Dear Colleague,
Early booking deadline approaching: 27 May 2016
Urban Transitions Global Summit 2016 will bring together global leaders to stimulate debate and provide a basis for new interconnected ways of thinking to shape the future direction of our cities.
Register here by 27 May 2016 to save on delegate fees and to take part in this major, new interdisciplinary conference.
With nearly 1000 abstracts submitted, the event promises a topical and comprehensive programme comprising:
Interact with the following keynote speakers
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Suparno Banerjee, Vice President, HP Public Sector Strategic Programs, USA |
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Stephen Barrett, Partner, Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, UK |
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Michael Batty, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London, UK |
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Anthony Capon, International Institute for Global Health, United Nations University (UNU-IIGH), Malaysia |
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Herbert Girardet, Co-Founder, World Future Council, Germany |
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Ding Jiemin, President, Tongji Architectural Design Co Ltd, China |
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Susan Parnell, African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town, South Africa |
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Feniosky Peña-Mora, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Design and Construction, USA (subject to approval) |
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Martin Powell, Head of Urban Development, Siemens Global Cities Centre of Competence, UK |
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Christoph Reinhart, Associate Professor in Building Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
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Saskia Sassen, Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology, Columbia University, USA |
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David Satterthwaite, International Institute for Environment and Development, UK |
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Clay Stranger, Office of the Chief Scientist, Rocky Mountain Institute, USA |
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Guanghua Wan, Director of Research, Asian Development Bank Institute, Japan |
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Zhiqiang Wu, College of Architecture and Urban Planning and Vice President, Tongji University, China |
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Lan Xue, Cheung Kong Chair Professor and Dean of School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, China |
We hope that you will join us in Shanghai.
Darren Robinson, University of Nottingham, UK
Karen C. Seto, Yale University, USA
Co-Chairs: Urban Transitions Global Summit 2016
Hosted by Ryszard Czarnecki, Vice-President of the European Parliament
Organised by South Asia Democratic Forum, European Regional Science Association
and the Institute of South Asian Studies, Sichuan University
Building ASP, Room A1H1, European Parliament
4 May 2016 16:00-18:30
Final Program attached.
Valued colleague, dear friend,
Abstract submission for the XLII Reunión de Estudios Regionales, organized by the Regional Science Spanish Association (AECR) is open. The Conference will take place at the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela, from the 16th to the 18th of November, 2016.
The motto for the Conference is "Thirty years of European integration from the regional perspective: Past results and future challenges". Conference sessions will include also a wide range of topics, grouped in 14 subject areas and 7 special sessions. We are pleased to announce that Prof. Geoffrey J.D. Hewings (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) will join the Conference as Keynote Speaker.
Abstracts, with an extension of no more than 300 words, should be sent before May 13th, 2016, through the members' area. For the first time, this year you can submit the results from ongoing research even if there is not a complete paper available yet. The Scientific Committe will consider for acceptance the submission of long abstracts, with a minimum extension of 1,500 words. Templates for both types of abstracts, as well as further information for the Conference, are attached for your convenience.
Unpublished papers written by researchers of age not higher than 33 years and presented at the parallell sessions of the XLII Reunión de Estudios Regionales are eligible for the Juan Ramón Cuadrado Young Researchers' Prize. The jury that will grant the Prize is the Scientific Committee of the XLII Reunión de Estudios Regionales. The authors of the paper awarded with the Prize will receive an accreditation for the award and a gift.
PhD students in the first stages of their dissertations and Master students with a research orientation will enjoy reduced registration fees that will allow them access to the parallell sessions at the Conference, and also to participate in the Young Researcher Sessions. There, they will present briefly their research ideas, preferably through posters.
We are looking forward to your participation and we hope we will have the opportunity to welcome you at Santiago.
Best regards,
Conxita Rodríguez i Izquierdo
Secretaria AECR
C/Finlàndia, 27 B.I. – 08014 Barcelona
Join us in Minneapolis, Minnesota for the 63rd North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) sponsored by the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) and hosted by the Mid-Continent Regional Science Association (MCRSA). The conference will be held at the Minneapolis Marriot City Center, November 9th – 12th, 2016. You can learn more about the conference, submit an abstract, and register for the conference and workshops at the NARSC Website at
Click on the link to the conference section for general information on the conference. To register for the conference or submit an abstract/session online you must first login to the User Area. If you attended a NARSC conference over the past couple of years or are a member of a North American regional science organization, when you reach the login page of the User Area, you will be asked to enter your provided username and password. Otherwise, when you reach the login page of the User Area, you will be asked to click on a link and enter your e-mail address so we can check if you are already in our database. If you are in our database, your username and password will be e-mailed to you so you can login. If you are not in our database, you will need to register for a free NARSC user account and then you will be able to register for the conference and submit an abstract.
Once logged, you can change your password, update your profile, submit an abstract/session, register for the conference, and check the status of your registration. You will be able come to your account in the User Area subsequently using your valid username and password. In case you forget your password, just contact technical support at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your e-mail address and your password will be e-mailed to you so you can login.
Individual papers, posters, and sessions must be submitted online in the abstract submission section of the website between now and JULY 1, 2016. The conference registration section is open and allows secure electronic financial transactions. We will continue to host poster sessions, and pre-conference workshops, which will be held on November 9th. Information about the workshops will be posted in May. If you are potentially interested in attending any workshops it is suggested that you wait until information about them is available before registering for the conference. Be sure to consult the conference website for additional information and details.
Conference organizers welcome individual papers and organized sessions relating to a wide variety of topics inclusive within the diverse realm of regional science. We are an international scholarly organization that focuses on regional analysis, ranging from urban and spatial theory to applied problems in regional development, sustainability, environmental management, and rural land use. We are an interdisciplinary association, with members representing fields as diverse as economics, agricultural economics, public policy, urban planning, civil engineering, geography, finance, and demography. The annual North American RSAI conference is the premier regional science meeting in North America and attracts scholars and practitioners from around the world.
A block of rooms have been reserved at the Minneapolis Marriot City Center at the rate of $169/night for a single or a double (plus applicable taxes at time of check out – currently 13.4%).
If you have questions, here is contact information:
Local arrangements:
John Leatherman (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Katherine Nesse (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Program Chair:
Haifeng Qian (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Overall Arrangements
Neil Reid, (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
We look forward to seeing you in Minneapolis.
Dear NECTAR friends,
We are pleased to invite you to the first workshop of the new NECTAR cluster on Leisure, Recreation and Tourism. The new cluster will address the issues of transportation, communication and mobility in relation to leisure, tourism and recreation. The new NECTAR cluster aims at gathering experts, scholars and practitioners interested in this field to promote fruitful discussions, to exchange information, and to foster collaboration on future public and private research agendas. In the next NECTAR newsletter which will be distributed in a couple of weeks more details on this new cluster will be given.
Kind regards
Ana Condeço-Melhorado
NECTAR secretary
Abstract Deadline: 15 April 2016
Registration and Abstract Submission:
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Call for Papers:
The Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) in collaboration with Department of Economics of Brawijaya University invites scholars, practitioners and students to submit papers to be presented in the 13th IRSA International Conference.
The theme of this year conference is Demographic Change and Regional Development, and it will be held in Malang, East Java on 25-26 July, 2016.
The sub-topics of conference include the followings, although it should not feel limited by them.
1. Demographic Issues: Demographic Dividend, Ageing, Youth, Migration
2. Health, Education and Human Capital
3. Poverty, Inequality and Inter-regional
4. Rural Development, Agriculture, Urban Issues, Rural-Urban Migration
5. Regional Labour Market, Human Resources Development, Job Creation, Social Security
6. Public Policy, Regional and Urban Planning and Development
7. Housing, Transportation, Communication and Infrastructures Issues
8. Regional/International Trade, Public Finance, Inflation
9. Political Economy and Governance of Region
10. Bureaucratic Reforms and Corruption
Publication Opportunity:
The selected best papers that is matched with the theme presented at the 2016 Conference will be published in IRSA Book Series.
There will also be “Meet the Editors” session in the second day of conference that will be attended by
1. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (BIES) (Scopus Index),
2. Asian Population Studies (APS) (Scopus Index)
3. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business (Scopus Index)*
4. Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business*
5. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia*
6. Economics and Finance in Indonesia*
* under confirmation
Pre-Conference Workshop:
Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) Workshop on 24 July 2016 (to be announced for detail)
Social Program:
Cultural day tour on 26-27 July 2016 to visit some of popular tourist destination in Malang area, including Bromo and Batu (at extra cost)
Please feel free to share this information to your colleague.
Many thanks for your support and we hope to see you in Malang.
Best Regards,
Devanto S. Pratomo
The 13th IRSA International Conference
Ref. | : | 201600441 |
Posting Title | : | Research Assistant Professor |
Department | : | Department of Real Estate and Construction |
Closing Date | : | April 18, 2016 |
Applications are invited for appointment as Research Assistant Professor in iLab at HKUrbanLab in the Department of Real Estate and Construction, to commence from as soon as possible, on a three-year fixed-term basis, with the possibility of renewal.
The Department is seeking to make a strategic appointment with a view to strengthening an area of building information modeling (BIM) and smart construction, and integrating them into the newly branded research facility/cluster called iLab. Applicants should possess at least 2 years' postdoctoral work experience, with preference given to those with experience in construction informatics. The following specific areas of knowledge are essential: (i) understanding the operations of architecture, engineering, construction, and operation sector; (ii) extensive knowledge of and direct support experience in GIS- and BIM-related software; (iii) hardware (GPS, GSM, IMU, Bluetooth, barometer and other ancillary modules on low-energy consumption/long last motherboards) development and synergy; (iv) demonstrated extensive knowledge of and direct support experience in programming-related software and languages (e.g. Python, C++, C#, Visual Studio, Java, etc.); (v) digital logic and automation systems; (vi) data structure and algorithms; and (vii) computer graphics and animations. They should be a highly motivated individual who will work closely with other professors in the Department. Attention to details and having the ability to work on his/her own initiative are crucial.
The appointee will be required to make a substantial contribution to (i) the development of the hardware and software of the iLab; (ii) urban big data collection, storage, analysis, and presentation to inform decision-making in the context of urban development; (iii) integration of GIS, BIM, and Internet of Things; (iv) bridging BIM and building using digital technologies; (v) realizing smart properties (e.g. awareness, autonomy, and communicativeness) of smart construction objects; (vi) smart construction system customization and scalability; and (vii) developing a personal research profile within the general and multidisciplinary remit of the HKUrbanLab. Information about the HKUrbanLab can be obtained at
A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered. The appointment will attract a contract-end gratuity and University contribution to a retirement benefits scheme, totalling up to 15% of basic salary, as well as annual leave, and medical benefits.
Applicants should send a completed application form together with an up-to-date C.V. to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please indicate the reference number clearly in all correspondence. Application forms (345/1111) can be downloaded at Further particulars can be obtained at Closes April 18, 2016.
The University thanks applicants for their interest, but advises that only candidates shortlisted for interviews will be notified of the application result.
Ref. | : | 201600459 |
Posting Title | : | Post-doctoral Fellow in Urban Modelling, Spatial Economics and Regional Science |
Department | : | Faculty of Architecture |
Closing Date | : | April 25, 2016 |
Applications are invited for appointment as Post-doctoral Fellow in Urban Modelling, Spatial Economics and Regional Science in the Faculty of Architecture, to commence as soon as possible for three years.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in urban and regional economics, transportation, regional science, urban studies/urban planning, human geography or GIS and a track record in the following: cited publications in urban and regional econometrics, transportation modelling; advanced skills in GIS, spatial visualization and statistical analysis; and experience in co-authoring and managing competitive research grants. Evidence of an ability to apply urban science techniques to network connectivity and spatial economic analysis would be an advantage. This position is based in the Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning under the HKUrbanLab. The appointee will report directly to the Dean of the Faculty. He/She is expected to work on developing an investment analytics tool to analyze Eurasian spatial economy, and applying urban science techniques such as network modeling to simulate economic growth potential of possible changes in infrastructure connectivity. He/She is also expected to start new projects on the basis of new funding.
A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits.
Applicants should send a completed application form together with an up-to-date C.V. to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Application forms (345/1111) can be downloaded at Further particulars can be obtained at Closes April 25, 2016.
The University thanks applicants for their interest, but advises that only candidates shortlisted for interviews will be notified of the application result.
Dear Researcher,
Just to remind you of the deadline of 15 April for the submission of papers (call for papers attached).
The 2016 CIRET conference will take place from September 14 - 16 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
It is hosted by Statistics Denmark.
Keynote speakers include:
- Prof. Soren Johansen, University of Copenhagen
- Prof. Massimiliano Marcellino, Università Bocconi
- Prof. Lucrezia Reichlin, London Business School
Only online submissions will be accepted.
You may submit your paper by using the following link:
If you have not yet registered to the CIRET database, please first do so at
The 33rd CIRET Conference will be preceded by a Joint United Nations (UN) and Statistics Denmark Workshop on Rapid Estimates (Tue 13 September).
Should you have any difficulties with the online submission, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We look forward to receiving your submission and apologize for any cross-posting.
Kindest regards,
Katharina Bloch
c/o ETH Zurich
KOF – Swiss Economic Institute
LEE G 304, Leonhardstrasse 21
8092 Zurich, Switzerland
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+41 44 632 42 38 phone
+41 44 632 11 50 fax
It is our pleasure to announce the 1st Moroccan Regional Science Association(AMRS) Congress and 23rd Portuguese Association for Regional Development (APDR) Congress, to be held at Marrakech, Morocco, from May 30 to 31, 2016.
Theme of the Conference: Sustainability of Territories in the Context of Global Changes
The Congress will work through plenary sessions, conferences and round tables and parallel sessions. Parallel sessions will include: i) abstracts submitted to Regular Sessions (RS), proposed by the organization; and ii) abstracts submitted to Special Sessions (SS), proposed by participants. Sessions can be either in English, French or Portuguese.
The call for abstracts is open and your participation is very welcome!
Special Sessions
SS01 - Regional Science in Africa
Organizers: Cássio Rolim and Tomaz Ponce Dentinho
SS02 - Asymmetries in metropolitan areas: measuring, correcting and rethinking
Organizer: Jorge Gonçalves
SS03 - Sustainable Tourism in the Age of Globalization
Organizers: Oliver Fritz and Martin Falk
SS04 - Entrepreneurship in sustainable and creative territories
Organizer: Luísa Carvalho
SS05 - Cultural Tourism and Regional Development
Organizers: Paula Remoaldo, Laurentina Vareiro and José Cadima Ribeiro, University of Minho
Organizer: Conceição Rego
SS07 -Sustainable Built Environments for a better Human Health
Organizers: Elisabete Freire and José Luís Crespo
SS08 - Participatory Planning and Sustainable Built Space
Organizers: José Luís Crespo and Elisabete Freire
SS09 - Adapting to global change at the coast
Organizers: Nadia Mhammdi and Abdellatif Khattabi
Organizer: Abdellatif Khattabi
Themes of Regular Sessions:
Deadline for Abstracts submissions:April 20, 2016 (NEW DATE). Abstracts should be submitted electronically, using the platform available on the Conference website:
All information at the congress website:
Looking forward to meeting you in Marrakech!
Abdellatif Khattabi
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
*The Bartholomew award is awarded to scientists aged less than 33 years (including co-authors) on the 15th of July each year, presenting a paper in a session of APDR Congress. The prize is awarded by a jury of appreciation by the Director of the Portuguese Journal of Regional Studies and two scientists appointed by him. The assessment criteria are: conceptual coherence, relevance to regional science and its impact on regional development.
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.