As the position of the Executive Director of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) will become vacant by the end of 2021, RSAI is launching a call for RSAI members who wish to be nominated as candidates in the election of the Executive Director of RSAI for the next three-year term starting 1 January 2022.
Any RSAI members who wish to be nominated as a candidate for the Executive Director of RSAI should send the following items to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 20 August 2021:
- A two-page statement outlining the reasons for your interest in becoming the next Executive Director of RSAI and your strategy in managing the day-to-day operations of the Association;
- A two-page CV with a picture.
According to Article V, section 3 of the RSAI Constitution, the Executive Director shall serve a three-year term of office. She/he shall be the chief executive officer in charge of setting and managing programs. The Executive Director shall be the chief operating officer in charge of implementing the Council’s policies, overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Association, and establishing contacts with new regional science organizations throughout the world. The duties of the Executive Director shall encompass those normally associated with the positions of Secretary but would have joint authority with the Treasurer for the finances of the RSAI and issuing cheques to cover the Association’s operating expenses and the preparation of a financial statement to be submitted, by March 31 of each year, to the Council’s standing Finance Committee, in charge of financial planning and budgeting. The Executive Director shall oversee the production and distribution of a newsletter to the membership, shall maintain the roll of members and the association’s website, shall oversee the collection of annual dues and the conduct of elections, and shall serve as international conference coordinator, keeping a calendar of regional science meetings and events throughout the world, providing advice on their scheduling, and monitoring the dates of other meetings to minimize scheduling conflicts. The Executive Director shall also have responsibility, as designated by the Council, for the organization and operation of the World Congresses of the Association. General responsibilities of the Executive Director can be seen here (ED_Responsibilities.pdf).
In order to help the Executive Director organize the association and its meetings around the world, the RSAI will provide € 7,500 in travel costs and € 10,000 for secretarial assistance and accounting yearly.
The Nomination Committee for this election consists of Eduardo A. Haddad (Chair), Neil Reid, André Torre, Rachel Franklin, and Serena Serrano. After receiving applicants, the Nomination Committee will nominate the candidates to be voted by the Members of the RSAI Council. The results will be diffused through RSAI News and on the RSAI webpage.