Awards & Prizes

Wednesday, 06 July 2022 14:35

The recipient of the ERSA Prize in Regional Science 2022 is revealed!

6 July 2022

Professor Diego Puga is awarded

the ERSA Prize in Regional Science 2022

ERSA and the Jury of the ERSA Prize Committee are pleased to announce that the ERSA Prize in Regional Science 2022 has been awarded to Diego Puga, Professor of Economics at CEMFI, in Madrid, Spain.

Diego Puga’s academic career and contribution to regional science is outstanding in many ways.

His publications include articles in American Economic Review, Econometrica, Quarterly Journal of Economics, and Review of Economic Studies, and have been cited over 5,000 times in articles included in Web of Science.

The excellence of his research and his contribution to regional science has been recognized from the start of his carreer. His many distinctions and honours include the Geoffrey J.D. Hewings Award from Narsc (2005) which recognizes distinguished contributions to Regional Science research by Young scholars who have recently completed doctoral studies, the Sabadell-Herrero Prize awarded annually to a Spanish researcher under the age of 40 for outstanding contributions to economics or social sciences (2008). He joined the prestigious group of RSAI fellows (2010) and was keynote speaker at ERSA Annual Congress in Barcelona (2011). Recently, he was also the winner the Rei Jaume I Prize in Economics for his contributions to spatial economics (2020).

Download the Press release


Prize-giving and Keynote Lecture

The ERSA Prize in Regional Science 2022 will be presented on August 26th during the Closing Session of 61st ERSA Congress (22-26 August 2022).

After the Award ceremony, we will have the pleasure to listen to Diego's keynote Lecture .

Mark your Agenda for August 26, 16:00-17.30 (CET Time)

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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