Elisabete Martins

1st short Announcement, JAN 2017:
The 54th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI


The 54th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI will be held from 6th Fri. till 8th Sun., October 2017 in Kyoto, Japan.


Venue: Ritsumeikan University, Kinugasa Campus (Tojiin-Kitamachi, Kita-Ku, Kyoto)


Please book your accommodation(s) by yourself as soon as possible because Kyoto starts Autumn-high season after October.


List of Organizing Committee:
Hidehiko KANEGAE (Ritsumeikan University)


Yusuke TOYODA (Ritsumikan University)


Committee members:
Kiyoto KUROKAWA (Ritsumeikan University)
Kenich ISHIBASHI (Nagoya Sangyo University)
Satoru ONO (Ritsumeikan Univesity)
Minji CUI (Ritsumeikan University)


Project II, The Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan
,Komatsubara Kitamachi -58, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 6038341, JAPAN


Contact & updated information:
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
URL: http://jsrsai.jp/en/



The Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) in collaboration with Sam Ratulangi University invites scholars, practitioners and graduate students to submit papers to be presented in the 6th IRSA International Institute. The theme of the conference is Maritime Infrastructure and Regional Development, and it will be held in Manado, North Sulawesi on July 17-18, 2017.


Potential topics to be discussed in this conference include, but are not limited to:

  • Eastern Indonesia Regional Development
  • Infrastructure Development and Financing Infrastructure Development
  • Logistic and Transportation
  • National and Regional Competitiveness
  • Public Private Partnership
  • Village Fund for Infrastructure
  • Political Economy and Governance of Regional Development
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Regional/International Trade, Public Finance, Investment and Inflation
  • Rural Development, Agriculture, Urban Issues, Rural-Urban Migration
  • Other Topics Related to Regional Science or Regional Development


Extended paper abstract of about 250-500 words should be submitted online via http://manado2017.irsa-indonesia.org/abstract-submission/ by April 14, 2017.


Abstract should consist of background, data and methodology, potential contribution to knowledge, and keywords. Abstracts must be submitted in English, as also the full paper.


Paper sessions are seminar-style for each paper and ample time for discussion and for participants to provide constructive feedback to authors. Paper presentations will be in English.

Important Dates

Dec 30, 2016 : Abstract Submission Open
April 14, 2017 : Abstract Submission Deadline
May 1, 2017 : Early Bird Registration Open
May 19, 2017 : Notification of Abstract Acceptance
June 2, 2017 : Early Bird Registration End
June 23, 2017 : Full Paper Submission Deadline
July 5, 2017 : Paper Presenter Registration Deadline
July 5, 2017 : Non Presenter Registration Deadline
July 17-18, 2017 : Conference Date
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 22:56



The Latin America Regional Science Association (LARSA) represents the affiliated and common interests of the various regional science organizations of the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

LARSA operates as an objective, scientific body without political, social, financial, or nationalistic bias. It supports its objectives by promoting acquaintance and discussion among regional scientists and with scholars in related fields, by encouraging the publication of scholarly studies, and by performing services to aid the advancement of the field of regional science.

LARSA serves as the organizational body representative of the interests of its institutional and individual members with respect to the Regional Science Association International (RSAI). It affiliates sub-national, national or regional sections of the Regional Science Association International located on Latin America and the Caribbean. The sections are institutional members of LARSA and their individual associates are members of RSAI. Institutional members can simultaneously be members of other supra national associations.

25 January 2017 Issue n° 1

57th ERSA Congress

Social Progress for Resilient Regions

                                                         Only 10 Days to Submit

The 57th ERSA congress offers 34 special sessions and 20 General Themed sessions; covering a wide range of crucial and hot topics in the field of Regional Science. Furthermore, the program offers a key note lecture by Tony Venables (on the 29th of August)! A new addition to the program is the policy day (on the 31st of August) where present day social issues can be discussed with policy makers, representatives from EU, OECD & EIB and the academic community together.

Whether you are a senior scholar or a young scientist: Groningen is the place to be! 

Join us and contribute to the largest event in Regional Science. 

Be part of it!

Call for Abstracts and Papers Deadline: 10 February 2017   Submit Now!


Follow the road to ERSA2017 on  Twitter  and Facebook

The Call for Applications is OPEN!Discover the University and the Island

ERSA Greek Section in collaboration with the Department of Geography of the University of Aegan is happy to organise and host the

30th ERSA Summer School

9-15 July 2017, University of the Aegean, 

Lesvos island, Greece


Central topic: 

GIS and Regional Science: Theory and Applications 

Call for Application Deadline: 

10 March  2017 

Places are limited. Apply now! 

Summer school website 

ERSA Sections Events  & CALLS

German Speaking Section - Annual Winter Seminar 

18-24 February 2017, Spital am Pyhrn (Austria)



Slovak Section - 7th Slovak Winter Seminar of Regional Science

15-18 March 2017, High Tatras Resort, Slovakia (GPS: 49.1681 N, 20.2745 E)

Update: 'We are thrilled to announce that professor Ugo Fratesi from the Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering at Politecnico di Milano will be the keynote speaker at the 7th Slovak Winter Seminar of Regional Science!'   www.ersa.sk


Romanian Section - 11th International Conference of 

the Romanian Regional Science Association

 12-13 May 2017, Pitesti (Romania)

The Romanian Regional Science Association announces its 11th International Conference which is organised in partnership with the 'Constantin Brancoveanu' University of Pitesti and Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency. 

Central Topic: Future Dynamics of Regional Development and Planning
Keynote speaker: Professor Roger Stough, George Mason University, U.S.. 

Call for Papers Deadline: 31 January 2017  www.rrsa.ro


French & Greek Speaking Sections  - 

The 54th Colloquium of ASRDLF and 15th Conference of ERSA GR, jointly organised in Athens.

Central Topic: Cities and regions in a changing Europe: challenges and prospects
5-7 July 2017, Athens (Greece) 

Call for Abtracts Deadline: 1 March 2017 more


Portuguese Section - 24th APDR Congress 

6-7 July 2017, Ubi, Corvilha, Portugal

Central Topic: Intellectual Capital and Regional Development : New Landscape and challenges for Planning the Space

Call for Special Session Proposals Deadline:28 February 2017

Call for Abstracts Submission Deadline: 28 March 2017



Stay updated with ERSA Events Calendar more   

For more events outside Europe, visit RSAI website

Other Events  & CALLS

2017 International Award on Local Development 

It aims to encourage scholars, experts, young researchers, public institutions, public and private actors and businesses to improve awareness of territorial development policies, by focusing on analytic tools and processes, and enhancing the capability to diagnose and compare them at  international level

The documentation needs to be submitted in one of the following languages: English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

To participate in this award: Http://cieo15.wixsite.com/localdev2017award

3rd Workshop on Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market of ZEW

30 - 31 March 2017

Central Topic: Spatial Dimensions  of Inequality

Keynote speakers : Gilles Duranton, Andres Rodriguez-Pose and Jens Suedekum


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Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are very pleased to invite you to Cartagena (Spain) to participate to the 9th edition of the Seminar of Spatial Econometrics in honour of Professor Jean Paelinck. The workshop will be held in October 6-7, 2017.

The conference aims to provide a forum for debate between young and senior researchers and it is open to both theoretical and applied papers, which deal explicitly with questions of spatial statistics and econometrics. Specially welcomed contributions, but not only, are those related with the general topic of the seminar: “Non Parametric spatial econometrics: Theory and empirical issues”. We especially encourage submission by junior researchers.

Keynote Speakers :


   Prof. Dr. Tapabrata (Taps) Maiti (https://www.stt.msu.edu/~maiti/)


                                    Abstracts submission deadline: 20th July, 2017

                                    Full paper submission deadline: 8th September, 2017

                                    Notification of acceptance of papers: 15th September, 2017


You are invited to submit your paper or abstract  to the following email address: 


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Please find enclosed the call for papers. More information concerning the workshop is available at:




We are looking forward to meeting you in Cartagena.


Best Regards,



Dear NECTARists,

Please find attached a call for papers for a special joint Cluster 2/6 workshop Smart Cities - Governing Accessibility, Air Pollution and Equity at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, August 24-25, 2017

This workshop aims to discuss the complex relationships between transport, urbanization, inequalities in accessibility and air pollution, and the governance and policy implications of the development of smart and equitable cities and transport policies. The workshop focuses on major cities and metropolitan areas in Europe, North America and Brasil.

Please note that is a small sized workshop (20 persons) for which University of São Paulo will apply for co-funding from the São Paulo Research Foundation FAPESP. For this application, the full workshop programme, including abstracts and CVs of presenters, is needed. We will be able to fund airline tickets, meals and accommodation for three nights, for one author per paper, if FAPESP provides funding. In the unlikely case that FAPESP funding is unavailable, conference dinner and accommodation for two nights will be offered to 20 participants, for only one author per paper. In addition to invited speakers a limited number of abstracts will be accepted.

If you are interested to participate in this workshop, please send an abstract of your presentation (about 500 words) including author names and affiliations and keywords, and your CV (2-4 pages) in PDF format to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before January 31, 2017.


Karst Geurs


Call forAbstracts and Special Session Proposals


It is our pleasure to announce the 24th APDR Congress, to be held at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, from July 6 to July 7, 2017.


Theme of the Conference:

Intellectual Capital and Regional Development: New landscapes and challenges for space planning


The 24th APDR Congress has the following central theme: Intellectual Capital and Regional Development: New landscapes and challenges for space planning. After 23 years, the APDR’s Annual Congress returns to the University of Beira Interior, for positioning intellectual capital and regional development as a key theme for public policies and the agenda of the collaborative community of politicians, entrepreneurs, researchers and citizens interested in promoting endogenous growth, combined with the institutions, systems and new functional and integrative type designs, for promoting symbiosis among economic, social and political agents, in the joint task of (re) designing a new competitive space, at the regional level. In this context, the central theme chosen is of major importance, since it is urgent to expand the ongoing debate on the importance of identifying, monitoring and managing the different components of regional-based intellectual capital, in order to stimulate a structural change in the scope of innovation and development regimes, funded on endogenous growth factors.
The 24th APDR Congress aims to address different questions, namely: What are the regional development models applicable in peripheral and low population density economies? How can intellectual capital promote regional development? Are higher education institutions a vehicle that promotes quality of life and innovation at the level of cities? Can services contribute to sustainable regions? How to plan regional space from a perspective of entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystems? How to finance regional planning and development? What transport networks should the trans-European regions have? What should be the new productive specializations in the regions? Can sport be a motor for regional development?
The Congress will include a Policy Forum, Plenary Sessions, Special Sessions, Conferences and Round Tables, Workshops and Parallel Sessions.
The Parallel Sessions will include: (i) communications submitted to Regular Sessions (RS) proposed by the organization; And (ii) communications submitted to Special Sessions (SS), proposed by participants as well as discussion topics included in Workshops proposed by the participants.
The communications presented at the 24th APDR Congress may be published in the Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais (RPER), even though a first version has already been included in the minutes of the Congress. Thus, interested authors should submit their manuscripts, even if revised in relation to the texts presented at the congress. There is no deadline for this submission. The texts must be formatted according to the RPER publication standards: http://www.apdr.pt/siteRPER/PT/submeter.html. The decision of acceptance will follow the standard of habitual exigency, being based on independent external evaluation (peer-reviewing).


The call for papers and Special Session Proposals is open and your participation is very welcome!

Themes of specific interest are:

-        Models for Regional Development

-        Regional and Local Development Policies

-        Regional Intellectual Capital

-        Financing of Economic Growth

-        Regional Innovation Systems, Clusters and Ecosystems

-        Regional and Local Public Finance

-        Sectoral Policies and Regional Dynamics

-        Infrastructure, Transportation Networks and Regional Development

-        Labour Markets and Development

-        Entrepreneurship and Regional Development

-        Quality of Life and City Planning

-        Services, Tourism and Sustainable Regions

-        Education, Innovation and Territory

-        Rural Development and Agrarian Economy

-        Regional and Urban Planning and Regional Development

-        Sports and Regional Development

-        Low Density Regions and Development


Deadline  for  Special  Session  proposals:  February  28th,  2017.  Proposals  should be sent by to the secretariat of the Congress  (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


Deadline for Abstracts submissions: April 28th, 2017. Abstracts should be submitted electronically, using the platform available on the Conference website: https://events.digitalpapers.org/apdr2017/


All information at the congress website: http://www.apdr.pt/congresso/2017/


Looking forward to meeting you in Covilhã!


The Organizing Committee and the Board of APDR

24th APDR Congress

Dear Colleagues/Caríssimos Colegas,

The call for papers for EDULOG’s International Conference on “Economic development in Southern European Regions: Policies and higher education”, that will take place in Porto, on the 25th and 26th of May 2017, has been postponed to the 31st of January: http://conferencia2017.edulog.pt/.

As you already know, EDULOG will be hosting for the first time a Conference dedicated to the link between human capital, higher education (innovation) and regional development, focused on the four Southern European countries, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece.

You can find the overall description of the Conference in our website, where you can also register for the event:http://conferencia2017.edulog.pt/

More details will be regularly updated online.

Papers that investigate and/or analyse the following themes are welcome:

§The success or lack of success of policies implemented in the lagging regions of the four countries.

§Theory-based evaluations or quantitative counterfactual evaluations.

§Theories behind the success or failure of policy efforts in this type of regions.

§New policy perspectives or objectives, which should be implemented.

§The interrelation between national and European regional policies and how they can be coordinated and made more complementary.

§Prospective and policy components on the link between human capital, higher education (innovation) and regional development will be particularly welcome.

§Reports from on-going projects on Smart Specialisation Strategies.

I do apologise for any potential cross-posting, and do look forward to welcoming you in Porto.

Please do not hesitate to share this with your colleagues and partners and you can find two documents attached to this email, which can be freely used for the event communication purposes.  

If any questions persist, feel free to contact me.

Kind wishes,

Wendeline van der Feltz

EDULOG Secretary General

Local organizing committee

Monday, 16 January 2017 15:41

International Award in Local Development

I am sending to your information the website of the International Award for Local Development.



Of particular relevance is the call for proposals which is available in several languages ​​here:



The different awards will be delivered at an International Conference in Faro (Portugal) in the second half of May.


This conference will have a series of parallel sessions with the possibility of presentation of recent research and best-practices.

Dear NECTAR friends 

The 2017 NECTAR conference on "Transport in a networked society" has extended the deadline for submitting abstracts till January 30th.

Madrid will host this conference during the 31st of May till the 2nd of June 2017.

Find more details in the updated call for papers or at the conference website:


Kind regards


Ana Condeço-Melhorado

NECTAR Secretary

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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