RSAI has the great pleasure to announce that the jury consisting of Antoine Bailly, Masahisa Fujita, Roberta Capello and Erik Verhoef chose the article "The sources of the urban wage premium by worker skills: Spatial sorting or agglomeration economies?" by Martin Andersson, Johan Klaesson and Johan P Larsson published in Volume 94, Issue 4, November 2014, Pages: 727-747 as the winner of the Martin Beckmann Prize as the best paper published in Papers in Regional Science in 2014.
The paper deals with the estimate of the respective importance of spatial sorting and agglomeration economies in explaining the urban wage premium for workers with different sets of skills. The paper is an innovative piece of work in the complex field of identifying the sources of differences in wages among cities. It provides empirical evidence on which type of skills are rewarded by density, and bear on the broader question of the contexts in which agglomeration is important. Based on the originality of the methodology used, and the important results achieved, the jury concluded that the paper was the best published one in 2014.
Many congratulations to Martin Andersson, Johan Klaesson and Johan P Larsson!