
Elisabete Martins

Call for Chapter Proposal Submission

OpenStreetMap in GIScience: experiences, research, applications


Edited by

Jamal Jokar Arsanjani

GIScience, Institute of Geography,

University of Heidelberg, Germany

Alexander Zipf

GIScience, Institute of Geography,

University of Heidelberg, Germany

Peter Mooney

Department of Computer Science,

NUI Maynooth, Ireland

Marco Helbich,

Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Utrecht University, the Netherlands



The radical societal and Information Technology changes brought about by the Internet and social media and the availability of inexpensive portable satellite navigation devices has seen the traditional geodata business model challenged and being changed radically.

One of the key driving forces in this change has been Volunteered Geographic Information of which OpenStreetMap is one of the most famous projects. 


OpenStreetMap was developed

with the motto of ?creating a free editable map of the world? in a collaborative manner so that people and end-users are not forced to buy geodata in the traditional way and subsequently be subject to restrictive copyright commitments. 


OpenStreetMap started with

a focus on mapping streets and roads. Since then it has moved far beyond these entities and it now contains a very rich variety of geographical objects all over the planet being mapped by hundreds and thousands of volunteer contributors to the project.

The gradual evolution of the OpenStreetMap eco-system has been very successfully. The project had a slow start but since 2007 there has been an ever increasing rate of people joining the project with just over 1.42 million registered users in November 2013. The academic and industrial communities have recognized OpenStreetMap not solely based on its rise to prominence in becoming an important distributor of geodata but its wider success in growing a global community of people who support the OpenStreetMap project. The OpenStreetMap community is actively involved in much more than collecting geodata to build and maintain its global database. The community is involved in: 

humanitarian work in many regions; open source software development to support OpenStreetMap and the GIS community; and in building a network of support for those using and contributing to the OpenStreetMap project. In recent years several scientific disciplines (e.g., geography, GIScience, spatial planning, cartography, computer science, social science, and ecology) have realized the immense potential of OpenStreetMap and it has become the subject of academic research. The OpenStreetMap offered researchers a unique dataset which is global in scale and a body of knowledge created and maintained by a very large collaborative network of volunteers. Research on OpenStreetMap has shown that it's geodata in some parts of the world are more complete and locationally and semantically more accurate than the corresponding proprietary datasets.


Objectives and Scope

The main objective of the intended edited volume is to seek  experiences using OpenStreetMap including cutting edge scientific investigations on OpenStreetMap from different geodata and users perspectives as well as developed and under development applications benefiting from OpenStreetMap and the advancement and promotion of OpenStreetMap in GIScience. Due to the complexity, inter- and trans-disciplinary nature of collaborative mapping projects such as OpenStreetMap, submissions of chapter proposals from an extensive range of scientific disciplines such as geography, cartography, computer science, statistics, geographic information science, sociology, urban planning, environment planning, transportation, and civil engineering  are highly welcome.

The edited book is scheduled to be published by Springer in its leading series in GIScience ?Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography? series, edited by William Cartwright, George Gartner, Liqiu Meng, and Michael P. Peterson. For more detailed information about this series, we refer to the Springer webpage, accessible via the following link


The book seeks to build a firm foundation for research work focused on integrating OpenStreetMap. Chapters should address the following research topics, however not limited


  1. State-of-the-art and cutting-edge approaches for data 

quality analysis and data

fusion techniques in OpenStreetMap and other Volunteered Geographic Information sources,

  1. Investigations on understanding OpenStreetMap contributors 

and the nature of

their contributions,

  1. Identification of patterns of contributions and contributors 

in OpenStreetMap,

  1. Desktop, online, and mobile applications of OpenStreetMap in 

different domains

(e.g. 3D, routing, traffic, disaster management, health, crime, history, ecology, etc.),

  1. Mining value-added knowledge and information from OpenStreetMap,
  2. Limitations and possibilities in the analysis of OpenStreetMap data,
  3. Integration of OpenStreetMap with commercial and 

non-commercial geodatasets,

  1. Emergence and evolution of OpenStreetMap across the world,
  2. OpenStreetMap?s contribution to GIScience.


Submission and Important Dates

All chapter proposals will be evaluated by a committee of experts before author(s) are being invited to submit their full book chapters. Chapters must not have been published elsewhere. Unpublished conference presentations and extended conference works are acceptable. Published conference presentations (e.g., in a proceedings volume) may be acceptable if the full copyright can be transferred.


Submission procedure for chapter proposals (abstracts):

Length:                1-2 pages

Format:                Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF

Figures/Tables:        Must be legible (<300 dpi are accepted at this stage)


Important dates:

January 31, 2014: Chapter proposal submission deadline February 28, 2014: Notification of chapter acceptance/rejection and invitation to submit full chapters May 30, 2014: Final chapter submission deadline July 30, 2014: Acceptance/rejection notification sent to author(s) September 30, 2014: Final revised chapter submission deadline December, 2014: Expected publication of book



Submissions must include the author's names, affiliation, mailing address, and e-mail address. In the case of multiple authors, all names, addresses, etc., must accompany the submission and a corresponding author should be identified.

If submitting a published conference presentation (e.g., one that has already appeared in a proceedings volume), the author(s) must provide proof that the article's full copyright can be transferred. Submissions must be sent as an e-mail attachment to Jamal Jokar Arsanjani using the e-mail address listed above.



Notification regarding the status of each proposal will be sent by February 28, 2014 to all those who submitted a chapter proposal. At that time, authors whose chapter proposals have been accepted will also be e-mailed guidelines regarding full book chapter preparation.


Post-acceptance information:

The full book chapter deadline is May 30, 2014. Following receipt, full chapters will be sent out for double-blind review. The Editors will make the final decision regarding final acceptance of each book chapter. All chapters with revision requests (if necessary) need to be completed by September 30, 2014.


Inquiries should be directed to

Dr. Jamal Jokar Arsanjani

GIScience, Institute of Geography

University of Heidelberg

Berliner Straße 48

D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany

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Tel.: +49(0)6221 / 54 5572

Fax: +49(0)6221 / 54 4529

André Torre a le plaisir de vous annoncer que le prochain séminaire du GRETS portera sur « Les conflits d’usage de l’espace, frein ou moteur de la gouvernance des territoires?» aura lieu le mardi 3 décembre de 9h30 à 13h30 à la Maison Suger (en attaché le programme).

Tuesday, 19 November 2013 13:59

Post Doc DD et RSE

Le Labex Entreprendre (Université Montpellier) est à la recherche d’un post-doctorant, spécialiste du développement durable et de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises en PME.


Le candidat retenu intègrera un projet international portant sur les déterminants de l'orientation durable des PME et la RSE.


Vous pouvez contacter Jean-Marie Courrent pour plus d’information en lui envoyant un mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Le comité d'organisation des Doctoriales de l'ASRDLF 2014 a le plaisir de vous annoncer leur tenue les 3, 4 et 5 février 2014 sur le campus de la cité Descartes à Paris-Est. 


Succédant au Séminaire Européen des Doctorants en Economie Régionale (SEDER) qui s'est tenu pendant plus de 20 ans à Bordeaux, ces Doctoriales sont organisées par sept laboratoires de l’Université de Paris-Est développant des recherches en lien avec la ville et le territoire et bénéficie de l'expérience de Claude Lacour, Professeur émérite à l'Université de Bordeaux 3.


Vous trouverez ci-joint les fichiers destinés aux chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs et ceux destinés aux doctorants. Vous y trouverez une lettre d'invitation, une fiche rappelant les objectifs des Doctoriales et une fiche d'inscription. Les doctorants y trouveront également une fiche relative à leur thèse.


Nous vous remercions de diffuser cette information autour de vous et espérons vous accueillir à la Cité Descartes.


Nous vous signalons que les fiches d'inscription sont à renvoyer le plus rapidement possible et avant le 20 décembre 2013 à l'adresse This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Les informations seront également prochainement mises en ligne sur le site de l'ASRDLF :

Nous restons à votre disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire.

Bien à vous

Le comité d'organisation des Doctoriales ASRDLF 2014

Papers in Regional Science



Volume 92, Issue 4 Pages 691 - 892, November 2013


The latest issue of Papers in Regional Science is available on Wiley Online Library



Firm relocations in the Netherlands: Why do firms move, and where do they go? (pages 691–713)
Kristin Kronenberg
Article first published online: 18 JUN 2012 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1435-5957.2012.00443.x

University-industry linkages: What are the determinants of distance in collaborations? (pages 715–739)
Alessandro Muscio
Article first published online: 18 JUN 2012 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1435-5957.2012.00442.x

Regional and company-specific factors for high growth dynamics of ICT companies in Germany with particular emphasis on knowledge spillovers (pages 741–772)
Christian Schröder
Article first published online: 23 OCT 2012 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1435-5957.2012.00457.x

Social capital in industrial districts: Influence of the strength of ties and density of the network on the sense of belonging to the district (pages 773–789)
F. Xavier Molina-Morales, Josep Capó-Vicedo, M. Teresa Martínez-Fernández and Manuel Expósito-Langa
Article first published online: 23 OCT 2012 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1435-5957.2012.00463.x

Footloose: An analysis of the drivers of firm relocations over different distances (pages 791–809)
Anet Weterings and Joris Knoben
Article first published online: 4 JUN 2012 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1435-5957.2012.00440.x

A proposal for detecting spatial contagion: Some evidence on the international migration distribution in Spain (pages 811–829)
María Hierro, Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde
Article first published online: 27 FEB 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1435-5957.2012.00458.x

Trade costs, wage difference, and endogenous growth (pages 831–850)
Akinori Tanaka and Kazuhiro Yamamoto
Article first published online: 30 APR 2012 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1435-5957.2012.00436.x

Models of spatial competition: A critical review (pages 851–871)
Ricardo Biscaia and Isabel Mota
Article first published online: 9 JUL 2012 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1435-5957.2012.00441.x

On Hotelling's ‘stability in competition’ with network externalities and switching costs (pages 873–883)
Luca Lambertini and Raimondello Orsini
Article first published online: 27 FEB 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1435-5957.2012.00469.x



Regional Development Agencies: The Next Generation? Networking, Knowledge and Regional Policies. edited by Nicola Bellini , Mike Danson and Henrik Halkier (eds.) Abingdon: Routledge, 2012. 316pp. £100.00. ISBN: 978-0-415-68848-2 (pages 885–887)
Andreas P. Cornett
Article first published online: 12 NOV 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12073

Why Growth Matters: How Economic Growth in India Reduced Poverty and the Lessons for other Developing Countries. by Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya. New York: PublicAffairs, 2013. 280pp. US$28.99. ISBN 978-1610392716. (pages 887–889)
Amitrajeet A. Batabyal
Article first published online: 12 NOV 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12072


Acknowledgement to Referees

Acknowledgement to referees (pages 891–892)
Article first published online: 12 NOV 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12074

Regional Science Policy & Practice



Volume 5, Issue 4 Pages i - ii, 369 - 490, November 2013
Special Issue: Territorial patterns of innovation: evidence from successful European case studies


The latest issue of Regional Science Policy & Practice is available on Wiley Online Library


Issue Information

Issue Information (pages i–ii)
Article first published online: 6 NOV 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1757-7802.2013.01096.x



Structural elements and dynamics in territorial patterns of innovation: A perspective through European case studies (pages 369–383)
Andrea Caragliu and Camilla Lenzi

Article first published online: 9 OCT 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12016



Development dynamics within creative media industries: the case of television and digital media in Wales (pages 385–400)
Selyf Morgan
Article first published online: 9 OCT 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12017

Knowledge creation and knowledge acquisition in the software industry in Slovakia: the case study of Košice region (pages 401–415)
Rudolf Pástor, Miroslav Šipikal and Štefan Rehák
Article first published online: 6 NOV 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12018

Patterns of innovation in the dairy processing sector in South West Wales (pages 417–434)
Selyf Morgan
Article first published online: 9 OCT 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12019



Smart upgrading innovation strategies in a traditional industry: Evidence from the wine production in the province of Arezzo (pages 435–452)
Camilla Lenzi
Article first published online: 9 OCT 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12020

Dynamics of knowledge diffusion: the ICT sector in Lombardy (pages 453–473)
Andrea Caragliu
Article first published online: 9 OCT 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12021

The role of FDIs in regional innovation: Evidence from the automotive industry in Western Slovakia (pages 475–490)
Miroslav Šipikal and Milan Buček
Article first published online: 9 OCT 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12022



International Geographical Union Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces and Regional Science Association International


Mini conference


“Globalisation and New Patterns of Services Sector Driven Growth”


June 19-20, 2014
Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research
University of Amsterdam


Organizers: Niels Beerepoot, Bart Lambregts, and Jana Kleibert (University of Amsterdam)


Conference Overview
The IGU Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces is partnering with the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) for a joint scientific event aimed at extending international research and scholarship in geography, promoting international collaboration in research activity and the dissemination of research findings, and facilitating the transfer of knowledge, experience and expertise between countries and institutions ( ). Via the organisation of mini conferences the IGU committee and RSAI aims to bring together small groups of scholars for in-depth discussion on some of the latest issues in the field of economic geography.

The 2014 Amsterdam IGU/RSAI mini conference aims to stimulate discussions on how recent changes in the ways business processes are organized have been reshaping the international division of labour. After drastic shifts in the (spatial) organization of the production of goods, increasingly fierce competition forces firms look critically at how the production of services is organized. Digitization and advances in information and communication technologies enable firms to unbundle service business processes, and the increased global availability of sufficiently skilled labour allows for the relocation of particular business processes around the globe, leading to a new geography of services production. As a result, various Southern cities now command a prominent role as service delivery hubs for the global market. A growing, export-oriented service sector here is commonly understood to generate new employment opportunities for an increasingly well-educated labour force. It is also associated with the formation of a new middle class. Learning fast, multinational services producing enterprises from the global South rapidly expand their global presence, thereby presenting new competition to their Western peers. Simultaneously, patterns are further complicated by the tendency towards regionalization of value chains with production moving back to the firms’ regions of origin.

This conference welcomes contributions that deal with the drivers and the local outcomes (both in the global North and South) of the international reconfiguration of services production. More in particular we invite papers that address the following issues in different empirical and geographical contexts:
• Service sector growth and regional development
• Global production networks in service delivery
• New geographies of service work
• Local labour market impacts of the globalization of services production
• Emergence of Southern cities as hubs for service delivery
• Service work and the rise of a new middle class in developing countries
• The rise of non-Western multinationals in service delivery
• Service outsourcing and offshoring (and re-shoring)
• Linkages and comparisons between the globalization of manufacturing and services production


Abstracts (300 words max.) should be submitted by January 31 2014 to Niels Beerepoot: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Written papers submitted in advance will be circulated among the participants and considered for publication in an edited volume or special issue.


Deadline for registration is April 1, 2014.


Conference Package
Includes conference dinner, one lunch and conference materials: 75 euro.
A limited number of travel subsidies (of $250,- and $500,-) are available for PhD researchers. Please indicate your interest when submitting your abstract.

This seminar is organised by the Geographies of Globalisation research group of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research and will take place in one of the venues of the University of Amsterdam in the historic centre of Amsterdam.



Dear NECTAR friends,


Please find enclosed a reminder for the submission of papers to the NECTAR cluster 4 session at at the 10th RSAI World Congress on 27-29 May 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand. The deadline has been extended to 18 November.

Please note that all enquiries should be directed to the session Organizers, by sending an e-mail

toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Best regards,


Knut Sandberg Eriksen

NECTAR Secretary 

Monday, 04 November 2013 09:00

In memoriam Piet Rietveld 1952 – 2013

In memoriam Piet Rietveld

1952 – 2013


It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Piet Rietveld, Professor in Transport Economics and Head of the Department of Spatial Economics, VU University Amsterdam. Piet passed away, after a short period of illness, on November 1, 2013.


Piet studied econometrics at Erasmus University, Rotterdam (cum laude degree) and received his PhD in economics at VU University Amsterdam. He worked at the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (Austria) and was research co-ordinator at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana in Salatiga, Indonesia. Since 1990 he was professor in Transport Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, VU University Amsterdam. He was a fellow of the Tinbergen Institute, the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and the Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis (KiM). Furthermore, he was a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).


piet2Piet has been Head of the Department of Spatial Economics since 2002. Under his unique and inspiring leadership, the Department has flourished, and has gained and maintained its unique position worldwide in the fields of Spatial, Transport and Environmental Economics. As a researcher, Piet has made ground-breaking contributions to these fields, on a wide variety of themes including transport and regional development, valuation, transport pricing, public transport, transport and environment, land-use modelling, and policy assessment. A good impression of his impressive scientific legacy, the scope of themes he was working on, his academic network, and the wide impact of his research, can be obtained from the overview of his work on Google Scholar (link:


But above all, Piet was dearly beloved by everyone who has had the privilege to work with him, for his wisdom, his warm personality, his gentleness, and his sense of humour. He will be deeply missed.


Piet Rietveld’s funeral will be next Thursday, November 7, in Amsterdam. For practical information on the funeral, you may contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Condolences can be sent to the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Organized by the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia of WorldFish (EEPSEA-WorldFish)
in partnership with the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAAERE)

27-28 February 2014, Siem Reap, Cambodia


Southeast Asia is among the most dynamic regions in the world. From a long-term perspective, the economic progress throughout the region has been remarkable, characterized by rapid growth in prosperity and massive reduction in poverty. If this continues, the region’s 600 million population will be one of the wealthiest in the world.


However, climate change threatens this prospect of prosperity. Southeast Asia’s geography, population density, and reliance on natural resource sector make it one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change. Even today, the region's exposure to weather-related hazards has shown how vulnerable this region is to climate change impacts.


Research on the economics of climate change covering areas -- such as climate change impact assessment, evaluation of adaptation and mitigation options, and modeling impacts of alternative climate change scenarios -- are useful in climate change adaptation and mitigation planning. This conference will allow us to assess the landscape of economics of climate change research in Southeast Asia to better understand existing knowledge and research gaps.


EEPSEA, in partnership with EAAERE, is calling for submission of research papers on climate change in Southeast Asia in the following areas:

  1. Climate change adaptation behaviors/strategies/policies
  2. Climate change impacts at the macro, regional, local or community level
  3. Climate change and ecosystem services
  4. Economic modeling of climate change
  5. Climate change disaster risk and insurance market in Southeast Asia
  6. Climate change mitigation


Selected papers from this conference will be published in a special issue of the Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (EEPS), a journal of the EAAERE. Some of the papers will be selected as contributed chapters in an edited book.


Partial support to attend the conference is available for researchers from the Southeast Asian countries. Request for funding support must be indicated during submission.

How to submit

Papers for the conference should be submitted to the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please indicate “EEPSEA Economics of CC Conference” in the subject line.  Only those whose abstracts have been accepted will be notified on 15 December 2013.  For additional queries, please contact Ms. Julienne V. Bariuan, EEPSEA Communication Manager < This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>.


Attached is the PDF of Call for Papers.

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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