The ERSA call for submissions was very successfull with over 800 submissions until now!
For those who want to join ERSA 2017 in Groningen but did not had time to submit, we'll give you until the 28th of February to submit your abstract and become part of it!
Go to to submit your abstract or paper.
Dear colleagues,
For your information and for colleagues that investigating in the proposed areas.
There is still a few days left before the deadline for proposals submission !!!
Your proposals are welcome!
Best regards,
Conceição Rego
Please find attached the announcement of the 1st Congress of LACRSA, to take place in São Paulo, October 11-13, with pre-congress workshops starting Oct 9.
Please visit for information.
The 10th edition of the Spatial Econometrics Advanced Institute, The Summer School of the Spatial Econometrics Association will be held at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome (ITALY) May 15th - June 9th
(Instructors: Giuseppe Arbia, Anil Bera, Ingmar Prucha, Badi Baltagi)
Details at
Deadline for applications: Mar, 31st, 2017
The 11th World Conference of the Spatial Econometrics Association will be held in Singapore, hosted by the School of Economics, Singapore Management University
Details at:
Over the last decades, climate change has evolved from an issue of interest to some natural scientists primarily, into one of the top priorities on the global policy agenda. Yet, domestic political institutions and policy-maker's normative commitments continue to play a key role in countries’ decisions to mitigate, to plan for and to adapt to the effects of climate change. Therefore, the extent to which the international political climate frames the nature of national policies for climate change is still very much on the agenda, but with new nuances and facets. The CITTA 10th Annual Conference on Planning Research tackles this timely issue by discussing the challenges that communities and governments face when it comes to planning for climate change.
São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Climate Change: Scientific basis, adaptation, vulnerability and mitigation
03-15 July 2017, São Paulo, Brazil
Application deadline: 31st March 2017
Goal: To provide graduate students with advanced knowledge on climate change science and related topics: Observations and future projections; impacts; vulnerability; adaptation and mitigation; and the Paris Agreement: How to reach the 1.5ºC target, including aspects of public policy. Participants will discuss with renowned scientists important themes of the three IPCC Assessment Report 5 Working Groups, in a multidisciplinary and multicultural context. The program will include theoretical classes, work in groups, a poster session, science-policy discussions, and visits to key institutions in the State of São Paulo conducting climate change research with policy applications.
Audience: This School is for graduate students and early career scientists. Priority will be given to candidates currently enrolled in graduate programs (Masters/MSc and Doctoral/PhD courses). About 100 students, 50 from Brazil and 50 from other countries, will be selected to participate in the School. A limited number of travel grants is available.
The School is organized by the INterdisciplinary CLimate INvestigation cEnter (INCLINE) and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), and sponsored by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Pró Reitoria de Pesquisa/University of São Paulo (PRP/USP), IAI and Santander.
For more information, see the flyer and full announcement attached.
Website of the School:
All information concerning the School is also available at the INCLINE website at and at the IAI website at
Dear Colleagues,
We have already seven submissions for the Special Session Walled Territories accepted for the ERSA Congress 2017 in Groningen. There is an extension of the Call for submission until the 28th of February. We think this is a very important topic for the world today that deserves more deep thoughts and analysis from regional science and the authors are invited to submit their work to a special issue of Regional Science Policy and Practice.
You have until the 28th of February to propose an abstract and a few months to develop the theme. The territorial illnesses of the world are nearby to be better understood. There are market and policy failures; but there are also science failures mostly when we are distracted from the reality.
Write your title, aims, methods and hypothesis in the abstract. There are loads of data to be treated and, we are sure, very effective results to be discussed, improved and publicised.
We can create a great year of 2017.
Andrea Szekely and Tomaz Dentinho
We would like to offer your attention the latest issue of our journal Regional Statistics!
The cognitive and geographical structure of knowledge links and how they influence firms’ innovation performance – Tom Broekel – Ron Boschma
DOI: 10.15196/RS06201
An improved radiation model and its applicability for understanding commuting patterns
in Hungary – Levente Varga – Géza Tóth – Zoltán Néda
DOI: 10.15196/RS06202
Commuting patterns in Romania: Case study on Cluj County – József Benedek
– Iulia Hărănguș – Titus Man
DOI: 10.15196/RS06203
The Transport in Our Time-Budget – Tamás Fleischer – Melinda Tir
DOI: 10.15196/RS06204
Migration settlement networks in the Carpathian Basin, 2001–2011
– Áron Kincses – Lajos Bálint
DOI: 10.15196/RS06205
Estimates of Net Capital Stock and Consumption of Fixed Capital for Australian States and Territories, 1990–2013 – Serguei Mikhailitchenko
DOI: 10.15196/RS06206
Characteristics of transit tourism in Hungary with a focus on expenditure
– Áron Kincses – Géza Tóth – Mihály Tömöri – Gábor Michalkó
DOI: 10.15196/RS06207
The uneven transformation of consumption spaces and the rise of new marginalities
in Hungary – Erika Nagy – Gábor Nagy – Gábor Dudás
DOI: 10.15196/RS06208
Brand wars in cyberspace: a GIS solution – Ákos Jakobi – Hajnalka Lőcsei
DOI: 10.15196/RS06209
The world’s economic centre of gravity – Géza Tóth – Zoltán Nagy
DOI: 10.15196/RS06210
We suggest the Facebook page of the journal as well:
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.