
Monday, 28 January 2019 10:12

Open position at the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu

Professor of Human Geography (Regional Studies)

The University of Eastern Finland, UEF, is one of the largest multidisciplinary universities in Finland. We offer education in nearly one hundred major subjects, and are home to approximately 15,500 students and 2,500 members of staff. We operate in Joensuu and Kuopio. In international rankings, we are ranked among the leading universities in the world. 

The Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies operates on two campuses of the University of Eastern Finland – in Joensuu and Kuopio. The faculty trains experts in the fields of history, geography, economics and business administration, law, social sciences,and social and health management. The faculty's research is closely linked to the research areas identified in the university's strategy. The faculty has approximately 4,300 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students and approximately 450 postgraduate students actively pursuing their studies. The faculty has approximately 300 staff members. 
We are now inviting applications for 

a Professor of Human Geography (Regional Studies) position, Department of Geographical and Historical Studies, Joensuu Campus

The focus of the professorship is regional studies in the context of human geography. A re-gion is defined as a broad concept that offers perspectives on, e.g., scales, territorialism, re-gional development and regional policy, as well as on border studies and health geography. In the framework of human geography, research should be based on strong social theoretical and spatial approaches; the application and development of various qualitative and quantitative methods, including geoinformatics, are central to this framework.

A description of the post has been  prepared for the purposes of describing the professorship/ filling the  professorship. This description of the post specifies the professor's  duties, qualification requirements and appendices to be included in the  application. The description of the post is available on the website at

The position will be filled with an open-ended contract as from 1 August 2019.

The salary of the position is determined in accordance with the salary system of Finnish universities and is based on levels 8 - 11 of the job requirement level chart for teaching and research staff (€4,771.69 – 7,031.37/month). In addition to the job requirement component, the salary includes a personal performance component, which may be a maximum of 50 % of the job requirement component.

Further information:

Dean Sari Rissanen (+358 405943774 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.); Head of the Department of Geographical and Historical Studies Minna Tanskanen (+358 503728884 /This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Further information relating to the application procedure can be obtained from Executive Head of Administration Ulla Hurskainen (+358 5125238 /This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) 

A probationary period is applied to all new members of the staff 

The electronic application is required to contain the following appendices:

1) a resume or a curriculum vitae compiled in accordance with the template for researcher’s curriculum vitae of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity (
2) a portfolio of teaching merits ( --> Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -> Portfolio instructions) 
3) a complete list of publications compiled in accordance with the publication classification of the Ministry of Education and Culture (
4) a plan (no more than 4 pages) of the applicant's views on how to develop the field with regard to research, education and societal interaction 
5) a. a separate, numbered and indexed list of a maximum of 10 publications with which the applicant wishes to demonstrate his or her qualifications and merits for the post; 
b. copies of the publications referred to in the list. 
6) copies of the applicant’s academic degree certificates / diplomas 
7) copies of certificates / diplomas relating to the applicant’s language proficiency, if not indicated in the academic degree certificates / diplomas. 

The application needs to be submitted no later than 20.2.2019(by 24.00 hours Finnish time)by using the electronic application form.

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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