RSPP Call for Paper
Regional Development in China
China has been experiencing a remarkable economic growth for three decades. Nevertheless, protectionism against Chinese exports, uneven regional development, income inequalities, greater migration pressures and doubts on the effectiveness of regional policies highlights knowledge gaps that require further scientific insights.
For this special issue on regional development in China we are particular interested in ex-post evaluation of past policies and ex-ante assessment of external shocks with sound replicable methods. The main aim is to join new thinking on regional development and regional policy looking at the Chinese reality, eventually departing from scientific mismatches that informed regional development policies with different levels of effectiveness.
Papers should be submitted to the regular review process of the journal ( until July 19th of 2019. With a regular review process it is expected that the papers will be publish on the 2nd Issue of 2019.
The coordinator of the Special Issue
Jian WANG, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.