Miscellaneous News

Tuesday, 03 November 2015 09:45

Regional Research Frontiers

Dear Colleagues,


We have already begun receiving draft contributions, and we hope to be seeing your rough draft during the next two months, and of course, sooner is better than later!


One thing to note is that the Springer contract requires a final manuscript submission at the end of May 2016.  This is consistent with the initial draft submission deadlines, but makes it imperative that authors meet the target dates.  In this regard, we will be sending out this week a more explicit timeline. 


WRSA and SRSA Opportunities

Some have suggested that although it was too late for NARSC, it would be possible to consider one or more special sessions devoted to the book contributions at both WRSA and SRSA. As Bruce Newbold suggested, these sessions might organized differently from regular sessions, either shorter presentations, panel, or discussion sessions, and "might highlight authors and build ‘buzz’ and discussion about the book. It might also be useful for other contributors to see what others are doing, which could help to tie the various contributions together.”  I think this is a terrific idea, so if you would be interested in participating in such sessions at either meeting, would you please email me to let me know? If there are sufficient numbers, I’ll happily organize sessions at one or both meetings — so be sure to let me know which meeting!  As a reminder, here are the details on the two meetings:


WRSA:     55th annual meeting on the Big Island of Hawaii, February 14-17, 2016, submission deadline is November 16, 2015. 

SRSA:       The 55th annual meetings of the SRSA will be held in Arlington, Virginia, USA, March 31- April 2, 2016.  First call for papers just issued.


{As an aside, note that the SRSA has a new email distribution list.  Sign up here if interested.}


Again, we are looking forward very efficient process so that the book  will be in print at the earliest possible date. As a reminder, here is our planned schedule -  note that the editorial process began in October!


June – October, 2015                    Solicit contributions

October 2015 –February 2016          Edit contributions

Obtain copyright releases

February – March, 2016                    Contributors revise manuscripts

April                                                   Final proofreading

May 15                                               Submit manuscript to publisher

May – July, 2016                                Final corrections and revisions

August-September 2016                     Book goes in production


In the Springer guidelines attached to this email, you will find templates for the preparation of manuscripts in Word and in TeX which can be used by the authors for preparing their contributions.  Attached, I am sending you as well Springer’s short manuscript submission information sheet which summarizes the main important information. 

Springer also provides manuscript templates in both Word and LaTex.  While it is not strictly mandatory, we strongly encourage you to use these, as this will give the resulting volume the greatest possible degree of consistency from chapter to chapter.  I also encourage you to please have a look at Springer’s manuscript guidelines for editors/authors.


We are looking forward to receiving your contributions!


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Randall Jackson, Director

Regional Research Institute, WVU


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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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