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Call for Book Chapter | Innovative research methods in Family Businesses in tourism and hospitality | Springer

Volume Editor:

Marco Valeri

Deadline for submission

Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2022

Interested authors should email their abstracts (500 words) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Notification of abstract acceptance: 30 January 2022



This book is scheduled to be published by Springer


This call for book chapters aims to provide a comprehensive collection of chapters including new insights for traditional paradigms, approaches and methods, as well as more recent developments in research methodology in family business in tourism and hospitality. The aim of the special issue is to verify whether, in the tourism sector, the “family business model” is an important development opportunity and, in particular, if it is an innovation driver, for this industry development. In this context, the authors will investigate personal and family needs and preferences alongside the relationship between family business model, growth and profit maximization and the development of tourism businesses through innovation drivers.

In the tourism industry, most enterprises are characterized by small size and family ownership (Getz and Carlsen, 2000; 2005). Between the family and the firm, an exclusive entrepreneurial culture develops (Astrachan, 2003; Peters and Kallmuenzer, 2018), potentially making transgenerational entrepreneurship the main economic engine in the tourism sector (Puzi and Ismail, 2017). Influenced by the family conflicts, local culture and commercial interests, the management of this type of business involving family members has become increasingly more complex over the years (Ismail et al, 2019). This highlights that the development of a family business is influenced by three factors: the family, property and the business system adopted (Gersick et al., 1997; Peters and Buhalis, 2004). These characteristics of family business are connected to the family’s life stage and its culture. Human, social and financial capital represent the natural resources owned by the family business (Ireland et al., 2003). Human capital includes elements, such as reputation, skill and intuition, which reflect the influence of the founder of the family business. The exploitation of resources in the family business approach is different from that in the non-family business approach (Sirmon and Hitt, 2003).

These exclusive resources reflect the fact that the family acts as owners; therefore, the intangible familiarity factor is the element that differentiates the family business from other non-family businesses (Arteaga et al., 2018) and can represent a competitive advantage; however, at the same time, by having a suffocating effect (Craig and Lindsay, 2002), family-related skills and resources could inhibit growth (Camisón et al., 2016). Regarding market performance, family businesses have a number of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are represented by personal relationships with corporate stakeholders (Mustakallio et al., 2002) and strong social values (Peters and Kallmuenzer, 2018), highlighting the positive relationship between family involvement and performance (Allouche et al., 2008; Lindow et al., 2010; Block et al., 2011; Chu, 2009; Miralles-Marcelo, Miralles-Quirós and Lisboa, 2014; Wagner et al., 2015). In contrast, the disadvantages are often related to the nature of relationships often characterized by the lack of professionalism of family members (Chaudhry and Crick, 2004; Crick et al., 2018) and to the absence of a business strategy or a vision (Legohérel et al., 2004; Pikkemaat and Zehrer, 2016). Therefore, business development and family history are two related concepts that influence each other. A family business is governed by the objective of pursuing the vision of a business, which is owned by a dominant group and is under the control of family members, such that the business is sustainable across generations of the family (Chua et al., 1999). In a family business, the important elements are the following: the same family members’ exercise of control of the family business; the pre-eminence of family benefits; and the production of sustainable income for future generations (Jaskiewicz et al., 2015). Furthermore, for the survival of the family business in tourism, innovation in response to a constantly changing environment is required, and shared products are offered by many actors (Sundbo et al., 2007; Kallmuenzer and Peters, 2018a). Letonja and Duh (2015) believe that “the survival of family businesses across generations depends upon different factors, including their ability to renew through innovation” (Letonja and Duh, 2016; Prevolsek et al., 2017). However, in the tourism sector, the owner often runs the business himself, or the business is run by a few close family members (Getz and Carlsen, 2000; Kallmuenzer and Peters, 2018a). Therefore, ownership and management are often coincident. Therefore, family involvement is very strong, and consequently, a strong innovative element is expected to emerge within family businesses. In addition, by implementing innovative strategies, tourism companies create a more sustainable environment, as they recognize innovation as an essential and promoting engine for sustainable development in tourism (Arcese et al., 2020; Elmo et al., 2020).

In tourism, compared to general management, innovation is a more complex dimension. In tourism, innovations consist of product, service, management, marketing, process or institutional innovations (Legohérel et al., 2004; Hall and Williams, 2008; Hjalager, 2010; (Kallmuenzer and Peters, 2018a). Innovation in tourism is more limited in family businesses than in non-family businesses. The factors that determine whether a family business will innovate are either economic factors, such as financial restrictions, or non-economic factors, such as risk aversion, the maintenance of traditional products, family conflict and closure to external information by investors (Hauck and Prügl, 2015a). In the same way, family businesses may give up on implementing sustainability practices, as their implementation often requires innovation and high risk (Memili et al., 2018; Elmo et al., 2020). Some studies in the literature, i.e., Craig and Moores (2006) or Bergfeld and Weber (2011), show that innovation is a factor in ensuring long-term survival (Craig and Moores, 2006; Hauck and Prügl, 2015).

The heterogeneity of family businesses can be explained by socio-emotional and non-economic factors (Chrisman et al., 2012; Hauck and Prügl, 2015a). Moreover, some studies show the decreasing propensity for innovation of family businesses (Litz and Kleysen, 2001; Craig and Moores, 2006; Beck et al., 2011; Hauck and Prügl, 2015a). In other studies, such as Westhead et al (2002) or Hauck and Pru (2015), once structures and processes are acquired and consolidated, family businesses reduce their ability to react to external changes (Westhead et al., 2002; Hauck and Prügl, 2015a). Generally, these companies are more hostile towards innovative processes precisely because they tend to want to maintain the status quo of the acquired elements (Vrontis et al., 2016). Other interesting aspects of family businesses concern their relation to the innovation and succession process. It is possible to argue that the involvement of the successor in a business can act as a “catalyst of change”, that is, as an opportunity to innovate (Kotlar and De Massis, 2013; Hauck and Prügl, 2015a).

All theoretical and methodological (both qualitative & quantitative) approaches are equally appreciated, and we particularly welcome multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary submissions that covers different issues relevant to strategic management, operations or marketing, and provides evidence based on the theme of special issue


Each chapter submitted to this edited book is subject to the following submission and review procedures:

  1. expressions of interest are invited through provision of a working title and 500 word abstract of the proposed Abstracts should include paper title, authorship list, author affiliations, contact information and keywords;
  2. if your abstract is found suitable, you will be invited to submit your full Each article needs to be approximately 5000- 6000 words long;
  3. the abstract submission must be done by using the ABSTRACT TEMPLATE;
  4. the chapters will go through a double-blind review process;
  5. based on the reviewers’ recommendation, the editors will decide whether the particular submission should be accepted as it is, revised and resubmitted, or rejected.

Guest Editor Biography

Marco Valeri received PhD in Strategic Management and Organizational Behavior from "Tor Vergata" University (Italy). He is a Senior Lecturer in “Knowledge Management” and Senior Lecturer in “Corporate Social Responsability, BA (Hons) in Global Management and International Business – NCIUL – London. He is a Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behavior (Master Degree and Doctoral Course), Faculty of Economics, Niccolò Cusano University, Rome (Italy). He is Visiting Professor at Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management, School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Taylor’s University, Subang Jaya 47500, (Malaysia). He’s teaching and consultancy fields include: strategic management, leadership development, hotel/lodging management, cross-cultural management, international hospitality management. His research areas include competitive advantage, sustainability and green practices, strategy implementation, knowledge management, family business and tourism hotel/lodging management, crisis management, destination marketing, information technology and developing countries, network analysis. He was a visiting professor in several Universities: University of Eichastaett – Ingolstadt (Germany), Universitè Jean Moulin, School of Management – Lyon, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Faculty of Economics – Lebanon, University of Pannonia, Faculty of Business and Economics – Hungary, University of West Attica, Faculty of Business and Economics – Greece, TBS Business School, Faculty of Business and Economics – Toulouse, Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave (IPCA) – Portugal, Adiyaman University, Tourism Faculty - Turkey, University of Oradea, Faculty of Economics - Romania , Joji Ilagan International School of Hotel and Tourism Management – Philippine, Bahria University, School of Management – Pakistan, Asian Institute of Management, Manila, Seth Jai Parkash Mukand Lal Institute of Engineering & Technology (JMIT), Radaur – India, University of Delhi, Shivaji College, Department of Commerce – India, Jagran Lakecity University, School of Hospitality & Tourism, Bhopal – India, University of Mumbai, Saket College of Arts, Science and Commerce – India, Taylor’s University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management, School of Hospitality, Tourism & Events – Malaysia (in top 20 in the World in the subject of “Hospitality and Leisure Management). He serves on the Editorial Boards of several academic journals covering tourism and hospitality management. He is member of several editorial board of international tourism journals, reviewer and editor of several handbooks on entrepreneurship, tourism and hospitality management (Emerald Publishing, Springer and IGI Global). He received   the   award    as    Outstanding    Reviewer    in    the    2021    Emerald    Literati    Awards, selected by the editorial team of Journal of Family Business Management (Emerald Publishing).

For any further inquiry about this special issue, please contact the Volume Editor (email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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