
Elisabete Martins

We have great pleasure in informing you that Peter Nijkamp has received a doctorate honoris causa from the University of the Algarve in Faro on Thursday, 14 June 2012. He got this highest sign of scientific recognition for his long-standing path-breaking contributions to regional science, his active role model for young scientists and his world-wide involvement with regional development issues. Peter Nijkamp is already doctor honoris causa at the Universities of Brussel, Athens and Bucharest.

peter honorus 

Jordi Suriñach, new president of the AECR The Spanish Regional Science Association-Asociación Española de Ciencia Regional has renewed the Board of the Asociación for the next

4 years. The new period will begin next 1st of july 2012 since june 2016. The new Board is:

President: Jordi Suriñach Caralt. University of Barcelona

Secretary: Miguel Angel Marquez Paniagua. University of Extremadura

Treasurer: Ruben Garrido Yserte. University of ALcalá de Henares.


Jordi Suriñach is Professor of Applied Economics, Director of the Research Institute of Applied Economics (IREA), and member of the AQR-IREA research group. He was the Chairman of the 51th Barcelona ERSA Conference in 2011.


Call for Applications - Editor-in-Chief,

Papers in Regional Science (PiRS)

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) seeks candidates for the position of editor-in-chief of the official journal of the association, Papers in Regional Science. PiRS is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing fundamental knowledge in regional science from its multiple theoretical and methodological perspectives, and is one of the highest ranked journals in the field of regional science. Candidates should be RSAI members who possess wide knowledge of urban and regional phenomena as well as distinguished records of scholarly contributions internationally. Candidates should also possess strong intellectual vision, leadership and organizational abilities, and experience relevant to editing a leading journal in the field of regional science. The appointment will start January 1, 2013 and continue for a three-year renewable term.

The editor’s primary responsibility is to continue to enhance the journal’s quality, reputation, and scholarship. The editor will be expected to leverage achievements of previous editorial teams, and strengthen the journal’s competitive position in support of RSAI’s worldwide mission. The editor will also demonstrate visionary leadership in developing editorial policies and initiatives that stimulate novel ways to theorize and analyze the changing reality of urban and regional environments so as to represent the full spectrum of high-quality research conducted worldwide in the regional science community.

PiRS is currently published by Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. The editor manages the editorial office, oversees the manuscript submission and review process and is responsible for the content, quality and timeliness of each issue of PiRS. The editor is responsible for maintaining PiRS editorial policies and procedures and establishing new policies and procedures as deemed appropriate to maintain the leadership of the journal.

The editor recommends an international team of associate editors and a book review editor to help administer the peer review process, promote excellence in content and advance editorial initiatives.

The PiRS editor reports to RSAI through the RSAI Council.

Detailed information on responsibilities and on the process for applying for the editor-in-chief position is available below.

Letters of interest must be received by July 30, 2012.

Specific duties of the Editor-in-Chief and journal editorial office include:

  1. Maintaining and updating the aims and scope of the journal, editorial policies, and guidelines to authors.

  2. Overseeing the manuscript peer review process through the publisher’s on-line submission portal in an unbiased, confidential, and timely manner.

  3. Checking proofs and revisions to proofs; proofreading.

  4. Preparing and forwarding accepted manuscripts to the publisher’s production department.

  5. Coordinating standards and practices across managing editors and managing the workload of each member of the editorial team.

  6. Maintaining close and regular contact with the publisher on marketing and production matters.

  7. Initiating and responding to correspondence with authors, managing editors, and reviewers.

  8. Recruiting, selecting, and appointing PiRS board members that reflect the diversity of regional science and addressing any performance issues.

  9. Soliciting guest issues, selecting guest editors, and providing advice and assistance to guest editors.

  10. Adhering to the page budget and financial structures set by RSAI. RSAI and the publisher are responsible for managing production, layout, printing, subscriptions, pricing and funding initiatives for society publications.

  11. Appointing associate editors and a book review editor (to be approved by RSAI Council). The editorial team (editor and associate editors) will be comprised of RSAI members with high stature and respect in the community, and with the expertise to manage the breadth of regional science.

  12. Serving as a non-voting ex officio member of RSAI Council and other regional science governing bodies.

  13. Chairing the jury of the annual Martin Beckmann Prize for the best article published in PiRS and managing the nomination and selection procedure.

  14. Reporting to RSAI Council through regular reports at Council meetings.

  15. Reporting to the journal editorial board through board meetings held at least once a year.

Application process:

Interested individuals should submit an application package that includes:

  • A succinct letter of interest and qualifications;

  • A vision statement for the next three to six years of publication of PiRS.

  • A statement of financial and/or time release support from the application’s employer;

  • A curriculum vitae;

  • The names and contact information of three references.

All requested information should be submitted by e-mail as a single PDF file to Professor Jean-Claude Thill, RSAI Vice President and PiRS Editor Search Committee Chair, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For questions related to the position and to the selection process, please contact Professor Jean-Claude Thill, RSAI Vice President and PiRS Editor Search Committee Chair, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

International PhD Program

Interdisciplinary Landscape Management

The PhD on Interdisciplinary Landscape Management was created three years ago – as a joint PhD Program involving the University of the Azores, the University of Évora and the Technical University of Lisbon - by a group of Portuguese lecturers and researchers very much connected internationally with Regional Science, Landscape Ecology, Agricultural Economics, Environmental Economics and Nature and Forestry Management.

Until now PhD students, around come from Alentejo, Lisbon, Azores, Madeira, Angola and next year the first group will present their PhD thesis. The scientific committee of the PhD program things this is the right time to further internationalize the PhD Program, providing classes in English and enlarging the geographical scope of the students. We would like to involve next year 6 to 12 very good students able to interact creatively between scientific established paradigms and very much interested in addressing the scientific and policy challenges of the landscape.

The program involves one semester in Portugal and the development of the thesis can be done either in Portugal or in any other place with whom there are still effective links (US, Denmark, Brazil, Spain, Angola...) or with whom it is possible to establish strong research interactions.

The aim of this PhD program is the development of methodologies and scientific  capabilities to support the design and evaluation of public policies and the creation of management tools that can help meet the growing demands of society for the multiple goods and services provided by the rural landscapes (agriculture, recreation, biodiversity, water, carbon sequestration, energy, etc.).

Students that are interested should, first, send their CV and letter of motivation to one of the members of the scientific committee

University of Évora: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Technical University of Lisbon/High Institute for Agronomy: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

University of the Azores / Campus of Angra do Heroísmo: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phd ilm 1Phd ilm 2

Friday, 12 October 2012 00:00


RSAI members from all over the world have in the past year participated in an extensive series of dedicated sessions (in Europe, Asia, America) on the ‘New Urban World’ ( The main coordinators of this novel initiative were Karima Kourtit, Peter Nijkamp and Mark Partridge, strongly supported by the RSAI secretariat and supraregional and national sections. On the occasion of the ERSA meeting in Bratislava (August 2012) an extensive prime-time television interview with Peter Nijkamp on this initiative was broadcasted. A link to this tv interview – and a related newspaper interview – can be found on


groupe urban workshop



Migration Studies, a brand new journal dedicated to advancing our understanding of human migration in all its manifestations, is now welcoming article submissions.

If your work is methodological, comparative or theoretical in scope and likely to make a difference in the field, submit it now!

Click here for more information:


We have great pleasure in informing you that Roberta Capello has received a doctorate honoris causa from the University of Vest in Timisoara on Monday, 29 October 2012.

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Boyce Special Prize for Best Paper 2012 22Professor Boyce was honored with a special award on the 50th anniversary of the Japan Section of the RSAI for his paper, "Predicting Road Traffic Route Flows Uniquely for Urban Transportation Planning, " published in the  Studies in Regional Science, vol.42, no.1, The 50th Anniversary Special Issue.

Dr. David Boyce is an expert of transportation planning. He has been solong time engaged in practical urban transportation planning in large urbanareas including Chicago in US as well as he has actively participated ininternational scholarly meetings of regional science, transportation planning,urban and regional planning, and so on.

The traffic assignment model, which was developed by him and his heirsin the field of Transportation Engineering, had a great affect on practice andtheory in the field of urban transportation planning in Japan in 1970’s. Themethodology was based on stochastic probability theory. In this sense, at thebeginning it was taken as extraneous one from the view point of economistsbecause their methodology is, on the other hand, largely dependent on microdeterministic behavioral approach.

This paper has successfully improved traditional traffic route assignmentmethodology through introduction of concept of entropy and potentialfunction into the traditional route assignment model, and has provided arobust theoretical basis for the developed methodology by showing marginalconditions for equilibrium traffic flows at all links. It is more consistent withmicro behavioral approach traditionally adopted by the economists.

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Wednesday, 14 November 2012 00:00

RSAI Newsletter November 2012 is now online!

Dear all,

The new RSAI Newsletter November 2012 can now be found under

Dear colleagues,

It is an enormous pleasure to inform you that RPER has been accepted for indexation in Scopus. This is an important step in RPER’s life because it means the strengthening of our international acknowledge, although we are proud to claim that we are as well a Portuguese journal. Please, spread this good new as widely as possible, among your collaborators and research team. Although the RPER main scope is the Portuguese regional reality, we are keen to publish other contributions whenever they are important to international regional science.

Kind regards,

Pedro Nogueira Ramos
(Director of RPER)

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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