
Wednesday, 11 July 2018 09:57


One scientific fellowship is available at the Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies – GOVCOPP UID/ CPO/ 4058, in the research group on Systems for Decision Support (SDS), at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, financed by FCT/MCTES, through national funds (PIDDAC), and, co-financed by FEDER through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI).
Scientific Areas: Economics; Urban and Regional Planning; Operations Research and other social sciences.
Admission requirements:
1. The candidate must have a Master degree either in Economics, Urban and Regional Planning, Operations Research or in other social sciences.
2. Candidates with Master degree in other fields will be admitted if they demonstrate a solid research record in the above-mentioned scientific areas.
3. The candidate must have experience in scientific research, preferably supported by authored or co-authored international publications.
4. The candidate must demonstrate an excellent command of reading, listening, speaking and writing in English.
5. Preference will be given to candidates that:
a. have working experience in multidisciplinary research projects;
b. have working experience in spatial quantitative analysis and in producing composite indicators;
c. are continuing their academic studies.
Job description: This scientific fellow is expected to contribute significantly to the overall goals and objectives of the GOVCOPP and to the specific goals of the SDS research group, namely the management of the Decision Support Lab (DS - Lab), which makes available online spatial composite indicators and some decision support tools (prototype versions) produced by GOVCOPP researchers.
In particular, the fellow is expected to:
1. Significantly contribute to the implementation of the “Regional Decision Support System” strategic action subprogram of the GOVCOPP.
2. Collaborate in the DS - Lab management, namely to:
a. identify potential indicators to be included in the DS - Lab (within the research projects developed and under development in the GOVCOPP),
b. work with the responsible researchers in the production of indicators and the corresponding methodological reports,
c. ensure the updating of the indicators included.
3. Assist the coordinator of the SDS research group in the group’s coordination tasks.
4. Contribute to the funding and internationalization of the SDS research group, helping identify relevant project calls and actively promoting and supporting the process of application to these calls.
5. Collaborate with members of the Research Unit, particularly of the SDS research group, in the writing of high-level publication outputs, especially articles for publication in peer-reviewed journals.
Legislation and regulations: Scientific Research Fellowship Statute-Law (Decree 40/2004, 18th of August); FCT, I.P. Fellowships Regulation approved by Regulation 234/2012 of 25 June, amended by Regulation 326/2013 of 27 August 2013 in force (, and Regulation for Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources 2011 and the Scientific Research Fellowship Regulation of the University of Aveiro – Regulation Nº.341/2011, Diário da República, 2nd series, nº. 98, 20th of May.
Workplace: The work will be developed at the facilities of the Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies, University of Aveiro, in the Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences.
Duration of the grant: This is a 4 months limited term non-tenure accruing position. The grant will predictably start on September 1st 2018, eventually renewable, contingent on satisfactory performance and on funding availability.
Monthly allowance:
The amount of the grant corresponds to 980 € per month plus social security according to the scholarships value table of FCT, I.P. in the country (, with payments made monthly by check or bank transfer. The stipend value is free from taxation.
Methods of selection: The evaluation criteria and methods shall be as follows, with a maximum of 100 points:
1. Adequacy of the academic profile to GOVCOPP and research group Systems for Decision Support (SDS) goals and strategic guidelines (maximum of 30 points);
2. Publication record (maximum of 15 points);
3. Working experience in multidisciplinary research projects and on spatial quantitative analysis (maximum of 35 points);
4. Working experience in geographical information systems and on statistical analysis software’s (maximum of 20 points).
After the curricula evaluation, the Jury can select a maximum of three applicants, with the highest awarded points, for an interview, which may be carried out via a video-conferencing platform. This interview, if performed, will grant the selected applicants with extra points (maximum of 100 points).
The Jury reserves the right to consider the applications to be below the desirable quality levels, and suggest closing this call without any selected applicant.
Members of the Jury: Anabela Botelho Veloso (chair); João Lourenço Marques; Mara Madaleno and as substitute members, Marlene Amorim and Carlos Rodrigues.
Form of advertising/notification of results:
The final evaluation results will be publicized through an alphabetical list, which will be posted in a visible and public place of GOVCOPP, being the applicants notified by email.
Deadlines: This call for applications is open from 16th to 27th July 2018, till 5 p.m.
Application procedure: Applications must contain the following documents:
1. Curriculum vitae;
2. Copy of the academic degrees certificates;
3. Motivation letter;
4. A sample copy of the candidate’s research (e.g. a journal article or other publication).
Applications should be sent via e-mail to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
University of Aveiro, 29th June 2018

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