Elisabete Martins

About the Conference
The 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR- July, 2017) will be held on 4th and 5th of March 2017 in Melbourne, Australia. The main theme of this conference is ‘Share the Vision’. Accordingly, the conference will cover Business, Social Sciences, Education and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) disciplines. Internationally-recognized scholars will participate in the event to present their latest research and best practices.

Important Dates:
Abstract / Full paper submission deadline – 30th Dec 2016
Early bird registration deadline – 06th Jan 2017
Regular registration deadline – 13th Jan 2017
Conference dates - 4th - 5th MAR 2017

Special Attractions:
All of the accepted papers (i.e., high standard) will be published without any extra fees in the following journals:
Asia Pacific Journal of Advanced Business and Social Studies
(APJABSS, ISBN : 978-0-9943656-75)

Asia Pacific Journal of Contemporary Education and Communication Technology
(APJCECT, ISBN : 978-0-9943656-82)

We are looking forward to seeing you in Bahrain in January 2017.

Publish with 'B' ranked Journals:
In a venture to reinforce its support to academics and researchers, Asia-Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR) is pleased to inform you of a new agreement to publish high-quality conference articles in the following two journals:
- International Journal of Web Based Communities (ISSN: 1741-8216)
- International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education
and Life-Long Learning (ISSN: 1741-5055)

All conference articles from Explore the Possibilities will be checked against the rigorous criteria set by these two journals.

Thank You.
Kind Regards,
John Taylor
ICAR Secretariat
Contact Us:
Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR)
Suite 1A Level 2
802 Pacific Highway
Gordon NSW 2072
Enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web address: http://apiar.org.au
Sponsored by: Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR)

RSAI Dissertation Award

Review panel

Professor Eveline Van Leeuwen from VU University Amsterdam; Professor Turała Maciej from University of Lodz, Poland; and Professor JiYoung Park from University at Buffalo



Van Meeteren Michiel2


Michiel van Meeteren

Graduated from Ghent University, Belgium

Title: From Polycentricity to a Renovated Urban Systems Theory: Explaining Belgian Settlement Geographies

Advisor: Ben Derudder        




Zhaoya Gong

Graduated from University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Title: Multiscalar Modeling of Polycentric Urban-Regional Systems: Economic Agglomeration, Scale Dependency and Agent Interactions

Advisor: Jean-Claude Thill


Elco Koks

Graduated from VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands

Title: Economic Modelling for Flood Risk Assessment

Advisor: Jeroen Aerts

Volume 57, Issue 2-3, November 2016

Special Issue on Agent Based Models

Issue Editors:

ISSN: 0570-1864 (Print) 1432-0592 (Online)

In this issue (8 articles)


    Special Issue Paper

    Exploring behavioral regions in agents’ mental maps

    Paul M. TorrensPages 309-334

    Special Issue Paper

    A spatial agent-based model of a congestion game: evolutionary game theory in space

    Sutee AnantsuksomsriNij TontisirinPages 371-391

    Special Issue Paper

    The problem of land value betterment: a simplified agent-based test

    Yiming WangMichelle BaddeleyPages 413-436
Monday, 14 November 2016 08:49

Call for hosting the 2019 AESOP Congress

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that the call for hosting the 2019 AESOP Congress is now open.

All institutional AESOP Members are warmly encouraged to apply.

The deadline for the submission of the bids is 31st January 2017.

The decision will be made by the Council of Representatives at the meeting which will take place in March 2017 in Warsaw.

The candidates will be kindly asked to prepare a 10-minute presentation for the Council of Representatives.

The selected host will be asked to present the concept of the Congress to the General Assembly, which will take place during the AESOP Congress in Lisbon (11-14 July 2017) and during the AESOP Congress in Gothenburg, which will take place in July 2018 (see further information below).

With my best regards,

Paulo Pinho

AESOP Congress Organisation Guidelines

General rules of applying for the organisation of an AESOP event:

1. Candidate institutions should send in their proposals to the AESOP Secretariat General (secretariat(at)aesop-planning.eu) in the form of a brief note of 4 to 8 pages by the given deadline.
2. The Council of Representatives of the AESOP, at the meeting following the proposal submission deadline, will examine the proposals and vote to select the future host.
3. Each candidate will be given a 10-minute time slot in the agenda of the Council of Representatives meeting to present the proposal. It is strongly recommended that the candidates use this opportunity to address the Representatives directly. If a candidate institution does not choose to present its proposal, it may settle for a paper submission or ask a member of the Council to do the presentation.

Information the candidates should provide:

1. Information about the University and School/Department/Faculty:

a)     the profile of the University and the School/Department/Faculty,

b)     the reasons for which the School/Department/Faculty wishes to organize the event,

c)     the organisational capacity of the University and School/Department/Faculty to handle the event,

d)     the financial capability of the University and the School/Department/Faculty to support the event, as it is to be noted that:

i)       despite collecting the event entrance fees, certain payments may have to be made very early during the preparation process before the registration is open,

ii)      the AESOP is not able to provide financial support in a case that the fees cover less than 100% of the budget,

iii)     the host is responsible for local sponsorship and support.

2. Information about the location:

a)     accessibility and accommodation capacity of the location,

b)     attractiveness of the location from the perspective of planners,

c)     estimated cost of attending the event for participants (average accommodation, transport, etc.).

3. Information about the proposed Congress topic:
The congress topic should be both comprehensive and pertinent to contemporary planning issues. A short statement introducing the theme is expected.

The recent AESOP congresses had the following topics:

a)     2004: Metropolitan Planning and Environmental Issues (Grenoble)

b)     2005: The Dream for a Greater Europe (Vienna)

c)     2006: Diversity and Multiplicity (World Planning Schools Congress, Mexico),

d)     2007: Planning for the Risk Society (Naples)

e)     2008: Bridging the divide: Celebrating he City (joint AESOP-ACSP Congress, Chicago),

f)      2009: Why Can't the Future be More Like the Past? (Liverpool)

g)     2010: Space is Luxury! (Helsinki)

h)     2011: Planning in an Era of Global (Un)Certainty and Transformation (World Planning Schools Congress, Perth)

i)       2012: Planning to Achieve/Planning to Avoid (Ankara)

j)       2013: Planning for Resilient Cities and Regions (joint AESOP-ACSP Congress, Dublin),

k)     2014: From Control to Co-Evolution (Utrecht-Delft)

l)       2015: Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility (Prague)

m)    2016: Global Crisis, Planning and Challenges to Spatial Justice in the North and in the South (World Planning Schools Congress, Rio de Janeiro)

n)     2017: Spaces of Dialog for Places of Dignity: Fostering the European Dimension of Planning

4. Information about the proposed topic, format and location of the AESOP PhD Workshop. The PhD Workshop can be co-organised by another institution, which is also an AESOP member.

Candidate institutions need to be aware that:

1. The AESOP Congresses normally attract an audience of 500-800 people, and take place in the first half of July each year.
2. Recently more than 1.000 abstracts have been submitted for a congress.
3. The selected candidate will be asked to sign a contract with the AESOP, including full details of the organization of the congress. Part of the contract states that the hosting institution will forward to the AESOP 10% of the congress fees, after the Congress. Generic contract is available here. Generic contract for PhD Workshop is available here.
4. The selected candidate will have to form a Local Organizing Committee and their representative will have to participate in several AESOP meetings two years year before and one year after the Congress (for transfer of experience).
5. The selected candidate will have to secure with their institution the availability of the venue and support of the institution’s administration.
6. The selected candidate will have to organise PhD Workshop, on a topic which is related to the theme of the Congress. The candidate institution has to be aware that AESOP is able to provide financial support only to the limited extent.

The recent AESOP PhD Workshops took place in:

a)     2004: Aix en Provence, France

b)     2005: Vienna, Austria

c)     2006: Bristol, UK

d)     2007: Paestum/Naples, Italy

e)     2008: Jotunheimen National Park, Norway

f)      2009: Manchester, UK

g)     2010: Seili Island, Finland

h)     2011: Kostelec nad Czernymi Lesy, Czech Republic

i)       2012: Izmir, Turkey

j)       2013: Belfast, Ireland

k)     2014: Delft, Netherlands

l)       2015: High Tatra, Slovakia

m)     2016: Leuven, Belgium

Practical information:
1. Applications are to be sent by email to the AESOP Secretariat General at secretariat(at)aesop-planning.eu
2. Accepted file formats:
        a)     text files: .docx, .doc, .rtf, .pdf
        b)     image files: .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .tiff, .pdf
        c)     video files: .mpeg, .mpg, .mpe, .mov, .wmv
3. The application will be included in the materials for the Council of Representatives meeting in the form sent to the Secretariat General (file).
4. In case the files are extremely large it is strongly recommended to send compressed files (.zip).

Cover image for Vol. 95 Issue 4

Papers in Regional Science


Volume 95, Issue 4 Pages 671 - 918, November 2016
The latest issue of Papers in Regional Science is available on Wiley Online Library


  Issue information (pages 671–672)
Version of Record online: 9 NOV 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12194


  Estimating the long-term economic impacts of Spanish universities on the national economy (pages 673–692)
José M. Pastor, Carlos Peraita and Francisco Pérez
Version of Record online: 29 JAN 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12157
  Learning mobility grants and skill (mis)matching in the labour market: The case of the ‘Master and Back’ Programme (pages 693–707)
Riccardo Crescenzi, Luisa Gagliardi and Enrico Orru'
Version of Record online: 3 FEB 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12155
  Explaining inter-provincial migration in China (pages 709–731)
Thomas Gries, Manfred Kraft and Manuel Simon
Version of Record online: 4 FEB 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12156
  Examining the role of amenities in migration decisions: A structural estimation approach (pages 733–754)
Gihoon Hong
Version of Record online: 23 JAN 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12154
  Determinants of self-employment among commuters and non-commuters (pages 755–774)
Mikaela Backman and Charlie Karlsson
Version of Record online: 3 FEB 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12158
  Distance, time since foreign entry, and productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment (pages 775–800)
Bruno Merlevede and Victoria Purice
Version of Record online: 10 FEB 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12159
  Agglomeration of knowledge intensive business services and urban productivity (pages 801–818)
Cui Zhang
Version of Record online: 27 DEC 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12204
  Smart cities and attracting knowledge workers: Which cities attract highly-educated workers in the 21st century? (pages 819–841)
Michael R. Betz, Mark D. Partridge and Belal Fallah
Version of Record online: 5 MAR 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12163
  A decision support method to identify target geographic markets for health care providers (pages 843–863)
Pierre Polzin, José Borges and António Coelho
Version of Record online: 13 MAR 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12167
  Price-sensitive demand and market entry (pages 865–875)
Yiquan Gu, Alexander Rasch and Tobias Wenzel
Version of Record online: 5 MAR 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12165
  Spatial competition and contestability based on choice histories of consumers (pages 877–894)
Mona Kashiha and Jean-Claude Thill
Version of Record online: 16 JAN 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12153
  A comment on Scott and Storper's ‘The nature of cities: The scope and limits of urban theory’ (pages 895–901)
Augusto Cusinato
Version of Record online: 20 SEP 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12259
  Comment to XCL co-agglomeration index: Distance-weighted improved DCL index (pages 903–910)
Katarzyna Kopczewska
Version of Record online: 8 AUG 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12247


  Beyond Rust: Metropolitan Pittsburgh and the Fate of Industrial America. Allen Dieterich-Ward. Philadelphia. PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. 360 pp, 17 figures (including 4 maps), notes, index. $39.95, £26.00. ISBN 978-0-8122-4767-1 (pages 911–912)
Edward J. Malecki
Version of Record online: 9 NOV 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12252
  Skills and Cities. Sako Musterd, Marco Bontje and Jan Rouwendal. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2016. 278 pp. 25 B/W Illustrations. $160.00, hardcover. ISBN 978-1-138-81223-9 (pages 913–914)
Matthew Resseger
Version of Record online: 9 NOV 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12262
  Climate Shock: The Economic Consequences of a Hotter Planet. Gernot Wagner and Martin L. Weitzman. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2015. 250 pp, index. US$27.95. ISBN 978-0-691-15947-8 (pages 914–916)
Amitrajeet A. Batabyal
Version of Record online: 9 NOV 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12249

Acknowledgement to referees

  Acknowledgement to referees (pages 917–918)
Version of Record online: 9 NOV 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12272

We are pleased to announce the 2nd Call for abstracts for the II International Conference ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge entitled «Mediterranean Cultures and Societies: Knowledge, Health and Tourism»,which will be held on 4-5 May 2017, at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal.

We welcome the submission of abstracts to the overall theme of the conference or to one of the topics below:

- Europe and the Mediterranean

- History, cultures and heritage

- Knowledge and education processes

- Migrations and interculturality

- Political trends              

- Mediterranean diet and well-being

- Tourism and leisure

- Identity, body and sexuality

- Media and communication

- Art and literature

- Other topics

The abstracts should be submitted no later than November 30, 2016 in electronic form to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For additional information please see the CFP attached or visit conference’s website: http://cieo15.wixsite.com/medcult2017

Please feel free to forward this information to any colleagues you feel may be interested in this Conference. Thank you.

Best regards,

The Organizing Commission


II International Conference ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge

Mediterranean Cultures and Societies. Knowledge, Health and Tourism

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences is recruiting a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Urban Geography with expertise in one of the following areas at the intra-urban/suburban scale: (1) population and immigration, (2) ethnicity and race, and/or (3) health geography. The position will begin August 2017. Required qualifications include: (1) PhD in Geography or related field; (2) the ability to develop and maintain an externally funded research program; (3) the ability to contribute to undergraduate and graduate programming consistent with departmental needs; (4) ability to contribute to the department’s interdisciplinary teaching and research missions. Because we embrace diversity, evidence of cultural competency is highly desired. We encourage applications from candidates whose experience in teaching, research, and community service has prepared them to contribute to our commitment to learning across difference, active student support and academic excellence. UNC Charlotte is an AA/EOE and ADVANCE institution.  Applications from minorities, women and other underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged. A full description of the position and application details can be found at http://jobs.uncc.edu.Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. For more information, contact Dr. Harrison Campbell at 704-687-5997 orThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or view our department website at http://www.geoearth.uncc.edu/.

1)      The School of Geography and Development at the University of Arizona, tenure-  track Assistant Professor of urban geography

The School of Geography and Development at the University of Arizona invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of urban geography who can contribute diverse perspectives on cities to the School’s research, teaching, and engagement. The School of Geography and Development is among the top ranked geography departments in the United States and offers faculty numerous opportunities for cross-disciplinary scholarship. The University of Arizona is a Research One, land-grant university and is committed to enhancing its inclusive scholarship and impact. We welcome candidates whose experiences in research, teaching, and community service have prepared them to contribute to our commitment to diversity and excellence.

Please note that if invited to a campus interview, candidates will be asked whether it is permissible to video or audio record their research talk and to post it on a limited-access account to ensure that voting eligible members of the relevant unit have access to information in the event they are unable to attend the presentation(s). Any recordings that are made will be subject to the university retention schedule and will be accessible only to authorized university personnel.

Outstanding UA benefits include health, dental, and vision insurance plans; life insurance and disability programs; UA/ASU/NAU tuition reduction for the employee and qualified family members; state and optional retirement plans; access to UA recreation and cultural activities; and more!

Accepting a new position is a big life step. We want potential candidates and their families to be able to make informed decisions. Candidates who are considering relocation to the Tucson or Phoenix area, and have been offered an on-site interview, are encouraged to use the free services offered by Above & Beyond Relocation Services (ABRS)<http://www.aboveandbeyondrelo.com/package.asp>.Ask your department contact to be introduced to ABRS prior to your visit.

The University of Arizona has been recognized on Forbes 2015 list of America’s Best Employers in the United States and has been awarded the 2015 Work-Life Seal of Distinction by the Alliance for Work-Life Progress!

Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2016.  Please submit letter of application along with a CV, statement of teaching, statement of research interests, statement addressing past and/or potential contributions to diversity and inclusion through research, teaching, and/or service/outreach, up to three sample publications as well as the names of three references into the UACareer Track system. For a full position description and application information, please visit https://uacareers.com/ (Posting # F20714).  Contact search chair: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.<mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>.


The Assistant Professor of Urban Geography will conduct research and provide teaching that would enhance our offerings and should address one of the following areas:

•        Urban development

•        The complexity of human lives within cities

•        City economies, cultures, or politics

Substantively, research and teaching might focus on (but is not limited to):

•        Social justice as related to transportation, food, housing, or environmental change

•        Processes of racialization or ethnicization and their effects

•        The implications of financial markets on urban growth and change; migration and acceptance of refugees

•        The role of religion and faith in cities; contentious politics

We seek a scholar with a strong research record and a promising agenda for future work. A Ph.D. in Geography or a related field is required by the time of appointment. Applicants in related fields should demonstrate that their research is sufficiently geographical to fit within a multi-faceted Geography department.


2)      University College Dublin – Various positions in Economics and Geography

UCD are advertising a number of posts in Economics and in Geography that may be of interest to the forum. Please see the link below for further details.


Closing dates for applications is 5pm (local Irish Time) on Wednesday, 30 November 2016.

Application form and further information (including application procedures) can be obtained from:







- C B J I S –

Volume 1, Number 1


THE CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS invites you to submit a paper for the inaugural issue of the Journal, which will be launched on October 28th 2016.

CBJIS is a double-reviewed print-in published journal. The aim of the journal to become a serious vehicle for inspiring and disseminating research papers, articles, case studies, review articles in all subject areas by the research, corporate and practitioners with substantial experience and expertise in international law and human rights studies, international relations, political studies, regional and security studies, economics and regional development, public administration, demography.

Practical details :

All necessary details about the journal and writing requirements can be found at:  http://cbjis.ugal.ro    

Papers should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by September 26th 2016.

Please include your name, email address and your institutional affiliation.

The accepted languages are English and French.


Contact person:  Prof.dr.Mihai Floroiu – e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Postal address: Faculty of Legal, Social and Political Sciences, “Dunărea de Jos” University, Galaţi, 111 Domnească Street, tel/fax: +40.336.130.165, Romania



International law.

International organizations

and Diplomacy

Security and international


Cross-border cooperation

and regional development

Contact Us:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


28 October 2016 Issue n° 9
ERSA2017 Call for Special Sessions Now Open

The ERSA2017 Congress Website is LIVE


Visit it on a regular basis to stay updated.

Call for Special Session Proposals is OPEN

The Local Organising Committee is happy to invite you to submit your proposals for the 57th ERSA Congress.

The deadline for proposals is 2 December 2016.

Don't miss this chance to contribute to the biggest event in Regional Science! Be part of it!


Call for Abstracts/Papers Start: 16 December 2016

Road to ERSA2017

The Road to ERSA2017 consists of four public lectures by prominent regional scientists as a precursor to the ERSA 2017  Congress in Groningen. The lectures cover the broad field of regional sciences with implications for Dutch (Northern) regions and cities.

The 2nd Lecture on "Government and Innovation" will be held on November 10 in Groningen.

Prof Koen Frenken, Prof Dries Faems and Mayor Den Oudsten will speak about the sharing economy and the innovation strengths of the Northern Dutch SME's. more

Groningen: The City of Talent
Watch the Video

Follow the road to ERSA2017 on  Twitter  and Facebook

Other ERSA Events ...

How can Regional Policy Benefit from Big Data?

International Workshop co-organised by ERSA, CORE-UCL and DG REGIO 

22 November 2016, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

The workshop will gather a unique platform of scholars with an expertise in the field: 

Paul Longley, Isabelle Thomas, Lewis Dijkstra, Catherine Linard, Filipe Batista e Silva, Hugo Poelman, Nicolas Ibañez and Panayotis Christidis. 

Programme and registration: more

30th ERSA Summer School

GIS and Regional Science: Theory and Applications

9-15 July 2017, University of the Aegean, Lesvos island, Greece

Call for Applications Start: 7 December 2016   Preliminary Information

ERSA Sections Events  - Other Events

ERSA Sections Events ...   


Spanish Section - International Conference 

30 years of integration in Europe from the regional perspective: past lessons and future challenges
16-18 November 2016, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Languages of the Conference: Spanish,Portuguese and English more

German Speaking Section - Annual Winter Seminar 

18-24 February 2017, Spital am Pyhrn (Austria)

Call for abstracts deadline: 9 December 2016 more

French Speaking Section - The 54th Colloquium of ASRDLF
jointly organised with the Greek Section of ERSA

Cities and regions in a changing Europe: challenges and prospects

5-7 July 2017, Athens (Greece)  preliminary Information

For more events outside Europe, visit RSAI website

Other Events ...


International Conference supported by the ERSA Romanian Section
Knowledge Economy - Challenges of the 21st Century

17-18 November 2016, "Constantin Brancoveanu" University of Pitesti (Romania)  more

ICUBERD Conference 2016 
University-Based Entrepreneurship and Regional Development:
Theory, Empirics And Practical Implementation 

1-2 December 2016, Pécs, Hungary more

Remembering Vienna ...

The Local Organising Committee is happy to share with you the Congress Video as well as Edward Glaeser's Keynote Presentation Video, both recently posted online. Over 700 presentations were held, covering the whole range of topics in the field of Regional Science, and there were lots of networking opportunities.

Congress Video

Edward Glaeser's Presentation during the Opening Session

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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