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Tuesday, 12 November 2019 10:26

Call for Book Chapter Proposals - Entrepreneurship Trends in the Fourth Sector. Looking for sustainable development

Call for Book Chapter Proposals

Book Title: Entrepreneurship Trends in the Fourth Sector. Looking for sustainable development

Springer Book Series on “Studies on Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and Industrial Dynamics” (Series Ed. João Leitão and Devezas Tessaleno)


Sustainable entrepreneurship is not an option anymore. Today´s traditional economic systems and business models have become outdated. Although tremendous progresses have been made by Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) interventions from public, private and non-profit organizations, the scale and urgency of the world´s biggest challenges have grown at an alarming rate. The general call for action represented by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) needs new entrepreneurial ventures.

The four sector is a relatively new sector that consists of for-benefit organizations that combine market-based approaches of the private sector with the social and environmental aims of the public and non-profit sectors. To indicate new types of social entrepreneurial activities that do not neatly fall into the traditional sectors, the concept of fourth sector has been introduced in different streams of academic research. The examples of entrepreneurship in the fourth sector represent new ways, in which societies address wicked problems.

This book aims to examine how entrepreneurial ventures serve for people expressing themselves and take part in societal processes of change. An important aspect is that such activities fall outside the traditional sectors, public, private or non-profit. This book will show trends in entrepreneurship in the fourth sector, will describe specific ecosystems fostering new ventures around the world and will characterize the most common and innovative business models, successful experiences and paradigmatic examples. The book wants to cover as well the main effects, among others, of technological change, innovation and institutional behavior on the fourth sector in the last years. It aims to address the main characteristics and driving forces of this phenomenon, the strategic business practices and the role of the social entrepreneurship in attaining a more harmonious and sustainable development.

In particular, this book will serve for exploring and discussing innovative studies, analyses and reports as key developments such as new business models, social innovations, marketing and strategy, urban activism, social movements, governance issues and options emerging along the fourth sector. The book embraces the emerging social and sustainable entrepreneurship phenomenon, with focus on urban and regional entrepreneurial ecosystems and structural change in society for a better future.

We welcome book chapter contributions centered (but not exclusively) on the following themes:

  • Entrepreneurship opportunities in the Fourth Sector.
  • New Business Models in the Fourth Sector.
  • Social innovation in the Fourth Sector
  • Social or Cause Marketing and strategies in the Fourth Sector.
  • Entrepreneurial case studies and paradigmatic examples.
  • Hybrid organizational configurations, Social Enterprises, B Corporations.
  • Microfinance, venture philanthropy, sustainable business.
  • Civic/Municipal Enterprises, Consortia, Cross-sectional Partnerships.
  • Community Interest Companies, Cooperatives, Community Wealth Organizations.
  • Common Good Corporations
  • Tensions of a public-private hybrid organization, and the role of the individual.
  • Kinds of governance issues and options emerging along the Fourth Sector.
  • Urban activism, social movements, smart cities and structural changes.
  • Self-organized civic activism and sustainable development goals.
  • Migrants and refugees´ entrepreneurship in the Fourth Sector.
  • One-to-one aid, volunteering, community participation, social cooperation, networking.
  • Gender equality, female leadership and the Fourth Sector's focus on women.
  • Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and regional development.
  • Innovation, technology and digital economy in the Fourth Sector.
  • The future

Important Dates:

January 15, 2020: Book Chapter Proposal

February 14, 2020: Accept/Reject Notification

April 15, 2020: Full Chapter Submission

May 15, 2020: Review Results Returned

June 15, 2020: Final Chapter Submission

October 31, 2020: Final Print Version Available (Tentative)

Submission Procedure:

Chapter proposal submissions are invited from researchers and practitioners on or before January 15, 2020. Proposals should be limited to between 1000- 2000 words, explaining the mission and concerns of the chapter and how it fits into the general theme of the book.

Only electronic submissions in PDF or Word format will be considered. Please send your proposal to the following emails (or one of them):

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Your submission must be made on or before the due date specified. Submissions will be reviewed in a single-blind manner. We look for multiple perspectives on the fourth sector topic.

Notifications regarding the status of the chapter proposal will be made available to authors by 14 February, 2020.

Based on accepted chapter proposals, chapter submissions will be accepted on or before 15 April, 2020. Two or more reviewers will review all submitted chapters.

Chapter submissions must be prepared in accordance with the submission guidelines (see series webpage: http://www.springer.com/series/15330) and must not exceed 25 pages, including bibliography and any appendix. Only electronic submissions in PDF or Word format will be considered.

Book Editors:

  • M. Isabel Sánchez-Hernández, University of Extremadura, Spain
  • Luísa Carvalho, Politechnic Institute of Setubal & CEFAGE, Portugal
  • Conceição Rego, University of Évora & CEFAGE, Portugal
  • Maria Raquel Lucas, University of Évora & CEFAGE, Portugal
  • Adriana Backx-Noronha, University of São Paulo, Brazil
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