AgroMed International Conference 2016 - Farm and land system dynamics in the Mediterranean basin: integrating spatial scales, from the local to the global one - Avignon INRA, December 1-2, 2016
A Special Issue on the International Journal “Land Use Policy” is scheduled, based on some selected abstract.
AgroMed is a scientific network started on 2014 and financed by the ENVI-MED project. It aims to create a stable and comprehensive pool of scientist coming from different disciplines both biophysical and social, spread over the Mediterranean area. Network's mebmers are specialized on analysis of the dynamics of agricultural and land system and their trade-offs on biodiversity, economy and ecosystem services.
Important deadlines:
6th of May 2016: Abstract submission
July 2016: Notification of abstract acceptance for oral presentation
7th of October 2016: Registration to the Conference
The Conference is free of charge but the registration is compulsory.
For more information:
You can contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear colleague
May I remind you of the announcement of the August Loesch Prize 2016, granted by the city of Heidenheim an der Brenz (Germany) and the August Loesch Association. The submission deadline is March 15th, 2016. To meet the deadline, please write, not later than March 15th, an E-Mail to
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if you would like to submit your work. We will send you further information how to upload your submission. The invitation of submissions is attached. Please forward it to anybody who might be interested.
Johannes Broecker
Dear colleague:
We have just published a special issue of the journal Investigaciones Regionales / Journal of Regional Research (issue n. 32). It is now available both online ( and print version.
This issue includes the following contents:
Introduction: Rethinking industrial districts in the XXI Century- Rafael Boix, Fabio Sforzi, Francesc Hernández
Rethinking the industrial district: 35 years later- F. Sforzi
Beyond geo-sectoriality: the productive chorality of places- G. Becattini
Giacomo Becattini and the Marshall’s method- J. Trullén
What about Industrial District(s) in Regional Science?- F. Sforzi, R. Boix
Three Generations of Industrial districts- M. Bellandi, L. De Propris
An industrial district around a mining resource: the case of marble of Macael in Almería– J. Á. Aznar-Sánchez, A. Carretero-Gómez, J. F. Velasco-Muñoz
In vino veritas: competitive factors in wine-producing industrial districts- M. J. Ruiz, F. Hernández, V. Soler i Marco
Investigaciones Regionales/Journal of Regional Research is ranked as Q2 by Scimago JRC (Scopus), in Economics, Econometrics and Finance, and indexed in other scientific and academic international databases.
To contact Us and Submit Manuscripts:
Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yours sincerely,
Andrés Maroto, PhD
Editorial Board
Obituary for Rolf Funck
Rolf Funck died on August 24, 2015, with the age of 85. He was one of the most active and distinguished German regional scientists and President of the Regional Science Association International 1988/89.
After his studies of economics at the University of Münster, Ph.D. and habilitation, he was appointed Professor of Economics at the Universität Karlsruhe (TH) in 1963 and founded the Institute of Economic Policy Research, which thereafter existed for 50 years. His thinking was truly inter-disciplinary; for instance he founded two inter-faculty institutes, one for regional and one for cultural sciences. In 1996 he received the honorary doctorate of the University of Poznan, Poland, for his inter-disciplinary work.
In the final phase his activities he focused on the economics of culture and was most active with promoting the establishment and supporting the development of the ZKM Center for Art and Media, which has become a major point of attractiveness and has fostered the international cultural reputation of the city of Karlsruhe. Corresponding to his main interests his last works were on cultural and regional themes, which were published by the end of 2014.
He has co-edited a Festschrift for the 20th anniversary of the ZKM and a monograph on regional science issues entitled “Man, Space, Time and Environment: Economic Interactions in Four Dimensions.” This monograph includes a host of papers contributed by colleagues, who accompanied Rolf’s scientific life for a long time, and which are brought together under the umbrella of the four dimensions. It can be regarded his spiritual heritage for regional science: treat “man” in research as a real being with individual, social and cultural feelings, consider that “man’s” activities are processed in “space” and “time,” and protect the “environment” for future generations to live in.
Werner Rothengatter
Funck, R., and W. Rothengatter, editors, Man, Environment, Space and Time – Economic Interactions in Four Dimensions, Karlsruhe Papers in Regional Science, number 34, Nomos, Baden-Baden, Germany.
Please find attached the relevant job description.
Please note that the deadline for applications is February 8th, and that the candidate should be an OECD national.
Dear colleague:
We have just published a new issue of the journal Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research (Issue Nº 33). It is now available both on line and print version.
The contents of this issue are:
- Analysis of business incubators in Galicia through the «Integral Model of economic profitability»- Ferreiro Seoane, F. J., Del Campo Villares, M. O., Camino Santos, M.
- The environmental setting, farming activities and rural accommodation prices- Bilbao-Terol, C., Valdés, L.
- Medición y evolución de la identidad nacionalista en España- Torregrosa Montaner, R. J.
- Indicador Sintético de Actividad Provincial (ISAP): un Aporte al Análisis de las Economías Regionales argentinas- Muñoz, F., Trombetta, M.
- The Relocation of R&D Establishments in France: An Empirical Analysis- Arauzo-Carod, J.-M.ª, Manjón-Antolín, M., Martínez, Ó.
Methodological and Research notes:
- Nueva metodología para la descomposición de los costes generalizados del transporte de mercancías por carretera usando la teoría económica de los números índice- Maroto, A., Zofío, J. L.
Surveys and debates:
- Las leyendas regionales como intangibles territoriales- Martos Núñez, E., Martos García, A. E.
European Regional Policy:
- La promoción de la innovación en la política regional y de cohesión en el periodo 2014-2020: su aplicación en España- Cordero Mestanza, G.
Books reviews:
- Economía y Política de las Balanzas Fiscales en España - A. Zabalza
Investigaciones Regionales/Journal of Regional Research is ranked as Q2 by Scimago JRC (Scopus), in Economics, Econometrics and Finance, and indexed in other scientific and academic international databases (EBSCO, ProQuest, EconLit, RePec, DOAJ, Redalyc, Latindex,…).
To contact Us and Submit Manuscripts:
Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yours sincerely,
Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research
Dear NECTAR friends,
NECTAR CL 2 and CL 3 are organizing an International Workshop on “The role of planning towards sustainable urban mobility”. This meeting will take place in Brno, Czech Republic, during the 17-18 of May 2016.
Abstracts should be submitted until January 31, 2016.
Find more details in the attached call for abstracts.
Kind regards
Ana Condeço-Melhorado
NECTAR secretary
Space, Territory and Growth: Advances in Regional Science”, Politecnico di Milano, deadline 28/02/2016.
The European Regional Science Association is pleased to announce in collaboration with RSAI, AISRe and the Politecnico di Milano, the opportunity for Ph.D. students to participate in the 29th ERSA Summer School which will be held from the 3rd July to 10th July, 2016 in Milan, at the Politecnico di Milano.
The Coordinator of the School is Prof. Roberta Capello.
The aim of the Summer School is to provide Ph.D. students with the most updated advances in Regional Science from both the theoretical and methodological points of view.
Lectures will be taught by internationally recognized scientists in the field. Participants will also be given the possibility to present their own Ph.D. work.
Program and application portal are available at
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.