
Elisabete Martins



The University of Johannesburg (UJ) is a vibrant and cosmopolitan comprehensive university anchored in Africa and driven by a powerful strategy focused on attaining global excellence and stature. With an emphasis on innovative thinking and sustainable strategic partnerships, UJ is an international university of choice. The University has a strong emphasis on positioning UJ as a leader in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).


(5) Five-year contract renewable subject to performance

The University seeks to appoint a dynamic, decisive, innovative, motivated, qualified, and accomplished leader of high professional and academic standing as the new Vice-Chancellor & Principal of the University of Johannesburg.

The primary responsibilities of the Vice-Chancellor & Principal are to provide executive and academic leadership. The Vice-Chancellor & Principal is the Chief Executive and Accounting Officer, as well as the Legal, Administrative and Academic Head of the University.

The Vice-Chancellor & Principal is accountable to the University Council and is assisted in the management and administration of the University by the members of the Management Executive Committee (MEC).

The Vice-Chancellor & Principal will be expected to, inter-alia:

  • Determine, and articulate the University’s Strategic Plan.
  • Lead the University’s strategic and executive initiatives per the University’s Strategic Plan.
  • Advanced global excellence and stature.
  • Advanced scholarship and innovation.
  • Advanced Pan-African thought and conversation by promoting 4IR initiatives, sustainable development goals, decolonisation, and metaverse initiatives.
  • Build and strengthen internal and external stakeholder relationships.
  • Ensure institutional compliance with the relevant statutory and regulatory framework in which the University functions.
  • Oversee innovative staff development initiatives, including retention and recruitment.
  • Ensure financial sustainability of the institution.
  • Respond to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) regarding policy imperatives.
  • Provide direction, support, and assistance to the Council on all governance issues and the institution’s business needs.


  • Substantive and acknowledged academic stature, with a PhD (or equivalent) as a minimum academic qualification. A postgraduate executive leadership qualification would be an added advantage.
  • A minimum of 10 years experience as an academic, with academic administration experience at an executive level.
  • Executive management experience at an academic institution of higher learning.
  • Established and valuable local and international networks.
  • Proven resource, strategic and people management skills, with the ability to lead institutional transformation and change effectively.
  • Demonstrated experience in fundraising external to the university environment.
  • In-depth knowledge and a strategic understanding of the higher education environment and the challenges faced by universities in South Africa and internationally.
  • An understanding of the 4IR and its impact on higher education and society.
  • A well respected leader who is able to inspire and motivate the UJ community.
  • An ethical leader with outstanding personal qualities of integrity, sound judgement, energy, passion and constructive interpersonal skills.

Terms of appointment:

The position of Vice-Chancellor & Principal is a (5) five-year year contract appointment, with an executive level remuneration and benefits package commensurate with experience and qualifications. The appointment may be renewed for one further term of office subject to performance.

Retirement age:

The normal retirement age is 65 years. Consideration will be given to all candidates who would be able to serve for a (5) five-year term.

Enquiries: Ms Kwinana, tel. (011) 559-2654 Application:

To apply, submit a detailed Curriculum Vitae and a letter of motivation outlining a possible vision and strategic direction for the position. The name and full contact details (including telephone numbers and e-mail addresses) of at least (3) three traceable and credible references, must be included.

Applications must be marked "Confidential" and addressed to the Executive Director: Human Capital Management, and emailed to Ms B Dumezweni at e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Closing date: 19 August 2022


Dear Colleagues!

We are delighted to announce that Call for Abstracts for CERS 2022 Conference is now open! 

The European Regional Science Association – Polish, Slovak and Hungarian Sections, and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland) invite scholars, experts, and administration professionals to participate in the 8th Central European Conference in Regional Science, with the main theme "Resilience of cities and regions in an uncertain time" that will be held online on 21-23rd November 2022.  

The deadline for Abstract Submission is September 4, 2022. Please note that there is a limit of two presentations per participant. Abstracts should be submitted using the abstract submission portal

For information on abstract submission, please visit the CERS 2022 Conference website list of more than 20 themes, special sessions and young scientist session is available at the conference webpage

The conference is open to a diverse worldwide audience, including academics, experts, and policy makers. It aims to bring together research, ideas, concepts, and experiences and provide a welcoming forum for discussing research and presenting different points of view on the contemporary challenges of cities and regions. 

The themes which will be addressed focus on the challenges of meeting the development of urban and regional systems in an uncertain time. Topics such as the economic, social, and environmental challenges in urban, rural, and regional development and transition in uncertain times are essential issues that the CERS 2022 Conference will consider. 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

On behalf of the Organizing Committee 

Tomasz Kossowski 

Faculty of Human Geography and Planning 

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland 

European Regional Science Association – Polish Section 

The City & Regional Planning at the Ohio State University is hiring position this fall jointly with other departments. This is a cluster hire of three tenure-track faculty in the area of Climate, Race and Place under the university-wide Race, Inclusion and Social Equity (RAISE) initiative at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. 

For details, see below.


Assistant/Associate Professor of Urban Climate Resilience and Adaptation Disparities

The Ohio State University

Columbus, Ohio, United States


The Ohio State University invites applications for a cluster hire of three tenure-track faculty in the area of Climate, Race and Place under the university-wide Race, Inclusion and Social Equity (RAISE) initiativeThe University seeks to elevate its globally recognized expertise in the science of climate change and adaptation to a new level through a cluster hire of faculty who can holistically investigate, using climate data analytics, the racial disparities and social inequities of climate impacts and help shape adaptations sensitive to these disparities across various geographic scales. This cluster hire creates an opportunity to disrupt traditional knowledge structures and to transcend disciplinary barriers by re-centering climate science in the broadest sense.  Participating academic units are the Department of Geography, the School of the Environment and Natural Resources, and the Department of Civil, Environment and Geodetic Engineering, jointly with the City and Regional Planning Section, to bring much needed depth of understanding of racial disparities and climate justice.  As participating departments, we seek innovative and creative faculty who bring diverse research approaches and life experiences to advance understanding of how people and places are differentially impacted by climate change through a commitment to interdisciplinary collaborations.  Partnering institutes provide a university-wide infrastructure to support the success of the faculty hires, including: the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity and the Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (working in the area of race and equity across space and places); the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center and the Global Water Institute (working to expand water access through the Alliance for Navajo Sustainability) as well as the Rattan Lal Center for Carbon Management and Sequestration (working in the area of climate science and adaptation); and the Sustainability Institute and the Translational Data Analytics Institute (to facilitate significant interdisciplinary collaborations).

Additional Information:

This position is one of three faculty appointments in the Climate, Race and Place cluster hire to advance climate justice at The Ohio State University (OSU), and is part of a broader Race, Inclusion and Social Equity (RAISE) initiative focused on narrowing a range of disparities.

This Assistant Professor position is available with the option to be hired into the Provost’s Tenure-Track Fellow to Faculty Program with an appointment to a mentored position as an instructor in the tenure track for up to two-years before transitioning to the Assistant Professor position.  

The successful candidate will be expected to develop a nationally-recognized research program focused on racial and ethnic population disparities of resilience and adaptation to climate change events in cities. This position builds upon departmental strengths in natural hazard resilience of infrastructure systems and access to urban services to strengthen the equity framework through which observations are made, research questions framed and solutions advanced. Candidate research areas must align with the broad thematic area of this position announcement at the nexus of race/ethnicity studies, climate change science and urban infrastructure design. Topic areas broadly include, and are not limited to, community vulnerability and response to extreme weather events, community adaptation via a just transition to low-carbon transportation and household energy future, community public health and climate impacts on air and water quality.  Applicants may choose which of the two partnering academic units, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering or City and Regional Planning Section of the Knowlton School of Architecture, is their primary partial appointment (70%) for purposes of promotion review.  The other academic unit will constitute their minority appointment (30%) for teaching and research contributions. 

Expectations for the position include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in civil engineering or city and regional planning; establishing and sustaining an active, externally-funded research program toward national and international recognition in the field; advising graduate and undergraduate students; and engaging in outreach and service activities with communities, professional organizations and the university. The successful candidate should be prepared to collaborate across disciplines and work with diverse communities and faculty. The faculty position is full time (9-month) and starts no earlier than January 2023.  

The link to the full position description can be found here:


Required Qualifications: 

  • ·        A doctoral degree in civil engineering, city and regional planning, or a closely related field prior to the start date of the appointment 
  • ·        An established record of research commensurate with prior training and specialization 
  • ·        Evidence of potential for developing a nationally recognized research program
  • ·        Interest and ability to engage in research collaborations with faculty in Civil and Geodetic Engineering and The Knowlton School 
  • ·        Demonstrated potential for excellence in teaching, and an ability to communicate effectively with faculty and students 

Preferred Qualifications: 

  • ·        Professional experience such as post-doctoral and other research positions in academia, national labs, and industry in related fields 
  • ·        Demonstrated experience collaborating on interdisciplinary initiatives 
  • ·        Experience working with diverse populations and commitment to diversity/inclusivity 
  • ·        Professional engineering or planning licensure or the ability to obtain registration 

How to Apply:

Please submit the following documents with your application:

  • ·        Cover Letter
  • ·        Curriculum Vita
  • ·        Diversity Statement(describe experiences, current interests or activities, and/or future goals that promote a climate that values diversity and inclusion in one or more of the areas of scholarship, instruction and outreach)
  • ·        Statement of Research(describe the evolution of research, highlight research accomplishments, and provide a clear vision for future research)
  • ·        Statement of Teaching Interests
  • ·        Names and contact information of FIVE referencescommensurate with the rank sought

Review of applications will begin on September 15, 2022 and continue until the position is filled.

Here is the link:


Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to invite you to participate in the International Scientific ConferenceTerritorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation’2022.

Conference dates: 28-30 September 2022

Accompanying events: 26-27 September 2022

Conference venue: Hotel Kotarz, Brenna, Poland

Registration link


The Conference is addressed to researchers and practitioners, dealing with different aspects of territorial and inter-organizational cooperation in local, regional, cross-border and international dimensions.

The Conference is characterized by its interdisciplinary approach resulting from raising multiperspective scientific problems and innovative formulas. The Conference’s main aim would be networking and forming international, interdisciplinary scientific teams working together on new scientific challenges.

Please register till 31.08.2022 r. 
Conference is free of charge thanks to the ‘Regional Initiative of Excellence’ project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science in Poland. 

Participants cover the costs of travel and accommodation. 

More information on the conference website

Chairperson of the Conference
Assoc. Prof. Joanna Kurowska - Pysz, PhD
Director of Research Institute on Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation

WSB University
ul. Cieplaka 1c
41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza


Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais (RPER)

Special Issue: Economics, Territories and Governance: from modelling to regional development policy

In Memoriam: Pedro Ramos

Special Issue context

Pedro Nogueira Ramos, Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and one of the most prominent members of the Portuguese Association for Regional Development (APDR), physically left us in 2021. For a decade, he held the position of Director of the Portuguese Journal of Regional Studies (RPER), contributing to its affirmation at national and international level. As a Professor, but also as Director of National Accounts at Statistics Portugal (INE) or member of the Portuguese Economic and Social Council, his works and reflexions, that looked at the economy from the perspective of the territory, are abundant, combining economic analysis methods with the study of geography and demography. Pedro Ramos has always assumed himself as a true apologist and supporter of regional science, so it is of elementary justice and of the greatest scientific relevance to pay homage to his work and legacy.

Subject coverage

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers that fit into the scope of RPER, with a particular focus on the themes that deserved the main scientific attention of Pedro Ramos in this field, including, but not limited to:

  • Regional economics;
  • Interregional trade;
  • Territorial development;
  • Regional cohesion;
  • Regional policy;
  • Spatial modelling (regional input-output models, spatial econometrics, among others).

Notes for Prospective Authors

  • Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • All papers are refereed through a peer review process.
  • All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please read our Submitting a paper page.
  • RPER publishes papers written in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English.
  • The 29th Congress of the Portuguese Association for Regional Development (APDR), to be held in June 2022, will include a special session in homage to Pedro Ramos. Selected quality papers submitted to this special session will be invited to submit publication to this RPER special issue.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: July 31, 2022

Extended submission deadline: October 31, 2022

Expected Publication date: July, 2023

Guest Editors

Ana Sargento, CARME – Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics, ESTG, Polytechnic of Leiria (Portugal).

Eduardo Barata, CeBER - Centre for Business and Economics Research, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (Portugal).


Ana Sargento,

CARME – Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics, ESTG, Polytechnic of Leiria (Portugal).

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Call for papers for RSPP Special Issue on

Sustainable Regional Development in Ghana”.

Dear Colleagues,

The aim of Regional Science Policy & Practice - RSPP is to promote and diffuse the understanding of human interaction in space; based on sound, rigorous and up-to-date methodologies; and to focus on real and urgent issues for peoples and places, that require adequate policy responses.

 Ghana has experienced different challenges in recent periods that interest many areas of Regional Science: such as spatial and social disparities, exploitation of natural resources, urbanization, and migration, just to mention some. Therefore, this special issue will feature research (with sound methods and replicable evidence) that sheds light on the different challenges that Ghana will face in the next decades, with a special focus on regional policies which can lead to solving these issues.

The objective of this issue is to provide a better understanding of human interaction within space in Ghana to address the problems of people and places.

Submission Guidelines: Interested Authors should submit their paper to the Special Issue “Sustainable Regional Development in Ghana” until 31 March 2023 to . Early submissions are encouraged and will be processed immediately. Papers will undergo the normal refereeing process. The papers will be published once accepted and compiled when there are enough papers to be compiled in a special issue.

Samuel Odei Amponsah

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Guest Editor for the Special Issue on Ghana

Tomaz Ponce Dentinho

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Editor – in – Chief of Regional Science Policy and Practice

6 July 2022

Professor Diego Puga is awarded

the ERSA Prize in Regional Science 2022

ERSA and the Jury of the ERSA Prize Committee are pleased to announce that the ERSA Prize in Regional Science 2022 has been awarded to Diego Puga, Professor of Economics at CEMFI, in Madrid, Spain.

Diego Puga’s academic career and contribution to regional science is outstanding in many ways.

His publications include articles in American Economic Review, Econometrica, Quarterly Journal of Economics, and Review of Economic Studies, and have been cited over 5,000 times in articles included in Web of Science.

The excellence of his research and his contribution to regional science has been recognized from the start of his carreer. His many distinctions and honours include the Geoffrey J.D. Hewings Award from Narsc (2005) which recognizes distinguished contributions to Regional Science research by Young scholars who have recently completed doctoral studies, the Sabadell-Herrero Prize awarded annually to a Spanish researcher under the age of 40 for outstanding contributions to economics or social sciences (2008). He joined the prestigious group of RSAI fellows (2010) and was keynote speaker at ERSA Annual Congress in Barcelona (2011). Recently, he was also the winner the Rei Jaume I Prize in Economics for his contributions to spatial economics (2020).

Download the Press release


Prize-giving and Keynote Lecture

The ERSA Prize in Regional Science 2022 will be presented on August 26th during the Closing Session of 61st ERSA Congress (22-26 August 2022).

After the Award ceremony, we will have the pleasure to listen to Diego's keynote Lecture .

Mark your Agenda for August 26, 16:00-17.30 (CET Time)

Share the ERSA Prize news with us!

#ersa2022 #ERSAPrize


Not yet registered for ERSA Congress?

Gain more knowledge and expand your network with ERSA unique Community including eminent Scholars, smart senior and young scientists as well outstanding practitioners and key policy makers. It is still time to register for online or onsite participation. Benefits of registration more

The 2022 Summer Issue of the Romanian Journal of Regional Science (Vol.16, No.1)  has been recently launched. All articles can be accessed at

Vol.16, No.1, Summer, Issued June 2022

All articles are downloadable

Does Gender Matter for Related and Unrelated Variety? A Sectoral, Spatio-Temporal Analysis for the Italian Provinces ● pp. 1-33

by Barbara Martini, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Smart Specialisation and Resilience: How Future-Proof are European Regions? ● pp. 34-50

by Mirko Kruse, Melanie Mesloh, Jan WedemeierHamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI), Germany


Edward Glaeser, Karima Kourtit and Peter Nijkamp (Editors), Urban Empires. Cities as Global Rulers in the New Urban World,

Routledge, 2021● pp. 51-54

by Anca Dachin, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania

Monday, 04 July 2022 09:14

NARSC 2022 CFP Extended




Call for Papers Extended 
July 15, 2022

NARSC Annual Meetings

November 9-12, 2022



Join us in Montreal, Canada for the 69th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) sponsored by the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) and co-hosted by the Canadian Regional Science Association.  The deadline for submission of abstracts is now July 15. The conference will be held at the beautiful DoubleTree by Hilton in downtown Montreal, November 9-12. The conference hotel is connected to Palais des congrès, Complexe Desjardins, and Place des Arts. It is located close to Old Montreal, Sainte-Catherine Street’s shopping, the local food scene and steps away from Place des Festivals.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the DoubleTree by Hilton at a specially negotiated rate of C$229 (plus applicable taxes and fees) for a double-occupancy room. Please book the conference hotel through the NARSC website.  By doing so, NARSC will get credit for your booking.  You can book your room at the conference hotel using this link.

For more information, go to the conference page.

To register, go to the registration page.

Student Paper Competitions

The North American Regional Science Council Graduate Student Paper Award contest is held annually in conjunction with the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI). This contest encourages the participation of young scholars by providing a forum for paper presentation and discussion by senior scholars in the field of regional science.

For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or see the webpage.


Monday, 04 July 2022 08:54

ERSA Monthly E-news - June 2022

30 June 2022 - Nr 6

The issue includes:

·     #ERSA 2022 Congress Update

·     Upcoming on ERSA - Sections Agenda

·     Internal Communication

·     Journal news

·     Vacancies

Dear members, dear colleagues,

I hope that you're all well.

What a rich-content programme for ERSA Associations in June! Schwering (D), Madeira (P), Split (HR), Rennes (F) were unique places for regional scientists in Europe. Not to mention our ERSA Annual Summer School which was held in Caen and encountered a huge success. We are very proud of this dynamism.

Now our focus is for sure on our annual congress #ERSA2022. We are preparing a very promising programme with outstanding keynote sessions, three amazing roundtables, technical excursions and currently over 620 presentations in parallel sessions. Don't be late to register!

With best wishes,

André Torre

ERSA President


Stay tuned for further updates on ERSA Congress Website and check your email box for our next week's enews!

Not yet registered? It is still time to register and participate online or in Pecs for this 2022 edition!

Follow us on Twittter#ERSA2022

Programme Overview Update

Benefits of ERSA2022 Participation

Upcoming Events

news and ongoing calls

V Seminar for New Academic Researchers 2022

Faculty of Economics and Business,

University of A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain

15-16 September 2022, A Coruña, Spain

Following the aims and scope of the successful recent editions, the SNAR seeks to gather a group of researchers, academics, and students (PhD candidates or graduates) to share previous, current, and potential future works among all participants rather than presenting a specific research paper, with the main purpose of guiding new researchers in developing their long-term careers. 

Abstract Submission deadline: 15 July 2022

The event is free of charge.


Spanish Section: AECR International Conference on Regional Science

Challenges, policies and governance of the territories in the post-covid era

19-21 October 2022, Granada, Spain


6th CEnSE Urban & Regional Economics Workshop on Urban and Regional Development

9-11 November 2022, Landvetter, Sweden


8th Central European Conference in Regional Science (CERS)

Resilience of Cities and Regions in an uncertain time

21-23 November 2022, Poznań, Poland│Online

The conference is co-organized with European Regional Science Association – Polish Section, Hungarian Regional Science Association and Slovak Section of ERSA

The call for Abstracts is Open!

Abstract Submission deadline: 4 September 2022


See all scheduled events 2022

Internal communication

Congratulation to Daniela Constantin!

We are very happy and proud to share with you the news that “Capital” - the best Romanian magazine for economic and financial affairs has included Daniela Constantin in the 2022 Top 100 Most Successful Women in Romania – Top 10 Most Successful Women in Education and Research Section.

Congratulation to Loréna Clément

The Prize Antoine Bailly has just been awarded to Loréna Clément for her paper " Une éthique du care dans le soutien à l'entrepreneuriat en quartiers prioritaires ? " presented at this year's ASRDLF Congress #asrdlf2022 in Rennes (29 June-1 July 2022). The Prize is given to the best paper presented by a young scientist at the Annual event of the ASRDLF.

Photo: Lise Bourdeau-Lepage, Lorena Clément, Romain Pasquier

ERSA Solidarity

ERSA offers proposals of assistance to students and researchers fleeing the Russia-Ukraine conflict, with the support of ERSA Sections and Members.

If you have any offer to propose, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Journal news

Just published!

"Labour Market Areas and cluster subdivision for Spain 2011" by Lucas Martínez-Bernabéu, University of Alicante and José Manuel Casado-Díaz, University of Alicante

Read the article

Scopus Impact Index

Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research (the journal of the Spanish Association of Regional Science) has obtained a significant rise in the Scopus impact index, which places it in the first quartile in the field of Economics

read more

RJRS - The Summer Issue is out!

The 2022 Summer Issue of the Romanian Journal of Regional Science (Vol.16, No.1) has been recently launched.

All articles can be accessed at

RERU - June issue is out!

The Issue Nr 2022/3 of RERU, the Official Journal of ASRDLF has just been published!

read more

RSPP Special Issue

Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP)

Special Issue on Modelling Pandemic Impacts in Space

Guest Editors

Pui-Hang Wong, UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University

Karima Kourtit and Peter Nijkamp, CAROU, Open University of the Netherlands

Submission deadline: 15 September 2022


ERSA Members Publish

New publications to share?

Your are member of the ERSA Community and you have recently published a book, grasp this opportunity to inform us about it. We are looking for

·    Books published in 2022

·    Written in English

Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

See all recent publications


Looking opportunities to boost your career?

·     Research Internship at OECD in Headquarters in France or Italy Application deadline: 10 July 2022

Read more about current offers


To Keep up-to-date with all events on the agenda,

visit our upcoming events page on our website.

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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