AESOP COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES National Representatives Elections 2014
AESOP Quality Recognition for the European Dimension
in Planning Programmes
Preliminary document to discussed at Heads of Schools Meeting in Lisbon, March 2014 Read more here.
AESOP continues Lecture Series and is delighted being able to introduce the new partner in this activity: European Regional Sciences Association (ERSA). The fist Lecture within new framework is an exceptional event hosted by Vienna Univeristy of Technology celebrating this year its jubillee - 200 years. The title of the event is
Evolution of Planning Thought Lecture Series
Come to Vienna , 19-23 May 2014 More here.

International Young Planning Professionals Award (YPPA), 2014,
1st-8th September, Tours, France
AESOP is looking for an excellent candidate for the position of the Secretary General 2015-2019.
Klaus R. Kunzmann, our founding AESOP president is still concerned and motivated to maintain the quality of planning education in our schools.
Heritage Conservation & Urban Sustainable Development 1-8 September 2014: Tours, France
Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université de Tours-Département Aménagement
2014 AESOP PRIZE FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING New Responses to (Global) Changes in Time of Crisis: New Approaches to Planning Education
Members: News
Liverpool University Press is one of the UK’s oldest scholarly publishers and one of its youngest, being both 115 years old and 10 years old in...
Academic scholarships for scholars from outside the EEA are available to the universities jointly offering the integrated Masters programme...
Joint Conference CITTA 7th Annual Conference on Planning Research COST TU1002 Accessibility Instrument for Planning Practice in Europe - Final...

Members: Activities
AESOP Quality Recognition for the European Dimension
in Planning Programmes
Preliminary document to discussed at Heads of Schools Meeting in Lisbon, March 2014
Dear PhD researcher,
We'd like to draw your attention to a Master Class with prof. dr. Andreas Faludi celebrating his contribution to the field...

The first IALE-EUROPE...

IFHP Conference looks into one of Singapore’s key success factors; Urban Governance in integrated planning. Where else is this an established...
CityLAB II - Urban Studies Summer School Recent years saw a revival of interest in the study of suburbs, suburbanization and suburbanism. Central...
PhD in Architecture, University of Naples Federico II 21 March 2014 - 12.30-14.30 Via Forno Vecchio, 36, Naples, SL 4.2 (4° floor) PhD cycle of...
The first IALE-EUROPE THEMATIC WORKSHOP will take place in 4-5 JULY 2014, in Instituto Superior Técnico, LISBON. Call for abstracts is open until...
IARU1 Sustainability Science Congress 2014 October 22‐24, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark Session on Sustainable Urbanization Organizers Professor...
About the conference Concerned by the current issues related to technological and social changes, Laboratory IRTES-RECITS (EA7274) of the...
Call for Contributions and Participation
Design Semantics 2014, Bari (Italy), June 30-July 2, 2014
European Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA) Spring School Multiple criteria decision making: a key for sustainability May 26th -31st, 2014...

International Conference
Cities as strategic places and players in a globalized world
Paris, 18 - 20 June 2014
Cities have become ever more...
International Seminar: "Not only market. How the activities of consumption modify space, identity and practices of urban design and planning"...
Members: Job Postings
Aalto University School of Engineering invites applications for: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN REAL ESTATE INFORMATICS which will be filled on the Aalto University´s Tenure track system.
Tasks of professor are research and teaching of real estate informatics at...
Cardiff School of Planning and Geography is one of the world’s leading centres for research and teaching in human geography and spatial planning....
At the International Institute Zittau, a central academic unit of Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, the position of Chair (W2) of...
Job description
In this exciting position, you will be leading the UDM chair in pursuit of its mission: to develop useful academic concepts,...
Job description
The Chair will take the lead in the chair's educational tasks within the department and the faculty, contributing to curriculum...
Nordregio is now inviting applications for two (2) Senior Research Fellow positions
Nordregio - Nordic Centre for Spatial Development conducts...
Please find the the description of this exciting position at TU Delft here.
PhD position ‘Capacities to manage resilience to river floods’ The Urban and Regional Studies Institute at the University of Groningen is seeking...
Professor in Planning, Lecturers/Senior Lecturers in Human Geography and Urban Environmental or Development Planning (Three positions)
UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOWNew Position of Professor/Reader in Urban Studies (funded by Urban Studies Foundation)The School of Social and Political...
Members: Journals
Volume 2, Issue 4, 2013
Editorial Preface: Surveillance, Security and Urban E-Planning,...

*** CALL FOR PAPERS - Annual UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference, Oxford Brookes University, September 9th – 11th 2014
Oxford Brookes...
TeMA, Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, invites scholars and practitioners to submit articles on the general topic of urban and...
Members: Educational news
Call for application/ 11 PHD positions/PhD Programme in Urban Planning, Design and Policy, at POLITECNICO DI MILANO
**DEADLINE 2pm on 23rd May...
New Urban Hybrids – Re-setting Borders, Combining Scales
YTK, Land Use Planning and Urban Studies Group at the Aalto University is organising the...
The Architecture Research Group at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering at Luleå University of Technology...
MSc in Global Urban Development and Planning, University of Manchester Applications for academic year 2014-15 welcome
This cross-disciplinary...
The Architecture Research Group at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering at Luleå University of Technology...
International Summer School URBAN TRANSITIONS TO SUSTAINABILITY Rheims University, France, 22-26 June 2014 Organized Jointly by IRCS International...
The 21st century is an urban century. Cities are engines of economic growth and generate...
Members: Educational news
Call for application/ 11 PHD positions/PhD Programme in Urban Planning, Design and Policy, at POLITECNICO DI MILANO
**DEADLINE 2pm on 23rd May...
The Architecture Research Group at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering at Luleå University of Technology...
MSc in Global Urban Development and Planning, University of Manchester Applications for academic year 2014-15 welcome
This cross-disciplinary...
The Architecture Research Group at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering at Luleå University of Technology...
International Summer School URBAN TRANSITIONS TO SUSTAINABILITY Rheims University, France, 22-26 June 2014 Organized Jointly by IRCS International...
The 21st century is an urban century. Cities are engines of economic growth and generate...
Members: Books
Planning, Risk and Property Development Urban regeneration in England, France and the Netherlands By Nikos Karadimitriou, Claudio de Magalhães, Roelof Verhage

Klaus R. Kunzmann & Tang Yan Creative Cities in Practice European and Asian Perspective ISBN 978-7-302-32519-2 58.00 RMB Oct. 2013...

Members: Blog posts
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space (SKuOR) in cooperation with the Centre of Local Planning (IFOER) at the Department of Spatial Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Planning of Vienna University of Technology, hosts a 7-days summer school (30 August – 5 September 2014) directed at international Master’s and PhD students, as well as early-stage researchers and practitioners dealing with public urban space. You are invited to join local residents, international keynote speakers, urban activists, planning professionals, and European scholars in changing urban realities.

Deadine for abstracts: April 14 2014
Local Coordinator: Gabriel Pascariu, Thematic Group Representative: Matej Nikšič Hosting Institution: Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism Please join us in the forthcoming first event of the Association of European Schools of Planning's Thematic Group on Public Spaces and Urban Cultures within the "Becoming Local Series" 2013 to 2015 in Bucharest in June 11-14 2014. For more information, please visit: (Operational from April 2014)

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Izabela Mironowicz AESOP Secretary General
AESOP SECRETARIAT GENERAL Wrocław University of Technology | Faculty of Architecture 53/55 Bolesława Prusa Street, 50-317 Wrocław, Poland Fax: +48 71 321 00 91, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Skype: AESOP.SG,
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