Published at: 26 April 2019
The call for candidates to the Coordination Team of the AESOP Young Academics Network is open April 29th until May 7th 2019. The AESOP YA Network is an AESOP working group in particular addressed at planners who have only recently entered the academic world: PhD students, postdocs, people starting in academic positions. The activities of the AESOP YA network are complementary to other activities that are being deployed within AESOP as a whole. Being a member of the Coordination Team of the YA Network means responsibility and great opportunities. You will be involved in the organisation of international activities (conferences and workshops organization; journal editing, blog, and booklet series) and have the opportunity to gain international experiences, improve your capacities to work, and expand your international networks through cooperation with both young and senior scholars.
Published at: 12 April 2019
At the last AESOP Council of Representatives in Ljubljana, Paulo Silva was elected as the future GPEAN Representative, for the mandate running from July 2019 to July 2023, replacing Ela Babalik, who has been in this position since 2013.
The GPEAN Representative is a member of the Executive Committee and will be responsible to represent AESOP's interests in the Global Network and promote cooperation amongst member associations of planning schools across the world.
Published at: 1 April 2019
The Call for the position of AESOP President is open.
The new AESOP President has to be elected in July 2019.
The deadline for applications is 31st May 2019.
Published at: 1 April 2019
AESOP would like to thank the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering and the Biotechnical Faculty and express our most gratitude for the excellent organization of the 14th AESOP Heads of Schools.
The date coincided with the 100th anniversary of the University of Ljubljana and the topic of ‘Planning and the Disciplinarity Question’ was chosen to celebrate the contribution of planning disciplines to the challenges of transition of the academia towards ‘Xdisciplinarity’.
Published at: 30 April 2019
The annual conference of the Australia and New Zealand Association of Planning Schools (ANZAPS2019) will be jointly hosted by The University of Queensland and Griffith University in sunny Brisbane. The deadline for abstract submission has now passed but registrations are still open. International participants are welcome.
Published at: 24 April 2019
The next AESOP Transport Laboratory of Thought (ATLOT) will take place from Sat 6th lunchtime to Mon 8th July after lunch in Superga, Turin.
The ATLOT meetings are complements to ordinary conferences, intended to facilitate an informal exchange of emerging ideas in transport, mobility and accessibility research. Attendees are typically regulars from the transport track at the annual AESOP congress with interests in a broad range of transport-related planning issues. The purpose is as much to enjoy each other’s company as to develop inter-university research initiatives. Be a part of the meeting and bring your ideas!
Published at: 24 April 2019
Games for Cities: Building synergies between games, complexity, simulation, planning and design 7-8 November, 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal.
The 18th meeting of our Thematic Group aspires to provide platform where interdisciplinary crossovers among policy-making, games, urban design, simulation, analytical models and other digital technologies can harness urban complexity by interlocking theory and practice in planning.
Prof. Juval Portugali, amongst others know from his books on Complexity, Cognition and Cities, will deliver a keynote speech.
You are invited to joint this meeting and to submit an abstract. Abstract should be no longer than 500 words and address one of the above mentioned themes. Submission can be done here and the deadline 30th of June 2019.
Published at: 23 April 2019
The University of Stavanger invites applications for two research fellowships, at the Department of Safety, Economics and Planning (ISØP) in: 1) 'Smart Densification’ 2) ‘Smart Security’ The deadline for applications is 07 May 2019.
Published at: 17 April 2019
The professorship represents the department of Urban Planning and Urban Regeneration in research and teaching. The focus of the professorship are the application and further development of urban planning strategies and instruments at the interplay of city districts and city regions as well as the regeneration and adaption of existing cities and neighborhoods to rapidly changing social conditions and future challenges such as climate protection, demographic change, mediatization and digitization. Closing date for applications: 10th May 2019
Published at: 17 April 2019
International Urban Studies Conference TU Wien, 20 - 22 November 2019
CARE - *C*ities, *A*ction, *R*esearch and *E*ducation
Deadline for for paper proposals: 15 May 2019

Published at: 16 April 2019
Special Issue: Transportation Research: Part A (TR-A)
Transport, Gender, Culture
Research on gender issues in urban transportation planning is paramount because more than half of the world’s population now lives in cities, women make up half of the general population, and gender crosscuts all other 'vulnerable group' considerations. Issues of transport equity, inclusion, and justice are proving increasingly important to improve the sustainability and resilience of cities. In order to develop a panoramic view of gender issues in urban transport, we seek contributions that:
- Examine women’s needs in transportation in different cultural contexts.
- Reveal the extent to which gender considerations are being incorporated into urban policy and practice by local authorities.
- Analyse the factors that support or hinder gender mainstreaming.
Contributions from the Global South are particularly welcome. Submission of full paper due: July 31, 2019

Published at: 10 April 2019
Call for Abstracts
12th International Conference on Planning Research
‘Spatial Planning for Change’
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto 20th of September 2019
Deadline for submission: 15 May 2019

Published at: 10 April 2019
The Department of Real Estate and Planning has a strong research and teaching focus on urban and regional planning. We are seeking to appoint a lecturer to enhance our capacity in this subject area. Application Deadline: 7th May, 2019
Published at: 8 April 2019
Call for Abstracts “Autonomous mobility transitions: socio-spatial dimensions and the role of urban planning and policy” Special Issue of Cities, the International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning Deadline for submissions: July 31, 2019

Published at: 8 April 2019
7 - 9 November 2019 “Whose knowledge counts? The meaning of co-productive processes for urban development and urban research” . Call for Abstracts Open!
Published at: 5 April 2019
Call for Visiting Professor in “Contemporary City: Descriptions and Projects” Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Deadline for submission: May 16th 2019
Published at: 5 April 2019
Continuing the recent investment in the Department of Geography and Planning, we wish to recruit a Lecturer in (Spatial) Planning whose research strongly matches the current activity of the Environmental Assessment and Management Research Centre (EAM) and – preferably – also the Centre for Sustainable and Resilient Cities (SARC) as well as the Liverpool Institute for Sustainable Coasts and Oceans (LISCO).

Published at: 2 April 2019
The deadline for the call for papers for the 9TH AESOP – Sustainable Food Planning group conference, titled “Agroecological transitions confronting climate breakdown: Food planning for the post-carbon city”, Madrid, 7-8 November 2019, has been extended to the 22nd of April.
Published at: 1 April 2019
The Master's Planning and Sustainability is a 2-year programme in urban and regional planning with a curriculum totally in English. Since 2010 it has incorporated more than 150 students from 50 countries. Applications for fall 2019 are open!