innovative cities"

Day 3
Started with the keynote Lecture by Laura Resmini "Disentangling Spillovers from FDI: old issues and new challenges". In the afternoon, there was the Roundtable OECD "Green transitions in regions: From COVID-19 to a green and sustainable future"

Day 4
We had 2 Keynote Lectures: Andrés Rodriguez-Pose on "Alone or lonely. The economic cost of solitude" and Rosella Nicolini on "Population distribution across space: future perspectives. The Roundtable POLIMI and the Closing Ceremony

Once again, a big thank you to ALL: keynote speakers, roundtable panelists, attendants and all presenters of #ERSA2021!
This success is above all yours!
ERSA2021 takeaways


All sessions of the Congress are now available on the virtual platform for all Participants!


2 ERSA2021 videos are

already available!


> Keynote presentation
Learn more about climate change and urgent need to promote climate protection and adaptation with the presentation of Daniela Jacob "Time to act!"


> Meeting with Editors
Learn more how to get published with RSAI-ERSA Editors: Vassilis Tselios (REGION), Roberta Capello (PiRS) and Tomaz Dentinho (RSPP)

Satisfaction Survey results
175 respondents = 22% of participants filled in our survey.
Scores for the degree of satisfaction include: (5 is the maximum)
Timetable of the programme:3.8
Quality of the scientific content: 4.1
Quality of the keynote lectures: 4.2
Quality of the Parallel Sessions ( General and Special Sessions): 4.0
Quality of the roundtables (JRC, OECD, POLIMI): 4.2
Quality of the Young Scientists Sessions: 4.3
Quality of the discussion periods: 3.8
Quality of the Virtual platform: 4.2
Even though networking remains difficult, 83.4 % of survey respondents are likely to recommend participation in an ERSA future virtual event.
Awardees @ #ERSA2021
2021 Recipient of the ERSA Prize in Regional Science
Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura for his outstanding contribution to Regional Science.
2021 Recipients of the ERSA Prestigious Epainos Prize
Benoit Dicharry, University of Strassbourg, with his paper on “Impact of European Cohesion Policy on Regional Growth: When Time isn’t Money”.
2021 Recipients of the Martin Beckmann RSAI Annual Award for the best paper in Papers in Regional Science
"Optimizing entrepreneurial development processes for smart specialization in the European Union", published in Volume 99, Issue 5, October 2020, Pages 1413-1457.
On social media

A fantastic event came to end. Thanks to @ERSA_org
and all that helped organize it. It worked fantastic. It looks like we're getting good at virtual conferences… #NordicERSA

Thank you the Epainos Committee! What a pleasure to see that the research interest of the Cohesion Policy is still strong and promising!

Thanks to the organizers for a great #ERSA2021 congress. Looking forward to next year's. @ERSA_org


Very productive and engaging congress.

In 2022, make Pécs your destination


"The Hungarian section of ERSA is looking forward to hosting the 61st ERSA Congress!"
Zoltan Gal, Chair of the Local Organising Committee 2021
Watch our Welcome to Pécs Video!
Preliminary information on the 61st ERSA Congress (23-26 August 2022) will be shortly published online, stay tuned in ERSA Website.
Read 3087 times

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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