
Elisabete Martins

All main sessions from APDR congress were live online and recorded and are now available at the APDR Youtube chanal ( or congress page (

Cover Image

Papers in Regional Science
Volume 99, Issue 5

Pages: 1163-1511

October 2020


Free Access

Issue Information

Pages: 1163-1164 | First Published: 17 September 2020


Open Access

Essential ingredients for radical innovations? The role of (un‐)related variety and external linkages in Germany

Kolja Hesse, Dirk Fornahl

Pages: 1165-1183 | First Published: 10 March 2020

Geographic variations in precarious employment outcomes between immigrant and Canadian‐born populations

Waad K. Ali, K. Bruce Newbold

Pages: 1185-1213 | First Published: 18 March 2020

Open Access

Localization, regionalization and globalization of university‐business research co‐operation in the United Kingdom

Robert Tijssen, Wouter van de Klippe, Alfredo Yegros

Pages: 1215-1236 | First Published: 21 March 2020

Open Access

Firm‐specific cluster effects: A meta‐analysis

Nils Grashof

Pages: 1237-1260 | First Published: 09 March 2020

The effects of highways on school segregation

Philip Heidt, M. Taha Kasim

Pages: 1261-1280 | First Published: 16 April 2020

Distributional impacts of food assistance: How SNAP payments to the rural poor affect incomes in the urban core

Paul A. Lewin, Bruce A. Weber

Pages: 1281-1300 | First Published: 10 March 2020

Land use regulations and the dispersion of the IT Industry in the San Francisco Bay area

Taner Osman

Pages: 1301-1316 | First Published: 04 April 2020

An analysis of pedestrian crashes using a spatial count data model

Rebekka E. Apardian, Oleg Smirnov

Pages: 1317-1338 | First Published: 29 February 2020

Staying or leaving? The effects of university availability on educational choices and rural depopulation

Ida Lovén, Cecilia Hammarlund, Martin Nordin

Pages: 1339-1365 | First Published: 21 March 2020

Open Access

Economic impact modelling of smart specialization policy: Which industries should prioritization target?

Attila Varga, Norbert Szabó, Tamás Sebestyén

Pages: 1367-1388 | First Published: 19 March 2020

Evaluation of self‐employment support policies using survival analysis. The discounted flat rate in Andalusia (Spain)

Sandra M. Sánchez‐Cañizares, L. Javier Cabeza‐Ramírez, M. Dolores Guerrero‐Baena

Pages: 1389-1411 | First Published: 04 April 2020

Open Access

Optimizing entrepreneurial development processes for smart specialization in the European Union

László Szerb, Raquel Ortega‐Argilés, Zoltan J. Acs, Éva Komlósi

Pages: 1413-1457 | First Published: 16 April 2020

Firm financial soundness and knowledge externalities: A comparative regional analysis

Lara Abdel Fattah, Giuseppe Arcuri, Aziza Garsaa, Nadine Levratto

Pages: 1459-1486 | First Published: 25 April 2020

The regional anatomy of youths' educational attainment in Spain: The role of the employment structure in local labour markets

Luis Diaz‐Serrano, William Nilsson

Pages: 1487-1508 | First Published: 18 May 2020


Good economics for hard times Abhijit V. Banerjee Esther Duflo New York: Public Affairs. 2019. 404 pp. ISBN 978 161039 950 0.

Amitrajeet A. Batabyal

Pages: 1509-1511 | First Published: 15 June 2020

Wednesday, 16 September 2020 10:05

Election of RSAI new Councillors at large

Dear RSAI members,

By RSAI Constitution, nominations for Councilors-at-large “shall be made by the Council after solicitation of suggestions from the members of the Association”. At the end of 2020, the positions on the RSAI Council held by Prof. Amit Batabyal (Rochester Institute of Technology), Prof. Sumana Bandyopadhyay (Kolkata University), and Prof. Rosella Nicolini (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) will expire; we therefore inform that the proposals for three councilors-at-large can be sent to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within October 10, 2020. Candidatures will have to include a professional CV and a photo.

The election of three councilors-at-large for the period 2021-2023 will take place electronically by RSAI members during the second half of October 2020.

Best regards,

Andrea Caragliu

RSAI Executive Director

Nurturing new talent 2021

The RSAI aims to continue promoting the development of Regional Science by nurturing new talent in 2021. The council has therefore pledged resources to co-finance workshops and summer institutes intended to provide substantive training to pre-doctoral researchers, including the presentation of their work and receiving feedback from senior scholars and their peers. It is expected that the selected workshops and institutes will have considerable international geographical coverage.

Organizers of workshops and summer schools fulfilling the above aims are encouraged to submit a two-page case for support, using the included template, within October 10, 2020 to the RSAI secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Individuals are encouraged to consult with their national and supranational sections to allow better coordination among different initiatives.

All applications will be reviewed by the Committee and will have to be formally approved by the RSAI Council. Their decision will be final.

Template nurturing talent application (Download)

Building bridges in regional science

2021 conference participation support

The RSAI facilitates the participation of researchers from low-income and lower-middle-income economies (as defined by the World Bank: at the five largest Regional Science Conferences in 2021: LARSA, PRSCO, ERSA, NARSC, and the World Congress.

RSAI will provide a subsidy up to USD 500 (or the equivalent in other currencies) to selected researchers. This is likely to cover the conference registration fee and some local travel costs. Alternative means of financing will have to be sought for international travel and accommodation.

Only one author of a submitted paper presentation proposal can apply for a subsidy.

Interested researchers should upload a two-page CV plus a one-page motivation –including a budget with proposed sources of funding of the conference-related registration, travel and accommodation costs – within 30 days of receiving confirmation of the acceptance of the researcher’s abstract by the conference organizers.

Applicants should have had a paper accepted for presentation at the conference.

All applications, to be submitted at the following link:

will be reviewed by the Committee and will have to be formally approved by the RSAI Council. Their decision will be final.

session andres peter eduardo3Plenary Session

Thursday, 10 September 2020

13:30-15:30 [Brazil, São Paulo]

12:30-14:30 [United States - Eastern Time]

16:30-18:30 [Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal]

17:30-19:30 [Lisbon, Portugal]

18:30-20:30 [Europe - Central European Time]

24:00-02:00 [India]

live online at

Regional Science Policy and Practice

Call for papers

Special Issue Theme: “Policy Challenges and Economic Sustainability during Sudden Pandemic Outbreak”

In the present scenario, a sudden outburst of pandemic diseases can create a profound and serious impact on the global economy, driving policymakers towards finding new and innovative ways to retain economic stability. These diseases when left uncontrolled can initiate a persistent and major-public health problem all over the world with severe consequences. Even with well-determined precaution measures and unremitting lockdown, this sort of epidemic disease often results in a global uncertainty with a huge pressure of the economic crisis.  The impacts of this outbreak include economic loss in various forms, which ranges from mortality to the diverse effects on productivity. Here, the most miserable part is that economic loss due to production efficiency and economic returns are considerably greater than the mortality. On the other side, health hazards relating to this epidemic accompanied by fear and panic, further results in numerous economic risks with a complete blockage of global enterprise and supply chain management facilities.

Economic risks due to pandemics are nontrivial and require careful policy planning and control measures. The consequences of the outbreak are highly indeterminate and have various effects on the economy. Certain sectors such as pharmaceutical industries can financially benefit more, while the other sectors may suffer inexplicably. It is inevitable that vulnerable populations especially the poor people become the victim as they have insufficient access to healthcare facilities with reduced income. Several factors such as trade disproportion, exchange rate movement, variation in market interest, and many more confound the process of policy management during a pandemic outbreak. However, the relationship between pandemic diseases and policy uncertainty can be indirect, but it is real. Most of the complex policy uncertainties can be easily tackled, if there is a cooperative response from a range of departments and government organizations. Hence, developing sustainable policies to deal with improved sanitation, provision of clean water facilities, better urban planning, and infrastructures can lead to an ideal solution as they decrease the rate of recurrence of human contact with pathogenic organisms. Eventually, establishing appropriate policies to build stronger health systems and supporting proper nutrition can empower human health with lesser prone to infectious diseases. However, construction of such policies and maintaining economic stability possess a greater amount of risk that impedes the growth of the country. In this context, this special issue intends to bring out various policy challenges and its appropriate solutions to effectively maintain economic stability during the pandemic situation.

Tentative Topics:

  • Effective policy planning and outbreak readiness
  • Pandemics: risk, impacts, and mitigation over the society and its preventive measures
  • Tackling economic crisis during pandemic situations and policy planning
  • Policy challenges during pandemic situations and regulatory mechanisms
  • Sustainable policy planning with diversely affected economic sectors
  • Impact of demographic trends towards policy planning during pandemic situations
  • Effective policy planning measures to meet current needs and resources with future requirements
  • Policy evaluation frameworks and tools for sustainable policy development during pandemic situations
  • Decision making architectures and design methodologies for long-term policy planning and implementation
  • Combined effect of economic crisis and infectious disease control measures on economic sustainability
  • Disruptions due to pandemic diseases and their financial consequences

Important Date: Webinar with draft papers April 14, 2021

Guest Editorial Team:

Lead Guest Editor
Name: Dr. Carlos Enrique Montenegro Marin
Affiliation: Professor,
District University Francisco José de Caldas,
Bogotá, Colombia
Official Email ID: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Carlos Enrique Montenegro Marin received the Diploma of Advanced Studies degree from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, in 2008, the M.Sc. degree in Information and Communication Systems from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, and the Ph.D. degree in Systems and Computer Services for the Internet from the University of Oviedo, Asturias, Spain, in 2012. He was classified with the highest recognition of research by Colciencias in 2017 (Senior Researcher). He is the director of the GIIRA research group of the University District, a group that also received the highest recognition by Colciencias. He is currently a Systems Engineer. His skills and expertise are in the areas of Java Programming, Cloud Computing, Web Development, Object-Oriented Programming, Grid Computing, LMS, Virtualization, Software Engineering, and Linux Administration.

Co-Guest Editors
Name: Dr. Paulo Alonso Gaona Garcia
Affiliation: Professor,
District University Francisco José de Caldas,
Bogotá, Colombia
Official Email ID: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Paulo Alonso Gaona Garcia received his Ph.D in Information and Knowledge Engineering in Computer Science from University of Alcalá in 2014 and Masters in Information and Information Sciences Communications, Teleinformatics from Francisco José de Caldas District University in 2007. He was working as Professor and Project Advisor in National Pedagogical University. He is currently working as Director of Engineering Research in Francisco José de Caldas District University. His research and publication topics are in the areas of Internet of Things, ad hoc Networks, Error Statistics, Power Consumption, Quality of Service, Telecommunication Power Management, and Wireless Sensor Networks.

Co-Guest Editors
Name: Dr. Edward Rolando Nuñez Valdez
Affiliation: Professor,
University of Oviedo,
Oviedo, Spain
Official Email ID: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Edward Rolando Nuñez Valdez is working as a Professor at the University of Oviedo in Spain. He completed his Ph.D. from the University of Oviedo in Computer Engineering, Master Degree in Software Engineering from the Pontifical University of Salamanca and B.S. in Computer Science from Autonomous University of Santo Domingo. He has participated in several research projects; He has taught computer science at various schools and universities and has worked in software development companies and IT consulting for many years. He has published several articles in international journals and conferences. His research interests include Web Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Recommendation Systems, Modeling Software with DSL and MDE.


Wednesday, 02 September 2020 09:40

2020 elected RSAI Fellows

2020 elected RSAI Fellows

RSAI is pleased to announce the election of the following Fellows in 2020 - congratulations!

University of Groningen, THE NETHERLANDS
University of Alcalà, SPAIN
Tuesday, 25 August 2020 08:32

In Memoriam: Tönu Puu (1936-2020)

Toenu PuuProfessor Emeritus Tönu Puu passed away on July 11, 2020, at the age of 83.

Professor Tönu Puu was born in Tallinn, Estonia. Upon the Soviet invasion of Estonia in 1944, he took refuge with his parents and one sister to Sweden. Tönu grew up in Uppsala. From 1956 to 1964, he studied at Uppsala University. He finished his Ph.D. in Economics, with Professor Tord Palander as thesis supervisor. The thesis was awarded the highest mark possible, and Tönu was honoured with a prize named in memory of the economist Erik Lindahl.

Tönu soon became Associate Professor of Economics at Uppsala University. In 1971, he was appointed full Professor of Economics at Umeå University, the first to hold that position. At his retirement in 2001, he became Professor Emeritus at the University’s Centre for Regional Science (CERUM). During his time at Umeå University, both the Department of Economics and CERUM developed into internationally respected research environments.

Tönu’s research spanned over several areas of economics, mathematics and regional science. He served on the editorial board of journals such as Regional Science and Urban Economics, Networks and Spatial Theory, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, and Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. Through his path-breaking work on spatial and dynamic models, often in collaboration with mathematicians in Providence (USA), Munich (Germany), Kiev (Ukraine), Cartagena (Spain) and Urbino (Italy), he became a leading mathematical economist in Sweden. Tönu Puu published about 300 articles and 25 books and worked on new ideas and manuscripts until the end of his life.

Besides his professional life as a professor, Tönu was a many-sided intellectual. He wrote books on art and science, arranged baroque music festivals, built baroque instruments such as viola da gamba and cembalo. His latest project was to build a new virginal (a rectangular harpsichord with the strings stretched parallel to the keyboard,  popular in the 16th and 17th centuries), a project he unfortunately could not finish.

Tönu is mourned and deeply missed by us and by many colleagues and friends worldwide. But most of all by his children Margareta and Magnus.

Åke E. Andersson, Johan Lundberg, Inge-Bert Täljedal, Lars Westin

Monday, 24 August 2020 08:38

Call PhD Research Grants

We are pleased to inform that CETRAD has an open call, from July 30 to August 28, for the award of the following Research Grants:

- Two PhD Research Grants, in the area of Social Sciences, under the FCT Research Grants Regulation (RBI) and the Research Fellowship Statute (EBI).

The scholarships will be financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the Collaboration Protocol for the Financing of the Multiannual Plan for Research Scholarships for PhD Students, signed between FCT and the R&D Unit Center for Transdisciplinary Studies for Development (CETRAD) (UIDB / 04011/2020) of UTAD. These grants are available for candidates or students of the PhD in Development, Societies and Territories.

More info about PhD:

More info about the call:

- One PhD Research Fellowship, in the area of Business Sciences, under the FCT Research Fellowship Regulation (RBI) and the Research Fellowship Statute (EBI).

The scholarship will be financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the Collaboration Protocol for the Financing of the Multiannual Plan for Research Scholarships for Doctoral Students, signed between FCT and the R&D Unit Center for Transdisciplinary Studies for Development (CETRAD) (UIDB / 04011/2020) of UTAD. These grants are available for candidates or students of the PhD in Agribusiness and Sustainability.

More info about PhD:

More info about the call:

Note: The candidates must complete the attached application form and send with the respective supporting documents by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Respected Sir/Madam,

Springer plans to publish an edited volume titled “Accessible Housing for South Asia”. Although focusing Housing Issues in South Asia we would like to enlarge the committed contributions from South Asia to authors from other parts of the world, mobilizing their responsibility in the global problem of accessible housing .We strongly believe that your contribution shall significantly enrich the proposed book as well as guide future research, policy and practice in this field.

Relevance of the Edited Volume

This book highlights the major issues related to Urban Housing in South Asia looking at: a) demands and needs in space and time; b) financial capabilities, housing design and implementation; and c) socio economic and environmental impacts of housing. For various case studies the book analysis the process of delivering of houses, the issues related to access to employment, markets and services, the cumulative effects on gentrification, exclusion and spatial justice; the long term outcomes concerning economic, social and environmental sustainability of the urban tissue.

Housing is a basic human need, which many argue, is one of the most important inputs to improve livelihoods. Today, particularly in developing nations, housing is one of the most dynamic infrastructures, attributed mainly to rapid urbanization driven by large scale rural to urban migration. The scale varies but the pervasive presence of inadequate and congested housing, slums and houseless population in urban centres all across the world, bears testimony to the fact that adequate housing is still a distant dream for millions of people. UN-Habitat estimates that as of 2015, “330 million households are financially stretched by housing costs; this number could grow to 440 million by 2025.” The number would be higher if ‘houseless people’ living on the street would be added to this category. The ‘lion’s share’ of absolute housing shortage is in developing nations, mainly in South Asian and African countries.  In India alone, 12 million houses are lying vacant across urban India in 2015 as against the official housing shortage of 18 million houses in urban areas. The housing challenge has received UN recognition through its mention in both Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as well as the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which aim to, by 2030, “ensure access for all for adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums”. Notwithstanding the varied policy and program response from governments in different countries and endeavours by international agencies, achievements are limited with little or no evidence of large-scale positive impact on the urban housing sector, especially for the working class and the low-income groups.  Adequate housing being a cornerstone for social equity and environmental sustainability, its failure is a threat to sustainable urbanization, and a complex challenge. Addressing housing need requires legislative, financial and technical support and involves multiple stakeholders, noting that the task of housing for all does not only entail the additional households created due to in-migration in urban places but also involves rehabilitation of Internally displaced persons and replenishment of housing stock lost to frequently recurrent natural disasters like flood, cyclones and earthquake.

Submission Guideline

  • A suitable and brief title not exceeding 15 words in font size 14 should be given.
  • Author/authors affiliation is mandatory with their designation, institute, postal address, mobile number and email ID.
  • Abstracts should be written within 300 words along with 4 to 5 keywords.
  • Submission of manuscript must be in MS-Word format with all four sides 1-inch margin. Manuscript should be typed in Times New Roman with a 12 size and keep line spacing at 1.15.
  • Manuscript should contain the statement of problem, objective, research methodology and findings of the work.
  • Citations and reference should comply with APA style of referencing. Give example for book and journal.
  • Length of the manuscript should not exceed 4000-6000 words.

Submission of abstract/full manuscript must be sent to Prof. Tomaz Ponce Dentinho

  • through email attachment (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Time Line of Publication



Submission of Abstract

August 31, 2020

Full Paper Submission

October 31, 2020

Revision of the first draft

November 30, 2020

Springer will receive the draft of the book

December 31, 2020

Final corrections and licenses

January 31, 2021


March 31, 2021


The target reader includes academicians (University and College teachers and researchers) and organisations like RSAI (Regional Science Association, International) and RSAi (Regional Science Association, India) and other Regional Science Communities in Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Maldives and Sri Lanka. Students of Geography, Economics, Regional Science and Spatial Planning (at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels) shall also benefit from having a concise volume on research, policy and practice on accessible housing in South Asia.

Yours faithfully,

The Editors: Kanika Basu, Amitabh Kundu, Habibullah Magsi, Sumana Bandyopadhyay and Tomaz Dentinho

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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