Dear PRSCO colleagues and friends,
The Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International (JSRSAI) is delighted to announce that a new Journal “Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science (AJRS)” will be published from Springer in 2017 April. Editor-in-Chief is Prof. Yoshiro Higano. We hope many submissions of manuscripts which are in relation to regional science of Asia or Pacific regions. Authors are requested to submit manuscripts via Editorial Manager from the URL below.
Authors who had used Editorial Manager of “Studies in Regional Science” are recommended to try “Send Login Details” first. If the name and e-mail address is registered to “Studies in Regional Science”, the password for new journal will be delivered.
Other authors can be delivered ID and password from “Register now.”
Could you distribute this announcement to your colleagues in your section or create a link on your website?
Thank you for your contribution to AJRS in advance.
Best regards,
Hiroyuki Shibusawa
PRSCO Executive Secretary
The Honors Committee of the North American Regional Science Council is soliciting nominations for the following awards to be given at this year's annual meeting. Please send your nomination by September 20 to Richard Church at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
1. Isard Award for Scholarly Achievement in Regional Science
The Walter Isard Award for Scholarly Achievement is named in honor of Professor Walter Isard, father of Regional Science, founder of the Regional Science Association, and a leading scholar in the worldwide Regional Science community. Established in 1994, the award pays tribute to North American regional scientists who have made significant theoretical and methodological contributions to the field of Regional Science throughout their careers.
2. The Boyce Award for Distinguished Service to Regional Science
This award honors Professor David Boyce, a prominent figure in Regional Science who promoted the Regional Science Association for a number of years and was instrumental in its long term success. The award acknowledges the service contributions that North American members have made to Regional Science organizations.
3. The Hewings Award for Outstanding Achievement by a "Junior" Faculty
This award is named in honor of Professor Geoffrey J.D. Hewings who over the years introduced numerous graduate students to Regional Science and mentored them as young scholars. The award recognizes distinguished contributions to Regional Science research by North American scholars who have recently completed doctoral studies (within ten years of receiving a Ph.D.).
The list of past awards is posted on the NARSC web site at
Richard Church
Chair, NARSC Honors Committee
Estimados, les adjuntamos invitación al Seminario de Economía Regional organizado por el Banco Ciudad y la Fundación Banco Ciudad. Inscripción a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Saludos cordiales,
Pedro Elosegui
Dear all
You are cordially invited to participate in the Second International Symposium on Cellular Automata Modeling for Urban and Spatial Systems (CAMUSS 2016, that will be held in a beautiful UNESCO World Heritage Site, Quebec City, Canada from September 21st to 23rd, 2016.
The Symposium will provide you with an excellent opportunity to meet and exchange with researchers and experts in urban dynamics and complex systems from around the world. During this three-day symposium, you will learn and update your knowledge of the state-of-the-art on cellular automata and other advanced geosimulation modelling techniques and their innovative applications ranging from urban dynamics and urban growth to traffic patterns, land use planning, public security and public health.
Come and meet our world class keynote speakers and international experts and exchange with them on their experience on developing and applying innovative geosimulation techniques to better model, predict and understand complex urban systems and their dynamics through space and time.
The Symposium is organized by the Convergence Network and the Centre for Research in Geomatics of Université Laval in Canada, in close collaboration with the Centre for Urban Policy Studies of the University of Manchester in UK.
For more information on registration please see:
We are looking forward to meeting you in Quebec City!
For CAMUSS 2016 Local Organizing Committee Mir _________________________________________
Mir Abolfazl Mostafavi, Ing., PhD.
Professeur titulaire
Directeur/ Directeur
Réseau CONVERGENCE Network
Pavillon Louis-Jacques Casault
1055, avenue du Séminaire
Local 1342
Université Laval
Québec (Qc) G1V 0A6
Tel. : 418.6562131 poste 2750
The Department of Geography at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) invites applications for a tenure-stream appointment in Geographic Information Science (GIS) at the rank of Assistant Professor, effective July 1, 2017.
The successful candidate must have a PhD in Physical Geography, Human Geography, Environmental Sciences or Studies, or a closely related discipline by the time of appointment or shortly thereafter, as well as demonstrated excellence in scholarly research and teaching.
The Department seeks to hire a candidate with a research and teaching program focused on GIS. The Department seeks candidates with strong quantitative and computational GIS skills and a research program focused on addressing environmental and/or societal challenges.
Candidates are expected to combine excellence in teaching with a demonstrated ability to build a successful, externally-funded research program that will expand and complement our current research strengths. Primary teaching responsibilities will include courses in GIS programming and quantitative methods. The successful candidate will also be expected to take an active role in bringing innovation and creativity to the development of our GIS curriculum. Excellence in teaching will be demonstrated through teaching accomplishments, letters of reference and the teaching dossier submitted as part of the application. Evidence of excellence in research is demonstrated by publications in top-ranked and field-relevant academic journals, presentations at significant conferences, awards and accolades, and strong endorsements by referees.
The appointment will be at UTM, which has a strong interdisciplinary commitment to teaching and research, a multicultural student body of 12,000 students, and a modern, spacious campus, where the appointee will be expected to develop an externally funded research program. The successful candidate will also hold a graduate faculty appointment in the tri-campus Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toronto, a department with strengths and interdisciplinary linkages in physical and human geography and the environment. Active participation in the UTM Geography and Environment undergraduate programs, as well as in the graduate program of the Department of Geography and Planning is expected. Additional information on the Department can be obtained online at
Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
All qualified candidates are invited to apply online by visiting Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a statement outlining current and future research interests, up to 3 representative publications, and a teaching dossier that includes a teaching statement and teaching evaluations and other materials supporting evidence of teaching quality and experience.
All materials must be received by September 12, 2016 (no email applications will be accepted). Any inquiries about the application should be sent to the Department Chair, Professor Kathi Wilson, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. All application materials should be submitted online. We recommend combining attached documents into one or two files in PDF/MS word files in the following format:
1. Letter, CV, research statement, teaching dossier (including teaching statement and teaching evaluations)
2. Publications
Submission guidelines can be found at:
Applicants should also ask three referees to send letters directly to the department via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by the closing date.
The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applicants from visible minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
The Regional Science Association International ( will organize a Symposium, on the theme Regional Development in Western Asia; a Regional Science Perspective, that will be held on October 2nd at Armenian State University of Economics, Yerevan and a Workshop, on October 3rd and 4th at the Dilijan Training and Research Centreof central bank of Armenia, Dilijan.
The call for abstracts to the Symposium and Workshop is open.
Deadline for Abstracts submissions to the Symposium: September 19, 2016.
Plenary Sessions
André torre Professor in Economic geography at INRA and University Paris-Saclay |
John I. Carruthers |
Peter Nijkamp |
Roberto Patuelli |
All information at the event website:
Looking forward to meeting you in Armenia!
Anahit Harutyunyan
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
Dear All participants,
The PRSCO2016 proceedings' e-book are ready to be download by following this URL: and login to system then download the proceedings file.
Best regards,
PRSCO2016 Secretariat Officer.
(Considérant le grand nombre d'inscriptions, nous avons ouvert un deuxième groupe. Il est encore possible de s'inscrire.)
Du 22 au 26 août à l’UQTR. 5 ateliers de 8 heures chacun sur la recherche qualitative.
Pour information et inscription :
Les chercheurs auteurs Jason Luckerhoff et François Guillemette vous proposent de la formation pratique pertinente pour vos projets de recherche ou pour vos travaux professionnels.
Ces formations sont principalement issues de leurs expériences en recherche qualitative et en recherche mixte (qualitative et quantitative). Le déroulement pédagogique des formations se situe dans une perspective inductive d’apprentissage expérientiel (Kolb, 1984). Ainsi, elles débutent par une mobilisation de l'expérience de chacun des participants en rapport avec la formation à donner. Par la suite, cette expérience est enrichie par des exercices pratiques, puis explicitée et mise en lien avec les connaissances et les théories pertinentes. Finalement, les formations ouvrent sur l'amélioration des pratiques de recherche. À la différence des cours de méthodologie dans les programmes universitaires, ces ateliers sont très pratiques et ne visent pas un apprentissage théorique des fondements de la recherche qualitative. Ils fournissent des réponses au « comment ? » et non au « pourquoi ? ».
Reminder; Last Weeks for Abstracts Submission
Palm Wings Ephesus Hotel Convention Center
Ephesus, Aydin – Turkey
03-05 November 2016
BIG DATA-2016 includes all theoretical and practical knowledge about Computer Science, Software, Networks and Engineering. For more information:
Ankara University
Bahcesehir University
Middlesex University
Near East University
University of Kyrenia
Informatics Association of Turkey
Association for Human, Science, Natura, Education and Technology
Supporting Journals
Please click the link for the full paper template
26 August 2016* | |
• Full Paper Submissions | October 15, 2016 | |
• Early Registration | September 15, 2016 | |
September 15, 2016 | |
• Conference Dates | November 03-05, 2016 | |
November 30, 2016 | |
Researchers who are unable to resolve the funding issue concerning the conference expenses will be provided with an alternative approach for participation, namely, Virtual Online Presentation.Those who would like to make their presentations online from their home countries will also be awarded with a certificate and their papers will be considered for publications similar to other participants as if they were present physically. Those who would like to make use of the Virtual Online Presentationfacility will be requested to send their virtual posters or other soft copy materials such as power point presentations to the secretariat. In addition, these participants who would prefer to make use of the Virtual Online Presentationfacility may also contribute to the conference through video conferencing.
Summer is hot, and winter is mild and rainy in Ephesus. Nearly 300 days of the year is sunny and one can swim from beginning of April to end of November. In Ephesus in day time, the average weather at the end of the November is high 28°C and low 18.1°C.
Ephesus which was established as a port was used to be the most important commercial centre. It played a great role in the ancient times with its strategic location. Ephesus is located on a very fertile valley. Ephesus, once, the trade centre of the ancient world, a religious centre of the early Christianity and today, Ephesus is an important tourism centre in Turkey. The ancient city Ephesus is located in Selcuk, a small town 30 km away from Kusadasi.
Bahcesehir University, Near East University, University of Kyrenia, Association for Human, Science, Nature, Education and Technology and Academic World Education and Research Center
For more information please visit the conference official web site:
Contact Info:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please visit;
Papers in Regional Science
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.