Nick Tsivanidis, a Ph.D. candidate in economics at the University of Chicago, was selected as the winner of the Sixteenth Annual Benjamin H. Stevens Graduate Fellowship in Regional Science. The Fellowship will provide a one-year stipend of $30,000 to support Nick Tsivanidisin his research entitled, ‘Commuting Technologies, City Structure and Urban Inequality: Evidence from Bogotá’s TransMilenio.’ This research will estimate the impact of a novel bus rapid transit (BRT) system in Bogotá, Colombia – TransMilenio – in reducing congestion costs along two margins. First, what was the total effect of TransMilenio on city productivity and welfare? Second, to what extent did the system disproportionately benefit the urban poor, by reducing their commuting time and improving their access to jobs? Since the poor rely on public transit while the rich drive cars, TransMilenio may have had both important aggregate and distributional effects for Bogotanos. Tsivanidis’s research is supervised by Professor Chang-Tai Hsieh of the University of Chicago.
The Fellowship is awarded in memory of Dr. Benjamin H. Stevens, an intellectual leader whose selfless devotion to graduate students as teacher, advisor, mentor, and friend continues to have a profound impact on the field of regional science. Fundraising efforts to increase the Fellowship’s endowment are ongoing. Donations should be sent to: The Stevens Fellowship Fund, First Financial Bank, 1205 S. Neil Street, Champaign, IL 61820 USA. Checks should be drawn to The Stevens Fellowship Fund. Donations may also be made by credit card through the NARSC website at
The 2016-17 Stevens Fellowship competition was judged by a Selection Committee composed of: Laurie Schintler, Public Policy, George Mason University, Chair; Nathaniel Baum-Snow, Economics, Brown University;Elena Irwin, Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, The Ohio State University; Mario Polèse, Urban and Regional Economics, Université du Québec; and Amanda Weinstein, Economics, The University of Akron. The Stevens Fellowship Committee administrates the Stevens Fellowship Fund on behalf of the North American Regional Science Council; its members are: Tony Smith, Chair; David Plane, Secretary; Michael Lahr, Treasurer; Janet Kohlhase; and Neil Reid, Executive Director of NARSC.
The Committee thanks the thirty students who entered the competition in 2016, as well as their dissertation supervisors. Faculty at all North American Ph.D. programs related to the interdisciplinary field of Regional Science are urged to encourage their best students to apply for the Seventeenth Annual Stevens Graduate Regional Science Fellowship. The winning student’s dissertation research in the field of Regional Science will be supported during the 2017-2018 year with a one-year stipend of $30,000. The application deadline is February 15, 2017. Full submission guidelines will be posted at
June 2016
1) Call for Submissions
Journal of Housing Economics
Special Issue on research related to 'Race and the City'
This special issue will feature research that sheds light on the experiences of minorities in U.S. cities and metropolitan areas. Given the long history of racial segregation and discrimination that African-Americans have faced in the U.S., we expect that many of the submissions will focus on the experiences of African-Americans in U.S. cities. However, we are also very interested in submissions that examine Latino and Asian populations, especially given the increasing urbanization of Latinos within the U.S. in recent decades. While our own research focuses on contemporary issues, we are open to historical analyses, especially ones that shed light on contemporary discussions and debates. Finally, we also welcome studies that examine the experiences of minority groups in cities and metropolitan areas in other developed, higher income countries around the world.
Papers must be of sufficient analytical rigor to meet the customary standards of the journal. Timeliness is very important, as the editors and the journal seek to limit delays between the acceptance of manuscripts and eventual publication. Submissions should be made before January 31st, 2017 to
To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, authors must select the name of the special issue “SI: Race and the City” when they upload their manuscripts. Early submissions will be dealt with promptly.
Special editors are Ingrid Gould Ellen (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Steve Ross (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
2) Call for Submissions
Journal of Economic Development in Higher Education
The Journal of Economic Development in Higher Education is the journal of the University Economic Development Association
The Journal of Economic Development in Higher Education is an online, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the study of university-led economic development. The Journal examines ways in which institutions of higher education foster competitiveness through human capital formation; research and innovation; and quality-of-place strategies that make communities attractive places to live, work, operate businesses, and raise families.
Submissions for Publication:
The Journal encourages articles on new frameworks, theories, or concepts; data-driven research articles; program evaluations; qualitative or quantitative case studies that highlight or analyze the role played by institutions of higher education and/or opinion pieces in:
• Promoting economic development, innovation, and entrepreneurship, especially through interdisciplinary initiatives and public-private partnerships;
• Improving the impact, reach, and applicability of the institution’s research—and improving the impact and reach of other strategic niches of expertise—to enhance institutional and regional competitiveness;
• Applying basic and applied research to solve an industry’s—or the region’s—most pressing challenges;
• Leveraging institutional research and other resources to accelerate business formation and growth, develop new products and services, and/or link local businesses to the global economy through foreign investment or trade;
The journal also seeks submissions addressing the theoretical underpinnings on exactly why and how university-led economic development benefits society.
Further information about submitting a manuscript, including author guidelines can be found on the journal website: Questions about potential submissions should be directed to Brian Richard, JEDHE Editor (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Very interesting course led by the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia, and IUAV, Italy. Courses are held in Venice for a 4 month period. They issue the title of II Level Master, 60 ETCS, but also the PhD, 180 ECTS.
In this issue
Call for Papers
The JULY 1 deadline for abstract submissions is fast approaching.
Join us in Minneapolis, Minnesota for the 63rd North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) sponsored by the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) and hosted by the Mid-Continent Regional Science Association (MCRSA). The conference will be held at the Minneapolis Marriot City Center, November 9th – 12th, 2016. You can learn more about the conference, submit an abstract, and register for the conference and workshops at the NARSC Website at
Click on the link to the conference section for general information on the conference. To register for the conference or submit an abstract/session online you must first login to the User Area. If you attended a NARSC conference over the past couple of years or are a member of a North American regional science organization, when you reach the login page of the User Area, you will be asked to enter your provided username and password. Otherwise, when you reach the login page of the User Area, you will be asked to click on a link and enter your e-mail address so we can check if you are already in our database. If you are in our database, your username and password will be e-mailed to you so you can login. If you are not in our database, you will need to register for a free NARSC user account and then you will be able to register for the conference and submit an abstract.
Once logged, you can change your password, update your profile, submit an abstract/session, register for the conference, and check the status of your registration. You will be able come to your account in the User Area subsequently using your valid username and password. In case you forget your password, just contact technical support at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your e-mail address and your password will be e-mailed to you so you can login.
Individual papers, posters, and sessions must be submitted online in the abstract submission section of the website between now and JULY 1, 2016. The conference registration section is open and allows secure electronic financial transactions. We will continue to host poster sessions, and pre-conference workshops, which will be held on November 9th. Information about the workshops will be posted in May. If you are potentially interested in attending any workshops it is suggested that you wait until information about them is available before registering for the conference. Be sure to consult the conference website for additional information and details.
Conference organizers welcome individual papers and organized sessions relating to a wide variety of topics inclusive within the diverse realm of regional science. We are an international scholarly organization that focuses on regional analysis, ranging from urban and spatial theory to applied problems in regional development, sustainability, environmental management, and rural land use. We are an interdisciplinary association, with members representing fields as diverse as economics, agricultural economics, public policy, urban planning, civil engineering, geography, finance, and demography. The annual North American RSAI conference is the premier regional science meeting in North America and attracts scholars and practitioners from around the world.
A block of rooms have been reserved at the Minneapolis Marriot City Center at the rate of $169/night for a single or a double (plus applicable taxes at time of check out – currently 13.4%).
If you have questions, here is contact information:
Local arrangements:
John Leatherman (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Katherine Nesse (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Program Chair:
Haifeng Qian (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Overall Arrangements
Neil Reid, (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
We look forward to seeing you in Minneapolis.
Estimadas y estimados:
Os escribimos desde el Centro de Política de Suelo y Valoraciones, CPSV (
Nos ponemos en contacto con vosotros, el motivo es informaros, que está abierto (y finaliza a finales de junio), el proceso de preinscripción, del Workshop ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO EN EL DISEÑO Y PLANEAMIENTO URBANO.
Es un curso de formación de 40hrs, acreditado por la Unión Europea y de acuerdo con la Norma ISO EN 17024, que ofrece a los profesionales que desarrollan su ejercicio profesional en el ámbito de la arquitectura y el urbanismo: la cualificación, las competencias y los conocimientos prácticos necesarios para el desarrollo sostenible de la ciudad en el campo de la adaptación de las zonas urbanas al cambio climático.
Si tenéis cualquier duda general podéis contactar con This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., que coordina todo el proceso administrativo.
Saludos cordiales.
1st AMSR Congress and 23rd APDR Congress
May 2016, Marrakech
ISBN: 978-989-8780-04-1
Pages: 353
Format: Online
Innovation, networks and the geography of knowledge diffusion
Barcelona, October 27th-28th 2016
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Barcelona
Dear Colleagues,
AQR-IREA is pleased to announce the 2016 Barcelona Workshop on Regional and Urban Economics, to be held in Barcelona on October 27th-28th, 2016.
The workshop will be focused on innovation and the spatial diffusion of knowledge with emphasis in collaboration networks. Its aim is to bring together researchers in urban and regional economics who are working in topics where the broad concept of the geography of innovation plays a fundamental role. Particular attention will be paid to papers dealing with the mechanisms and actors of knowledge diffusion (knowledge spillovers, networks, technological collaboration, and knowledge relatedness). Although the Workshop will focus on empirical papers, theoretical studies are also welcome.
The keynotes speakers will be:
Audience:We will accommodate around 8-10 papers, to be presented in plenary sessions that will complement the keynote speakers’ presentation.
Important dates:
For further information, please visit the workshop website, see the attached file or contact to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Please, feel free to distribute this announcement. Excuse us for “cross-posting”.
We look forward for your participation at the Workshop!
AQR-IREA Research Group
University of Barcelona
Dear NECTAR friends,
Please find attached the call for papers for a NECTAR Joint CL1 and CL 6 international workshop on ‘Transport Infrastructures for better Accessibility, Equity and Territorial Cohesion’. This meeting will take place in Warsaw, Poland, during the 20-21 October 2016.
Please send your abstract to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. till 30th June 2016.
Kind regards
Ana Condeço Melhorado
NECTAR secretary
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.