
Monday, 13 September 2021 12:23

RSPP Call for Papers | Special Issue on Emerging Technologies and Regional Development

RSPP Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Emerging Technologies and Regional Development

Following the 17th PRSCO Summer Institute conference, we invite submission of the papers to for the Special Issue on Emerging Technologies and Regional Development. We welcome both papers presented and not presented at the conference for this issue. The submission deadline is January 31, 2022 and the special issue is expected to be published in late 2022. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need more information.


Technology has been changing the business landscape, challenging status quo, yet, creating opportunities to business leaders for innovative ways of thinking and potential growth. Financial Technology – FinTech – refers to technological innovations in the areas of banking and finance, facilitating the interactions among market participants and promoting the efficiency of transactions. Until now, many applications of FinTech have been widely available to users around the world.  At the same time, blockchain and distributed ledger technology have risen to one of the hottest topics in regional development as several blockchain solutions have been adopted in various sectors such as public, financial, business, technology and education.  In addition, new technologies create more opportunities for less developed countries to make significant leaps that will put them on par with more developed countries.

According to Czvetkó, Honti and Abonyi (2021), the five main dimensions of regional development in this new high-tech era include higher education and lifelong learning, labour market, technological readiness, innovation and investment that are interrelated to the Triple Helix actors including academic, industry and the government. All these dimensions aim to strengthen the competitiveness and development of a region.

From the higher education and lifelong learning perspective, a new market demand has been created whereby the industry requires a more skilled workforce with new skillsets due to digital transformation and innovation. For the labour market, the transition to a more technology-driven economy has both created new jobs and displaced many other jobs. However, the pressure is there for governments and institutions whereby new skill development models are required to ensure job opportunities. Investment and innovation are tightly linked to each other since financial incentives play an important role in innovation. However, the innovation and equipment of businesses might not be sufficient to determine the level of technological readiness in a region and a high degree of flexibility is required to form a basis for digital culture and skills.

This Special Issue of RSPP welcomes contributions that address all aspects of emerging technologies and regional development, including but not limited to:

  • Blockchain solutions in regional development
  • Big Data in regional development
  • FinTech and its impact on regional development
  • FinTech/Blockchain regulatory framework
  • Industry 4.0 and regional development

The RSPP Guest Editors for the Special Issue on Emerging Technologies and Regional Development:

Professor Budy Resosudarmo, Australian National University, Australia

Professor Rachel Franklin, Newcastle University, the U.K.

Professor Soushi Suzuki, Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan

Associate Professor Thai Nguyen, RMIT University, Vietnam

Associate Professor Vikash Ramiah, University of Wollongong, UAE

Read 3606 times Last modified on Monday, 13 September 2021 12:24

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