Estimadas/os, acercándonos a la VI Reunión Anual enviamos información relevante.
Cualquier consulta en relación al evento no duden en escribirnos!
Un cordial saludo y los esperamos!
See enclosed information regarding the Conference. Regards!
Pedro Elosegui Evelyn Colino
Presidente SAER Comité Organizador UNRN
Valued colleague, dear friend,
As the abstract submission deadline for the XLII Reunión de Estudios Regionales, that will take place at the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela, from the 16th to the 18th of November, 2016 is quickly apporaching, we want to remind you that if you want to participate, you must submit your abstract before May 13th.
The motto for the Conference is "Thirty years of European integration from the regional perspective: Past results and future challenges", but allow us to remind you that any work related with Regional Science will have its place within the wide Conference Programme, organized around 14 subject areas and 8 special sessions. The Programme includes highlights like a Keynote Address delivered by Prof. Geoffrey J.D. Hewings (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and the Juan Ramón Cuadrado Young Researchers' Prize, open to all researchers of age not higher than 33 years.
We will be grateful if you spread this information among any person that may be interested to participate. Participation may take the form of complete papers or even unfinished research work in the form of a long abstract with a minimum lenght of 1,500 words. Master and PhD first-year students may attend all the Conference sessions and events paying a reduced fee and, if they want to discuss their future research plans, they are allowed to participate in special poster sessions.
You can find all the information for registration and submission at the XLII edición de la Reunión de Estudios Regionalesweb page.
Looking forward to meet you at Santiago!
Dear Colleagues
we invite you and your colleagues to the 2nd international Summer School on: "Concepts and tools to engage in knowledge co-production and public participation" in Montpellier, France, from June 27th to July 1st 2016.
The summerschool aims at: a) Improving the understanding of the challenges related to stakeholder involvement in knowledge co-production and public participation processes; b) delivering a generic frame for planning and facilitating sound processes; c) teaching innovative, participatory methods and tools useful for addressing complex issues in diverse, multi-level stakeholder settings; and d) developing reflexive capacities for continuous process improvement.
For more information, please look at the call attached, contact us or send a message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We kindly ask you to forward this call to interested colleagues and post the call in your institute.
Thank you very much and looking forward to see you in Montpellier!
Jennifer Hauck, Mathieu Dionnet, Marta Varanda & Sofia Bento
Dr. Jennifer Hauck
Dear all,
The new RSAI Newsletter May 2016 can now be found under
Dear colleagues & partners,
The EIB, EIF and EIB Institute are happy to announce that they will support the 19th MFC conference Microfinance in the Cloud. The conference will take place in Tirana, Albania on 23rd and 24th June.
It is expected that more than 500 microfinance practitioners, social investors, policy makers and industry makers will attend this international conference. The conference agenda includes cutting edge workshops and plenary sessions on the latest technological developments in alternative finance, ownership issues and cooperative principles in microfinance, financing the youth and many others. The program also includes a variety of pre-conference workshops and study visits to Albanian microfinance institutions. If you are interested in participating, check out the full program available at
We look forward to seeing you in Tirana!
Best regards,
EIB Group
Dusit Thani Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
14th PRSCO Summer Institute
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.