RSPP Annual Paper Award
For the Best Paper in Regional Science Policy and Practice
Winners 2017
Akihiro Otsuka and Mika Goto (2015) - Estimation and determinants of energy efficiency in Japanese regional economies. Regional Science Policy & Practice 7 (2), 89-101 “The paper contains a full empirical attempt to model and a significant regional issue of policy and practice concern: the spatial patterns of energy efficiency across the prefectures of Japan. Useful findings of the study are clearly spelled out for policy-makers. The paper is itself a model of how regional science methods can be harnessed for making contributions to policy and practice. As such, is a most meritorious demonstration of the underlying concept for our relatively new journal and thus highly deserving of receiving the award. Identification and estimation of variables that are understood and can be used by policy-makers.” |
Roberto Camagni and Roberta Capello (2015) - Rationale and design of EU cohesion policies in a period of crisis. Regional Science Policy & Practice 7 (1), 25-4 “A great literature review and an important (continuing) EU issue. A reflective and policy-prescriptive paper focused on EU regional policies in the context of a period of economic downturn. Broad-ranging, the paper marshals a variety of data to buttress its argument. A nicely done contribution. A prospective paper with great impact well rooted theoretically and with sound methods.” |