In light of the March 13th terrorist attack in Ankara and the increasing concerns about security, the 11th World Congress of the RSAI, which was due to take place April 25-28, 2016 in Istanbul has been postponed to a later date. The postponement has been decided at the request of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC).
We are sorry to communicate this news, especially in light of all the enthusiasm and work that had been put into the preparation of the Congress. But you would appreciate that the security of delegates is of utmost concern to the LOC and the RSAI.
The RSAI is grateful to the LOC and, in particular, to its president, Professor Tüzin Baycan, for the excellent work done in the preparation of the Congress in what have proven to be increasingly difficult circumstances. We are also indebted to all members of the Scientific Committee and especially to its co-chairs, Professors Alpay Filiztekin and Raymond Florax, for their work in evaluating all submissions. We would like to extend also our heartfelt gratitude to the Turkish Ministry of Development for its generous support of the conference and hope that it will continue to support the celebration of the World Congress at a later date and the activities of the Turkish Regional Science Association.
A rescheduling of the congress is being reconsidered with the LOC in light of the evolving security situation.
Fees disbursed by participants will be reimbursed during the coming weeks.
Once again, many thanks for your understanding and support.
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose
President of RSAI
Call for Papers
The 10th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal, organized by CeBER, Center for Business and Economics Research, will take place at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, on July 1-3, 2016. The Meeting webpage is .
Submissions in all fields of Economics are welcome and should be made through Conference Maker, at
until March 15, 2016. Papers should be written in English. The title page should contain the following elements: name of the author(s), affiliation(s), presenter, address(es), email(s), title of the paper, abstract (up to 600 words), keywords and JEL classification codes.
Keynote speaker Pedro Carneiro University College, London.
Portuguese Economic Journal website
Important Dates
Paper submission: until March 15, 2016
Communication of decisions: April 15, 2016
Early registration: until May 24, 2016
Deadline for presenters' registration: June 10, 2016
Late registration: as of May 25, 2016
Conference: July 1-3, 2016
Further information on registration, fees, venue and accommodation can be found at the Meeting webpage.
Scientific Committee
Ricardo Reis (LSE, UK)
Guilherme Carmona (University of Surrey, UK)
Isabel Horta Correia (Banco de Portugal and Católica-Lisbon SBE, Portugal)
Joana Pais (ISEG-Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
João Gomes (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Leonor Modesto (Católica-Lisbon SBE, Portugal)
Luis Cabral (NYU, USA)
Miguel Ferreira (NOVA SBE, Portugal)
Miguel Portela (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
Paulo Rodrigues (Banco de Portugal and NOVA SBE, Portugal)
Pedro Carneiro (UCL, UK)
Local Organizing Committee
José Murteira (U. Coimbra, Portugal)
Ana Margarida Monteiro (U. Coimbra, Portugal)
Óscar Lourenço (U. Coimbra, Portugal)
Pedro Godinho (U. Coimbra, Portugal)
Faculdade de Economia, Universidade de Coimbra,
Av. Dias da Silva, 165
3004-512 Coimbra
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2nd European Congress of Local Governments
Krakow 5th– 6th April 2016
"Local Government Today – People, Cooperation, Innovations"
Multilateral and direct cooperation between European regions and cities has been extremely intense in recent years. It affects not only politics and the economies of individual countries but also of the entire continent. The European Congress of Local Governments is a meeting platform for local leaders and regional elites to exchange views ace with public administration, NGOs and business. The Congress will be an opportunity for Polish and Central European local governments to discuss ways of increasing efficiency in using EU structural funds. It will also be an occasion to share experiences and make new contacts. The programme will consist of 5 thematic tracks, with more than 50 events: thematic blocks, panel discussions, workshops, lectures, presentations and receptions.
More information at:
*Postdoctoral Fellow in Mountain Social-Ecological Systems Modeling*
Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory and Department of Ecosystem Science & Sustainability
Colorado State University
The Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory and Department of Ecosystem Science & Sustainability at Colorado State University seek candidates for a postdoctoral fellow position for synthesis and modeling of mountain social-ecological systems as part of a NSF-funded research coordination network (RCN). The RCN goals are to (1) expand an international network of linked mountain biophysical and social science researchers and diverse stakeholders; (2) explore and evaluate transdisciplinary modeling frameworks for mountain social-ecological systems; and (3) promote transdisciplinary approaches linking science with policy and practice. The project involves developing and applying geospatial social-ecological datasets and participatory models and conducting synthesis across diverse mountain social-ecological systems. The project is led by Julia Klein (CSU), Anne Nolin (Oregon State University), Catherine Tucker (University of Florida) and Robin Reid (Colorado State University), in collaboration with Adrienne Gr?t-Regamey (ETH, Switzerland), Sandra Lavorel (CNRS, France), Birgit M?ller (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research) and colleagues from the Mountain Sentinels Collaborative Network (
The successful candidate will build and synthesize GIS databases, co-develop future scenarios, design and test social-ecological models across a range of mountain contexts, write synthesis papers and develop visualization tools for relevant stakeholders. The postdoctoral fellow will also develop original research questions related to the project. Travel to, leadership and organization of network workshops and meetings is required.
*Required Qualifications:* Candidates must demonstrate experience and expertise in social-ecological systems modeling; quantitative analyses; and geographic information systems. Evidence of strong organizational and communication skills (both oral and written) is required.
*Desired Qualifications: *Candidates should exhibit a strong ability to collaborate with an international, transdisciplinary team. Prior experience with stakeholder engagement and transdisciplinary processes is desired as is programming and modeling GIS skills. Familiarity with Bayesian modeling, agent-based or agent functional-based modeling, and participatory modeling is also helpful. Experience in mountain studies is beneficial. A demonstrated record of scholarship and capacity for successful collaborations is valuable. Interest in novel new media tools and innovative ways to communicate results, especially from science and stakeholder perspectives, will also advance network goals.
Salary Range: Salary is commensurate with experience. The initial appointment will be for a one-year period, and will be renewed for up to two years, contingent on satisfactory progress and funding.
A full description of benefits is available at To apply, submit cover letter, curriculum vitae, and names and contact information for three references to:*. *References will not be contacted without prior approval. For full consideration, please apply by April 1, 2016.
Colorado State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, gender, disability, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. Colorado State University is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action employer fully committed to achieving a diverse workforce and complies with all Federal and Colorado State laws, regulations, and executive orders regarding non-discrimination and affirmative action. The Office of Equal Opportunity is located in 101 Student Services.
Colorado State University is committed to providing a safe and productive learning and living community. To achieve that goal, we conduct background investigations for all final candidates being considered for employment. Background checks may include, but are not limited to, criminal history, national sex offender search and motor vehicle history.
Dear colleague
May I remind you of the announcement of the August Loesch Prize 2016, granted by the city of Heidenheim an der Brenz (Germany) and the August Loesch Association. The submission deadline is March 15th, 2016. To meet the deadline, please write, not later than March 15th, an E-Mail to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
if you would like to submit your work. We will send you further information how to upload your submission. The invitation of submissions is attached. Please forward it to anybody who might be interested.
Johannes Broecker
Environment and Planning B Call for Abstract for Special Issue on Integrating Spatial and Social Network Analyses
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design (EPB) invites abstracts for a special issue on “integrating spatial and social network analyses of the built environment”. The special issue will be published in early 2017 and guest-edited by Xingjian Liu (The University of Hong Kong) and Xinyue Ye (Kent State University).
Uncovering the interplay between physical and social aspects of the build environment has both theoretical and practical implications for urban planning and studies. Spatial analysis and social network analysis have oftentimes been employed to reveal physical and social configurations, respectively. Nevertheless, much empirical discussion has focused on how developments in spatial and social network analyses have separately contributed to the field. Emerging theoretical perspectives, data sources, analytical methods, and study scales provide new opportunities for bridging spatial and social network analyses of the built environment. This special issue therefore aims to reflect this latest progress. The scale of analysis could be at the building, community, city, and/or regional level. Welcome are papers that discuss how newly integrated analyses could contribute to urban planning and urban design practices.
Extended abstracts (maximum 2 pages) should be sent to guest editors Xingjian Liu (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Xinyue Ye (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by March 15, 2016. The EPB editorial team and guest editors will consider all abstracts and invite authors of selected abstracts to submit full papers by April 15, 2016. Full submissions will be due on September 1, 2016 and have a target maximum length of 6,000 words. All submissions will be subject to a full peer review process.
2017 World Symposium on Transport & Land Use Research (WSTLUR): Call for Papers
We are pleased to announce that the 2017 World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR) will be held in Brisbane, Australia, July 3rd- July 6th, 2017. We seek original papers (not submitted elsewhere) on the interaction of transport and land use. Papers must be submitted by October 31st, 2016. WSTLUR membership is not required to submit a paper. Each conference registrant may be a co-author on multiple papers, but there is a limit of one presentation per registrant.
WSTLUR welcomes all papers on the topic of transport and land use interactions in the following scientific domains: engineering, planning, modeling, behavior, economics, geography, regional science, sociology, psychology, health, architecture and design, network science, and complex systems. Sessions will be developed from high-quality papers received. We are seeking papers on all themes described below, including the two spotlight conference themes indicated by asterisks (*). Theme leaders will be in charge of the paper review and selection process.
Submission Instructions & Conference Information
Detailed submission instructions and conference information are available on the WSTLUR website ( We are soliciting visionary papers, standard-length papers, and short papers. Please visit the website for information about paper length, submission format, peer review, key dates, keynote speakers and conference logistics.
>>> Technological change* -- How do newly emerging disruptive technologies shape or change transportation and land use systems? How can we integrate technological and land use strategies to achieve long term planning goals? What is the role of land use in smart cities? Specific topics include the connection between land use and transportation systems with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and new ICT-enabled products and services such as automated vehicles, new energy technologies, big data applications, ridesharing systems, real-time traveler information, and smart cities in general. (Theme leaders: Meead Saberi, Monash University; João de Abreu e Silva, Técnico Lisboa)
>>> Equity* -- Public and private transport services are unevenly distributed, spatially and socioeconomically. Their environmental, economic, and accessibility impacts may sometimes ameliorate and at other times deepen existing inequalities. Integrated land use and transport planning has similarly uneven impacts, and may sometimes serve the interests of the affluent while neglecting those of lesser means. Access to transport opportunities created by ICT advances is a particularly recent concern. Who will benefit from current and prospective land use and transportation planning and policies, and how do these impacts vary within cities, metropolitan regions, countries, and regions of the world? Examples of potential topics include gentrification and displacement caused by land use and transport planning; implications of the emergence of Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) for accessibility for different groups; participatory processes in land use and transport planning; ethnic/racial discrimination in land and transport markets; and environmental justice issues related to modern forms of transport and land use planning. (Theme leaders: Dan Chatman, University of California, Berkeley; Corinne Mulley, University of Sydney; Ahmed El Geneidy, McGill University)
>>> Active travel -- How do land use and urban design features stimulate active travel? How can we understand trends in active travel in different geographical settings and land use systems? What are the main health benefits of active travel, and what types of active travel are most effective in bringing about these benefits? What are health risks of active travel for specific (vulnerable) groups? How can methods and tools for measuring and modeling active travel be improved? What are the implications for land use and transport policies? (Theme leaders: Kelly Clifton, Portland State University; Robert Schneider, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
>>> Transportation/land use systems in growing and shrinking cities -- The world is urbanizing at a rapid pace. Cities in parts of Asia, Latin America, and Africa are growing at unprecedented speeds to unprecedented sizes. At the same time, many cities in wealthy nations are experiencing substantial population decline, while many others are attracting extreme levels of immigration from poorer countries. How does this rapidly changing environment influence relationships between urban form and transportation? What relationships are stable across people, place, and time? How can transportation investments influence growth and decline? What are the implications for land use and transportation policies? (Theme leaders: Erick Guerra, University of Pennsylvania; Joel Franklin, KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
>>> Social psychology, land use and travel behavior -- Travel choices are conditioned by decisions about residential and work locations, and decisions about where to live and work are influenced by their implications for daily travel and accessibility of facilities. To date, the vast majority of studies of this interaction have assumed that individuals and households act as omniscient utility maximizers, in accordance with economic theory. Mounting evidence suggests, however, that decisions about travel and land use are based on alternative psychological mechanisms, and that studying those mechanisms is vital for understanding travel behavior and land use patterns. Examples of potential topics include the role of attitudes and values in residential, work and daily travel decisions; the psychological background of residential self-selection; the trade-off between daily and longer term decisions; the role of norms and environmental awareness; social influence on land use and travel decisions; motivation and self-control in travel behavior change; behavior change and adherence in response to interventions or rewards; and the impact of land use and daily travel on well-being. (Theme leaders: Susan Handy, University of California, Davis; Dick Ettema, Utrecht University)
>>> Emerging transportation/land use issues in Asia -- Papers that examine and/or discuss emerging transportation and land use issues in Asia, in the contexts of large-scale urbanization, technology advancement, and unique demographic and cultural aspects. Topics may include: planning and policy implications of shared use mobilities in Asian cities; how the introduction of disruptive technologies in Asia is changing travel patterns, dynamics and behavior; transport and land use interaction in Asia's small and medium sized cities; governance of transport and land use in Asia's megacities and city-regions; and equitable and inclusive transport in Asian cities. (Theme leaders: Yingling Fan, University of Minnesota; Iderlina Mateo-Babiano, University of Queensland)
>>> Other topics -- All other papers on transportation and land use issues that do not fit into the categories described above. (Theme leaders: David Levinson, University of Minnesota; João de Abreu e Silva, Técnico Lisboa; Robert Schneider, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Dear Friends, the Sociedad Argentina de Economía Regional shares with deep pain the decease of Anahí Tappatá, a dear member of our network and a colleague with an extensive experience in regional economies particularly at the Rio Negro Region.
Anahi Rodriguez - Tappatá native from Patagonia and with a Bachelor of Economics degree from the Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, was imprisoned during the last military coup and was exiled in Spain, from where she returned with his family in 1987. She served as a researcher and Chief Economist at the IERAL – Instituto de Estudios sobre la Realidad Argentina y Latinoamericana – of Fundación Mediterránea at the Comahue Regional office based at Rio Negro. For years she published on regional economic issues at the IERAL monthly magazine ‘Estudios e Investigaciones’. She had also an important political career and was elected as a provincial representative in 2015.
We extend our condolences and heartfelt greetings to family and friends, and highlight his career and moral attributes.
Yours truly,
Pedro Elosegui
Estimadas/os, la Sociedad Argentina de Economía Regional participa con dolor, el fallecimiento de Anahí Tappatá, integrante de nuestra Red y colega de amplia trayectoria en las economías regionales, particularmente en el Alto Valle del Rio Negro.
Anahí Rodriguez de Tappatá oriunda de la Patagonia, Licenciada en Economía egresada de la Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, fue encarcelada durante la dictadura y estuvo exiliada en España, desde donde regresó con su familia en 1987. Se desempeñó como investigadora y Economista Jefe del IERAL -Instituto de Estudios sobre la Realidad Argentina y Latinoamericana- de la Fundación Mediterránea en la Filial Comahue, con sede en Rio Negro. Publicó durante años en la revista mensual Estudios e Investigaciones de la Fundación sobre la problemática de la región. Tuvo una amplia trayectoria política y fue elegida en el 2015 como legisladora en Rio Negro, aunque por cuestiones de salud no llegó a asumir su banca.
Hacemos llegar nuestras condolencias y sentidos saludos a sus familiares y amigos, y destacamos su trayectoria y atributos morales.
Pedro Elosegui
Dear AESOP Community,
May I kindly remind you that the 11th AESOP HEADS OF SCHOOLS MEETING is approaching.
This year's meeting is hosted by the School of Spatial Planning and Development Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Looking forward to seeing you all in Thessaloniki.
Warm regards,
Paulo Pinho
Call for Papers
American Review of Mathematics and Statistics
ISSN: 2374-2348 (Print) 2374-2356 (Online)
American Review of Mathematics and Statistics is a peer reviewed international scientific journal that publishes original and valuable research in all areas of applied and theoretical mathematics and statistics. The journal strives to strengthen connections between research and practice, so enhancing professional development and improving practice within the field of mathematics and statistics. Papers accepted for publication are double-blind refereed to ensure academic integrity.
The journal is published by the American Research Institute for Policy Development that serves as a focal point for academicians, professionals, graduate and undergraduate students, fellows, and associates pursuing research throughout the world.
The interested contributors are highly encouraged to submit their manuscripts/papers to the executive editor via e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please indicate the name of the journal (American Review of Mathematics and Statistics) in the cover letter or simply put ‘American Review of Mathematics and Statistics’ in the subject box during submission via e-mail.
The journal is Abstracted/Indexed in CrossRef, CrossCheck, Cabell's, Ulrich's, Griffith Research Online, Google Scholar,, Informatics, Universe Digital Library, Standard Periodical Directory, Gale, Open J-Gate, EBSCO, Journal Seek, DRJI, ProQuest, BASE, InfoBase Index, OCLC, IBSS, Academic Journal Databases, Scientific Index.
E-Publication FirstTM
E-Publication FirstTM is a feature offered through our journal platform. It allows PDF version of manuscripts that have been peer reviewed and accepted, to be hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final printed journal. Readers can freely access or cite the article. The accepted papers are published online within one week after the completion of all necessary publishing steps.
DOI® number
Each paper published in American Review of Mathematics and Statistics is assigned a DOI® number, which appears beneath the author's affiliation in the published paper.
ARMS is inviting papers for Vol. 4, No. 1. The online publication date is June 30, 2016. Submission Deadline: April 30, 2016.
For any additional information, please contact with the executive editor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor
American Review of Mathematics and Statistics
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.